Frage von kili:
I would ask just to technical feedback for the cut of a video.
Before, I would point out that this is compilation of video recordings is pretty brutal. I have made for an animal welfare organization. Those who do not want to see it please look at not.
Please do not pro-contra debate but pure technical feedback. Cut sequence succeeded? "Drama"? Overall impression?
Antwort von mann:

So disgusting these images, but we should all now languish just vegetarian?
Seriously, my craftsmanship Amateur Rating: 1x Watch: So the drama fits so.
The overall impression synonymous well, a detail: after the nail gun, it would be good if the picture stops for a second. (For this proposal, I ask for payment by Paypal, thanks)
For text, I allow myself the following comments (for the award 'Best technology, best picture, best text ....)
This is not sooo important point:
"An animal rights has gone to control." This sentence is linguistically incorrect. He goes more on touring.
The text s.2.15 I'm not really under the skin.
"The response of the farmers I found it very typical and revealing." 2.15: "The whole meat industry is actually based on lack of transparency."
Transparency in or what is meant here, I would Germanize. Sounds much synonymous with harmless because it's all in the meat industry criticized rather lies, deception and concealment.
2.22: ". By welfare or regret at all not trail you were just afraid that these pictures of the Öffentichkeit could be misunderstood I do not know what you s.diesen images can misunderstand.."
I personally find no words perfectly. The farmers have no fear that the images will be misunderstood - but they probably fear that the audience understand looking at the pictures in fact, as something runs out.
The final sentence: "You can tell me None that are the extreme exception cases." I find synonymous not optimal. Draws the previous statement of the entire film s.Ende in a speculative, subjective context - along the lines of: "So I can not believe that these are only exceptions ...". At this point, but it's not about faith or the like, because the hard facts have been presented previously so already. The conclusion would therefore have to emphasize to all again, what more (approximately): ". We see, therefore, as the killing proceeds - total brutal That must be changed"
Antwort von glider_pilot:

So the cut I like it, is the drama built up well I think. However, I think the finale and the general conclusion is not so appropriate. Above all, much too suddenly. I would have expected after the last sentence a bit.
Antwort von kili:

Thank you!
I have to say that the video has been removed. I can - really good! - Install instructions therefore no longer here, but will get here first and foremost fundamental feedback to see where I might slip have occurred and what can I look for in future projects. You can see that as an editor does not like a normal audience. "
Thank you and next you go!
Antwort von domain:

I have made for an animal welfare organization. Those who do not want to see it please look at not.
I think well done.
Ok and what is your own attitude to that?
There are no value-free presentation on the subject, if one is not her own support practicing vegetarians.
When making wills, but you must have Licked Stock up for the shots to overcome probably all right, here is the daily practice that I have experienced a childhood of s.beim Fleischer overlooked dozens of times.
The man is a predator and without protein can not survive his brain, these protein-emphasized evolution, we must stop accepting times.
Antwort von kili:

I would like to raise awareness not my own attitude towards it.
but if you write
here is the daily practice that I have experienced a childhood of s.beim Fleischer overlooked dozens of times. this is synonymous the problem that it runs equally and most meat eaters do not realize this (want to).
I've cut a lot of extremely bloody material and am "tough". I am talking about but not synonymous, that it looks bad but that it's bad for animals. and is subject to protein-themed week in grad ne ard that explains all this better than I intended:)
but please, people, let us not discuss the content but purely from a technical ago.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Shit eating meat!
Antwort von Frank B.:
Shit eating meat! Caution! Everyone here, you is synonymous, it.
Antwort von nicecam:

Hmhmm, we have set up what misunderstood or ignored,
Frank B.? Because:
Meat is s t shit!
Antwort von mann:
Hello ,........ that the video has been removed .... The speaker's voice s.Videoanfang seemed familiar, his website, I must once have recently been visited, and his name synonymous've listed a few others, but before I search endlessly: what is the name? Can I get you of his name? Or his website? Maybe I need (in a few months) for a little 'volunteer' image of a school project, a spokesperson.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von mann:
Meat .... 'm Here as a semi-vegetarian one (harmless) saying:
"Vegetarians do not reproduce ( - ( they propagate."
Antwort von domain:

Half being vegetarian is a half and so on no matter.
A true vegetarians can not eat not only meat, but take no synonymous exploitative other animal products in any way, or using, such as eggs or milk or synonymous leather in any form, such as in shoes or purses.
The worst thing of all is but as DeKid. He starts to 100% fish that eat again only when other creatures and indeed mainly smaller fish and in the ratio 4:1 to its own weight gain. I believe that even our breeding sows are currently in a better feed conversion rate.