Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: DIY - Rebel Pocket Lighting
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes nice but that was it synonymous already ;-)
Surefire Surefire's just who wants to spend a little less can now consider synonymous Fenix no - although synonymous, the Fenix lights are sometimes not so hot that the processing with respect Surefire terms.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mink:

Are synonymous for 10 NEN already finished plastic lamps with bright krypton bulb fitted very nervous ..... So ...
Antwort von toxitobi:

if I understand it, the ne 6v lamp operates with 9v. How long did the work? - Well no preference main bright
Greeting Toxitobi
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Between you once said people rely more on the Fenix LED and thus the batteries last even longer and just the lamps are actually not too warm as the Surefire lights.
Who are some NEN Lee filter and the film leaves ausschneided cheeky about the LED lamps can be stuck there already making some
But ne Sure Fire burns synonymous nor after 30 min in NEM glass of water ;-)
I'll make my views nen Picture Lamps ;-) What accompany me for years ;-) I have now 4 sure fire lights.
B. DeKid