Frage von Mario:Hi folks!
After I learned that I had the Pinnacle Studio DV, because of incompatibility with my Asus A7A266 (Ali Magik 1 chipset), of my wish list can be deleted,
I would like to know what firewire card with this motherboard works?
Hat maybe someone of you ne funtionierende Combined operating?
Thanks in advance, Mario
Antwort von mike:
hy mario!
I can give you no functioning combined with the offer a7a266
but just a tip
shows you the board will go!
I've also tried this with a video editing pc board to build.
Succeeded, it is even though I am not in a computer company work, a lot of time, components, and used to exchange experience with video editing pc's have.
highly recommended is the EPOX 8KHA DDR if you want to use RAM's