Frage von aquarius:
hello together,'ve read somewhere that it Sonygibt on WinXP with the software supplied, problems of, that the burner and various other matters and does not recognize the download of the action is not right. Do you have similar problems there may be synonymous with other programs (freeware? Master) these tasks?
lg aqua
Antwort von Markus:

Who needs the bundled software of Sony? What can, what other video editing programs can not? ;-)
Related topic:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Antwort von aquarius:

exactly what I wanted to know if that is synonymous with other programs, I get the movies on the pc or if this sony program is mandatory. May be that Sony has had a great patent again that everything is just working with in-house matters.
Antwort von Markus:

There is nothing to me known. Firewire has precisely the advantage of working with the distance between most devices with only a single drivers (keyword: OHCI).