Frage von lomax:![](
I have a SonyDigital8 DCR-TRV210 PAL and have recorded some time ago (4 years) something on our graduation ceremony. Now I would like to digitize this material. Was recorded on a Sony HMP Super 8mm video cassette.
My problem is that I probably then accidentally turned on the widescreen feature of the camera. When I look at the material in the camera viewfinder or the LCD screen, I look at the top and bottom black bars, of course, but if I capture the material as a DV on Sony Vegas 5.0b, then I saved the video without a bar and is therefore distorted in perspective . Perhaps someone knows a solution?
Antwort von rush:
Vegas offers no possibility to choose whether you s.anfang dv pal (want to capture normal) or widescreen? or the general program-settings nin switchen on widescreen? .. no plan of vegas ... much success:)
Antwort von camworks:
schonmal tried so gecapturte material into a 16:9 project import?
Antwort von lomax:
Vegas offers no possibility to choose whether you s.anfang dv pal (want to capture normal) or widescreen? or the general program-settings nin switchen on widescreen? .. no plan of vegas ... much success:) Unfortunately not. Do you know of a program with which this is possible?
Antwort von lomax:
schonmal tried so gecapturte material into a 16:9 project import? That works;), where it looks wonderful. Now I need to stop only the correct specification for a project with DV footage in 16:9 format. Can someone help me there?
Antwort von Marco:
>> If I capture the material as a DV on Sony Vegas 5.0b,
>> I then saved the video without beams and is
>> Accordingly, perspective distortion.
Sure, if it is in a 4:3-Project and the preview does not resize ...
>> Now I need to stop only the correct specification
>> For a project with DV footage in 16:9 format.
You only have to call the Project Properties under the PAL DV Widescreen template.
>> Is there help me someone?
Antwort von lomax:
Problem resolved. Thank s.marco and the others!