Frage von Meister am Mac:
Love Slashcam community!
Finally, the second Project is turned off since I switched to Canon EOS 500D. But now the external synchronization of the recorded sound is more and more confusing, since nearly 250 scenes were rotated (including outtakes and scenes that need no sound at all and which, accordingly, the recorder is not synonymous with running).
So far, I've always played by "and rename" system only look to see which clip belongs to which sound, then all possible to synchronize a row set in Final Cut Pro on the timeline and with Pluraleyes, those things and then exported to the actual project loaded. Since the plugin has not synchronized happy times one or the other, I had to rework the Soundtrack Pro with here and there.
And so now the problem: s.Material for the mountain before which I stand is too costly, annoying, and above all synonymous but it takes too long. S.euch My question: Can the workflow somehow be accelerated? The starting point is about 50 GB of video footage in three folders (one per day of shooting) and 500MB of sound in a folder.
I dream of a standalone program that einließt all the clips and the whole sound at once or in stages, and I watch what was heard, then designate either the clips or equal to synchronize and re-renders.
Available to a Mac editing system with Final Cut Studio 3 and a stupid Win PC with Sony Vegas.
Can one do something or do I need to set up again in front of Mac and domesticated type analogous names?
Antwort von Axel:

I can not ease your hardships, unfortunately, but thank you for your posting. Plural eyes is incredible!
Antwort von carstenkurz:

Not for nothing, there is in professional productions such an extensive and rigorous logistics for dual system sound. Without knowing how the recordings are made and systematically, one can say little about this, I fear.
Proliferation in -> sprawl out
- Carsten