Frage von Sebastian Kaps:
My parents in order of rising cable TV on DVB-S and Bena ¶ term now two
corresponding receiver. In my opinion, would a re ¤ HDD receiver as
"Hauptgerà ¤ t" s.sinnvolsten and Zweitgerà ¤ t as a simple DVB-S
Big receiver without frills.
Main focus should be on simple, thoughtful handling lie.
CI slot is not ¶ Bena account. Connected is Hauptgerà ¤ t s.einem
à ¤ Technisat older 32 "LCD to a maximum of 720p and not dominated
HDMI port (one component input but it is available).
The purchase of a new TV is not currently planned.
The whole should not be a Verma ¶ gen cost, but "what ordinary"
, so no DIY scrap.
I would probably ¼ rde me first with Humax and Panasonic around.
But since it was not for me, r: what is the example of Technisat-devices led to
Ciao, Sebastian
Antwort von Wolfgang Hauser:

Sebastian Kaps wrote:
You're in the wrong group. For non-computer related
TV matters responsible.
Antwort von Sebastian Kaps:

Wolfgang Hauser wrote:
> You're in the wrong group. FÃ ¼ r not computer-related
> TV stuff is competent ¤ constantly.
Ah, sorry. My mistake.
Ciao, Sebastian