Frage von Erminator:
I have to use something of a DVD for my film. I cut into DV-based and therefore a DV-AVI / QT DV or an uncompressed AVI would be good.
I tried this with DVDx, but may be in the output panel to choose only Indeo, Microsoft Video1, and other horrible format. However, none, with little loss of quality, which is still synonymous for import into
DV editing program is suitable.
White as someone next?
Antwort von Stefan:

Virtualdub-MPEG2 Of Fcchandler can not copy VOBs capture and - if a USEFULLY VFW DV codec (eg, Panasonic DV codec) is installed - save as DV AVI. If no DV codec, I would look around for the free Huffyuv codec.
With a DVD by the DVD recorder I had fields in the non-DV standard ( "lower first in line") order. This could be corrected in the same step with the filter swap Fields of VirtualDub.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Erminator:

What exactly do you mean with VWF-ready? There is insufficient installed by default Microsoft DV codec does not? Still had a quicktime DV codec offering. VWF is the more-ready? `
Synonymous Thanks for the quick reply.
Antwort von Stefan:

No and No ;-)
DirectShow is a different technology. Video for Windows is an older technology that has given up Bill on his Windows computer for encoding.
VFW suitable DV codecs are accessible via the Video for Windows programming routines. Is there some example Panasonic, Matrox, Minconcept, Canopus ... is all in the Virtualdub FAQ
Quicktime DV codec can not be used in VirtualDub. Actually, you almost never be used except in Quicktime applications. DV QT is still "exotic" as DirectShow and VFW ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan