Frage von Jens H.:
if I have a video as a DV - video digitizing, stop all the Recording Programs, times when a small break in the video is?
Is there any prog that just stubborn or only weiteraufnimmt breaks, times when a break is not the same and ends up?
Antwort von paulpope:

Hi Jens,
synonymous always what you've tried to Programs, then an error should not normally occur. Depending on the software, these "gaps" (synonymous dropouts), and where on the tape or video - still time code signals are recorded, withüberspielt (Picture shows a gray with "pimples" in it), or the frames are omitted.
Try the freeware WinDV times to play on from:,Video Editing/WinDV-1.2.3.html
By: A DV tape is already in digital form. You can use the tape, therefore, only play, not digitizer. The video data are with the DV codec compressed. What we have on the PC as a file exists, here's just digitally on tape lubricated. Therefore, it is theoretically possible, as often and without quality loss between your PC and tape umzukopieren.
Antwort von paulpope:

Hello Jens,
thank you for your answer,
the problem is that I am of an S-VHS VCR via a Canopus ADVC 300 The DV - video feed. And on the S-VHS tape, these breaks, with which there is no software that I've done is ...
Viele Grüsse
Antwort von Markus K.:

This is s.fehlerhaften Time Base Corrector of the ADVC-300. The problem is when Canopus has long known.
The only option is to use an external TBC or a VCR with TBC.
Antwort von Markus:
This is s.fehlerhaften Time Base Corrector of the ADVC-300. The problem is when Canopus has long known. I thought so far, the ADVC-300 would have a shutdown, if no more video signal is present? Is there perhaps already a firmware update?
Antwort von Markus K.:

I thought so far, the ADVC-300 would have a shutdown, if no more video signal is present? Is there perhaps already a firmware update? For the problem, there is unfortunately no firmware update. The problem is that the ADVC-300 with some unstable signals transmission via Firewire instead interrupts the signal with the TBC to catch and in the Synchronizer to write (by analogy, however, the signal output). Or. there is synonymous scenarios where the signal horizontally extremely jittert since the TBC is not working correctly.
The grotesque is that the ADVC-110 or the ADVC-100 tapes in which the ADVC-300 total abdreht can easily capture. Since it hooks to the ADVC-300 analogue apparently already Bildfang.
Canopus had me a time ran a ADVC-110 lent by him to the ADVC-300 einzuschleifen, so were the ADVC-300 the error away. However, there was never a solution to the problem for the ADVC-300.
The converter of Edirol has the same problem since it is based on the same chipset of Panasonic based, however, there can be switch via the TBC disable what the ADVC-300 is not possible.
Antwort von Markus:
Canopus had me a time ran a ADVC-110 lent by him to the ADVC-300 einzuschleifen, so were the ADVC-300 the error away. Thanks for the tip. Previously, I had an external TBC, when it was critical. The above variant, I will on occasion but synonymous try again.
Antwort von Markus K.:

Thanks for the tip. Previously, I had an external TBC, when it was critical. The above variant, I will on occasion but synonymous try again. However, we must say that the only course synonymous what the signals affects the ADVC-110 alone can clean digitizer. If the Syncs are so worn that the ADVC-110 images omits or does not properly synchronize may still need an external TBC.
The solution with the ADVC-110 has served with me on the digitizing of laser discs of the house from a stable supply Sync, in which the ADVC-300 alone, but every now and again a horizintalen jitter over several lines is inserted. The ADVC-110 was the way upstream.