Frage von Sess:
Search under "Divx" I have found only export issues.
My problem:
I wish with DIVX encoded AVI files to import into premiere pro, what does not work. The progress bar moves no signs of slowing, he just could not import.
A current DIVX codec I installed in my system already.
Do I need to install the Adobe synonymous extra? If yes, how?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Gast 0815:

To begin, I do not work with your editing program, but if you search the net once this can be found as follows:
Input: DivX uses temporal compression which is not suitable for editing. Grief Using DivX files s.source clips will cause you a lot of. Convert them to "uncompressed AVI or DV AVI before importing them into Premiere Pro." (
"actually, divx 6 doesn't work with adobe premiere pro s.all (
So you really only remains external to a supported format such as DV-Avi Avi to change (eg with VDub, supermarkets, etc.) or via Avisynth / try DirectShow filters ( / index.php? showtopic = & hl = 27,677)
Greetings from Marburg