Frage von Jürgen F.:
Hi All,
times since I've a problem:
I try
DVCPRO50 tape via FW in EDIUS5.12 with HD-Storm + read too. That does not work.
Setter is a Pana AJ-SD93 (broadcast device)
Tapes in
DVCPRO25 mode work - large and small! Cable (synonymous swapped) 6-pin FW. Device is detected in the G-synonymous Manager and listed in the Explorer and. All I / O settings in EDIUS Ok (OHCI SD seem to 50hz) 720x576-50i no preference whether 4:3 or 16:9.
Manual of the playback devices merely confirmed via FW-DVC25 DV DVCPRO50 ok. In the menu, you can not change much synonymous. Synonymous Maybe I'm just a little overlooked.
Has anyone a plan / experience?
Regards Jürgen F.
Antwort von tommyb:

Make sure that the device DVCPRO50 synonymous s.Firewire can give out (yes, such devices are available).
When I look at me, namely the Popo of CNAC (here, then there is only DVCPRO / DV.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hello TommyB,
yes it can. At first I thought synonymous s.einen defect from the setter / Cable ....
But then I got the AJ-SD93 with the HPX2100 via 6-pin FW connected to the internal asked Cam to 1394 DVCPRO50/720x576-50i ... and the signal was recorded on P2 card. Was not but sense the action.
Could it be that have the Calculator / editing system, a FW port "1394b" should be? 50mbts should still run on the FW400. Or is it a driver problem? Perhaps this is the problem.
Unfortunately, the Canopus Support only reach s.Montag again.
Greetings Jürgen F.
Antwort von tommyb:

It should work synonymous with FW400.
I can only s.ein Drivers, or think codec problem in this case. Had been so synonymous with my problems on DVCPRO50 Firewire (25 functioned perfectly).
Antwort von PowerMac:

MAZ resettetet?