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DIY elektrischer Vorhang.... Kinovorhang

DIY electric curtain .... Theater curtain

Frage von Mink:
November 2010

Dear Friends Art & Craft,

the curtain in total about 8-9m wide (ie 2x4, 5m, left and right) (the screen is only about 5.5 m wide but the substance will be so pretty synonymous waves) and 3-4m high (weight I guess times to a maximum of 10 kilos per page).

He should be electrically opened and closed by remote control and.

Finished systems cost a money that is hard to believe .... I have a maximum of 150 ¬ DIY budget (excluding fuel).

I have some ideas (fishing lines, garage door openers, etc. ..) and would like to hear your .... maybe someone has already built something so synonymous ... Thank you in advance ....

Antwort von B.DeKid:

150, - is already very close

How will you have to hang the curtain has an idea

- Rail
- Rod

B. DeKid

Antwort von Mink:

Maybe those tracks?

http://shop.strato.de/epages/61019227.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61019227/Categories/% 22% 22Vorhangschienen/-accessories

... And roles:


Will that work without getting caught / smoothly?

Antwort von Numquam:

What kind of curtain you want to use? Dsa weight obviously plays a role.

Of these, I would do the fixing synonymous dependent.


Antwort von Mink:

Curtain fabric to about 400-500g per m2 so ... (Said) ... about 10kg per Page ...

Antwort von B.DeKid:

Looks ever made ok.

Now the only question is by what the Ansteurung or Prinziep to the curtain "on the desk"

Garage door opener is ever good approach NEN
On the other page you'd have 2 rolls / Spuhler per Page and Pro Curtain> each have once again the opening stroke and the closing travel

Intressant Project aufjedenfall times and the 150, - ¬ is almost a good incentive ;-)

Antwort von domain:

The curtain should overlap in the middle, can therefore double flight track. The sliding clips rotated alternately by 90 degrees in carefully and then raises the curtain fine wrinkles. A cheap radio-controlled model car now with forward and reverse. Engine removal and with a drive. or connect pulley for 2 fishing lines with the Federzugteilstück be held under tension. One curtain is with the first clip s.hinteren part of one rope hung, the other on the front page of the second circumferential rope.

Just see that it would work only synonymous with a peripheral rope.

Antwort von Kino:

The curtain rail must not be double-barreled across the entire width. It is sufficient if the two sides in the middle cover.

This works best with the Vorhangzug an endless cable, which crosses the BLWmitte. In the stage of this technology is a broad role (rather roll with worm) wound. On the roll, a switch is by the lead eye, the rope runs. While this is winding horizontally between the two start / stop moving score.

The cable-and rail construction is clearly synonymous with a visit to Heimtexilien / curtain shop to get closer. The principle is in fact synonymous standard there.

The DIY approach with the garage door seems Household s.geeignetsten, since the controller with the limit switches is included in the package. Ideally, you can use the rope (nylon, no fishing line) with the link to the drive pinion extending chain. The ("Funding") Line Mimics in about half your BLWbreite - perfect. However, the engine and the transport process is still quite loud, but has to be synonymous not necessarily be mounted directly next to the curtain.

Do not underestimate the forces required. realize the with a model car, I can not imagine (or you have a transmission which forces you to open the curtain already 1/4h before each performance.) I think I have an old stage curtain motor in the basement , which you can have like, but would the shipping costs already straining a large part of your budget.

Have fun
+ + +

Antwort von Herbert@S:

It is synonymous with radio remote control shutter actuators. The building is not as great. Not those who are integrated into the shaft but in belt winders.

Programmable limit switch (top and below), the synonymous.

Greetings Herbert

Antwort von domain:

I think you're right movies. If hanging there twice for 10 Kg to 100 sliders, then comes into already quite a friction.
Suspected weight of the motor including gear in my opinion, certainly at least 1 kg, if it is to run quietly.

Antwort von Kino:

"Domain" wrote:
I think you're right movies. If hanging there twice for 10 Kg to 100 sliders, then comes into already quite a friction. ...

And so it is not true. In each curtain is down a lead belt (or what is now modern day).

Antwort von domain:

I think, with ¬ 150, - basic budget I would make a virtue of necessity and close and open while the operator with a hand crank the curtain before the eyes of the audience or leave, not behind the curtain.
Motto: What you have not taken away stress and stress you.

Antwort von B.DeKid:

"Movies" wrote:
... Ideally, you can use the rope (nylon, no fishing line) with the link to the drive sprocket chain running ....

Well nylon is so synonymous "quasi" fishing line, but I would guess braided cord wrapped s.besten.

For in "Nylon" we have a Dehn Effect.

If you - Mink - Cord need modest say - I will bespuhlen now again in the cold seasons all of my new roles, and you could be so much to get single pair meter cord.

Add to large multi-rollers are wound strings with more than 60Kilo capacity.

B. DeKid

Antwort von domain:

We each like to think Mannerleut technically in the first place: with ¬ 150 - and a bit of fishing line, because I suppose what should be done.
The problem is probably much more expensive, and the curtain itself is not the synonymous make the best of all wives of a sell-out material as simple itself.
This must be a heavy velvet and locker case-ending material. Above probably belongs into a special clip material (which has gaps every few centimeters to hook) and below a heavy lead weights.
And all this costs, but not much.
If we are not prepared to invest several hundred euros in a reasonably presentable curtain, then you should rather just let it stay. Low-look is always worse than no look.
So rather just leave the screen open.

Antwort von Kino:

"Domain" wrote:
... Low-look is always worse than no look. So rather just leave the screen open.

... and installed for less money-a fine lamination made with black molton related plywood. Since one has in fact throughout the entire film, "What of it.

Antwort von Mink:

No worry. It is made really thought of everything ... the lamination, the substance (as are even people who know right with substances). I deliberately left out everything except the device to pull about 10kg fabric ....

Thank you for your initial feedback ....

@ Domain
The with the crank is a nice idea ... There are synonymous, a second screen for children's program ... boost the self-determined synonymous happy times
And maybe you can still synonymous with the idea a bit further out ... some nice gear for Optics then A la ... first movable curtain in the world ....

Nevertheless, my hats packed a bit and I will try to get added with the automatic curtain. There are so synonymous strong gasoline powered RC cars ... is be great if first starts an internal combustion engine before the screen is in motion:)

Nothing is better than cheap I'll not really apply .... Curtain is part of the cinema feeling and one I care to have such a symbol (synonymous with crank) for me a bit I think schonmal better than bare canvas in a short film .... synonymous if it also s.der long border with grotesque scars (which is synonymous to the film) is celebrated so synonymous Film and Movies so ... a gong synonymous exist!

The specific technical proposals will think through me, make technical drawings, and build all probably throw everything out the window again ... But perhaps what works! yes synonymous.

@ B. Dekid
The offer I am happy to ... because whether or crank engine ... Cords I need.
My email: minkberlin (AT) email.de

With the goal remains the 150 ¬ ... let's see;) ... People are so synonymous plays an Engine or what to spare .... ne for free ticket.

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