Frage von NetKilla-2k1:Hello,
We are a young agency in the field of
Wedding photography is now a good to
high level.
Because our customers always synonymous after
Video Services to ask, we have
decided to offer this now synonymous.
The shooting on location, dealing with the creative
camera, etc. is for us as photographers synonymous
in the video field is no problem.
What really is different, or more time
Anspuch notes, is the cut.
Since the problem is synonymous, because we find
that the average cost so much time that the
whole economy is limited.
What would happen from the perspective of a Film / Video --
professionals the best workflow to be as effective as possible
a wedding video to be cut?
As an example, since you can now take a short futures
take the 1.5 h MiniDV material emerged
and have a longer deadline, at which material 6h MiniDV
In short, a film about 20-35min of video,
the long movie in a video which should not be longer than
Is 90min. If a lot is happening max. 120min.
What is the best approach if you want to make the following among others: capturing, viewing, cutting, color & brightness correction, sound playback, DVD menu, possibly with photos of the photographers involved.
Thank you for your help!
Antwort von muo:
Hi Netti
If the "outsource" the cutting of the wedding theme for movies you would then just sign up via mail with me / us.
Greetings Rob
Antwort von Axel:
A 1-hour wedding video is a pain! You come with one hour = 1 material cartridge, and later less. 20 minutes are good, 15 better.
1. On piece of capture. They watch the time code and IN-OUT notes. The preliminary views and the first choice to run in one step and in real time. Log in and later recording need three real-time experience.
2. According to the notes by the recorded clip Scrubber, coarse IN and OUT-points set in Subclips transform and roughly chronological designate (1,2,3 or detail). Advantage over "Automatic scene separation": It works only with material that you want to use and provides the chronology itself. Time: about 15 minutes. After the pre-determined and stamped by the customer approach 3 or 4 sequences to create (eg: preparation, Yes-word celebration) Then select all and in the timelines.
Clock Comparison: The rough is completed in 1hr 15 min.
3. If each sequence synonymous only takes 5 minutes, you will need for the re-sifting, trimming, changing the titles and change the music together 4 hours schedule. Render, export and authoring with modern computers are then ready to zapp quack. With this plan, you will come to a working day = 8 hours.
My first wedding video was a friendly service. With a slow and cumbersome way of working, I came to 50 hours. This however would not be expected.
Antwort von NetKilla-2k1:
Hello Axel,
yes, yes that is consistent with our experience.
So the raw material is at 1h (1h wedding accompaniment) for a Endvideo with the aim of 15-20 minutes of video, so approximately one working day (8h) should invest.
Should 6h raw material, it could be that you loose a whole week s.Calculator sitting.
What we absolutely can not understand is the following:
If you want on the Internet and google after Hochzeitsfilmern, if any, whose watches price list, then yes you can ausrechen roughly what proportion s.Schnitt deserve. And since it partly as if those of you in the reported labor expense on condition that effectively only 15 euros per hour to earn, ie 120 euro s.Tag.
And this is absolutely abnormal, right? Also in the photo area, we get for Postprodukton about 400,00 Euro s.Tag. And we thought that a cutter, the synonymous would be able to ZDF, Arte and canvas cutter, but certainly between 250-350 euros per day gets.
So how does it work with the cheap wedding videos?
Are all amateur filmmakers to their hobby into their profession and where there are enough to earn as much as a simple craftsman?
Antwort von Markus:
So how does it work with the cheap wedding videos? Look at such a low-cost wedding video at times. It was not until the average savings, but at the time of recording. The rest will somehow "cut together" (= selectively reduced) so that it is not quite so long - but still much too long to be interesting to be able to.
Antwort von Kulturi:
I would not underestimate the shooting. There are some differences to photography. It is not a Still Image, Moving Image at the right stage to put it synonymous requires craftsmanship and skill.
If there is a rotation plan, expected later cut synonymous no problems.
Tschüßi Thomas
Antwort von PowerMac:
I think that your videos do so as long as synonymous for cutting, because their idea of photography did. What you probably missing is the cinematic approach to staging, and the narratives of the ellipse. Movies are something other than photographs. Even in the "documentary" field. Telling stories is something other than the representation of many individual cumulative photographic moments. You have to solve by Photographic. Again referring to my Santaella;)
Antwort von snakenic:
The whole problem lies in the increasing number of low-cost supplier on the market. How can I deliver a decent video for 400 ¬, where I of 8:00 am and early in the night 24:00 and turn the whole still must be cut.
I myself have about 20 wedding videos and do it now synonymous only if the expense is paid. The price I do not struggle with more. Arithmetic we look through. In the above schedule are the 16 hours filming time. They come loose material out of 4 hours.
I put my videos on about 45 min. Everything else is too long and so boring. And now there is a simple cutting operation Fausformel. By one minute to completely cut with all of them like wasd Titteln, color correction, Music, crossfades, effects, etc. you need 1 hour. The heist approximately 45 hours then cut 1 week.
And believe me I have a lot Sch ... ß seen in less time together was shot. Then came dan bridal couple to me, which I have the video dan save. Previously, they wanted to take me but not because they have found someone of it has made for less.
Conclusion: A decent ordinary video costs money.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
(...) One has to solve by Photographic. (...) yes and no.
Yes, because the narrative style with an entirely different film is, of course, that is synonymous with s.Sound. The film maker has it entirely in the hand, by example, etc. Schnittempo the audience to dictate the order in which he must see the pictures.
No, because a film synonymous "photographed" is. In the old productions are synonymous partly still "photographer: ..." in tension. In the picture are essentially sharing the same perspective as in the rules of photography. The viewer can (except for a slideshow) the images in any order considered. He can always synonymous him to a very interesting picture to return.
With photographs, you can tell stories
synonymous with the viewer about the history usually not more than the name of this sequence ... Then there is imagination!
Antwort von Axel:
@ snakenic.
To your work effort: Not more than any brothel owner would be more than ¬ 1000 for a wedding video output, which in your hours at a fair calculation would at least get out.
Furthermore, today even a wedding video zusammenschnippeln from one to three Verwandtencams, who are always with. If you have more than ¬ 500 is required, it must be so, because you're right, much better. But I see no reason I do not have to absorb selectively. You do not need more material than an hour, if you rotate efficiently. Schedule F? Of course, any original wedding
photos, I have not yet seen synonymous. That is always the best model. For videos it is my opinion less to aesthetics than to the ritual and the feelings of the participants. Man grabs Although a blur, but then not use him. Then we see what works, and if you have a technically poor recording of the bride and mother (not made, hand-held camera), the lips of the quake, is the pure, and the hell with the whole glossy.
During the ceremony recommends you after an hour, if you collected enough portraits. It's nothing new anymore.
Whether for Netti counts, he must find himself. Long tinkering
at the intersection one can hardly afford.
Antwort von PowerMac:
A film not photographed, he uses the form of photography. Medium of film is therefore the time difference to photography, the difference to photography through moving images. If anything, in the inter-media sense, photography content of the medium film. With a medium as opposed to its form is not itself observable.
Antwort von roller247:
@ snakenic.
Furthermore, today even a wedding video zusammenschnippeln from one to three Verwandtencams, who are always with. If you have more than ¬ 500 is required, it must be so, because you're right, much better. Right, but .... zusammenschnippseln itself or a cheap take providers. And then come the most when they get married, but back to us for the video still save it.
The ¬ 1000 with the greatest in the large and full. I have a certain quality and most couples synonymous. And if this claim will be met, cost it is. yes no I force myself to book it. But advocates quality rum and I have to do well.