Frage von annat:
I will of nem word.doc in Cyrillic writing tool for importing into avid title, but only because war fragezeichen pure. hat jemand ne idee how avid the Cyrillic writing of word can catch on?
Antwort von camworks:

pc or mac?
Antwort von annat:

hello arndt,
pc and avid express version 4.1
Antwort von camworks:

Then one of avid independent windows should be sache.
Procedure: Have you besorgs ttf (trutype) fonts with Cyrillic character set (you have googled me, there are many), freeware fonts for it.
The fonts are written into the windows directory (in Settings).
Then you have the right bottom of the windows system tray where U.S. stands with right-click on the EN input and add a new schema.
since you then insert "Russian" or what you need added.
If you need the Cyrillic title, you switch the locale to Russian, and then can use the Cyrillic character set.
for me it has worked with Polish sonderzeichen very good.
rumprobieren in a little doubt that some characters are scattered around on the keyboard :-) you have to make himself stop nen sheet, where anything is.