Frage von wolfgang-r:
I have connected with Premiere 6.5 and Nero 6 the following problems:
I capture from Premiere out of the Firewire Schnittschnelle my movies of a Sony Digital-8 camera. So far so good. Synonymous Klappt everything. The films then available as a. Avi ago. The processing synonymous with premiere works great.
However, if I, after processing it (yes is another. Avi file will not burn before) this movie to a DVD with Nero, there is the first problem: Once the film is terribly pixelated and jerky, the film has either of the top s.oder begins only after a while see at Lämmeschwanz like a jerk.
Who can tell me what in the recording (which set parameters) have? Furthermore, the parameters are then entered when exporting the movie to achieve a respectable result?
Thanks for your help and greetings
Antwort von Dieter C.:

I think the description is "somewhat confusing" ...
When jerky please what?
The movie (AVI file) which was exported after processing in Premiere??
When Nero (on screen) during the creation of the DVD images??
.. or more after the creation of Nero on the DVD??
Antwort von wrunge:

Hi Dieter,
perhaps was really something, "confusing". So the video jerky when played on the DVD player in living room, so after creating with Nero.
Gruß Wolfgang
Antwort von karl:

Hello Wolfgang,
With which program you encoded on the film (the *. avi) to Mpeg2?
... With the built-in Adobe Premiere 6.5 MPEG encoder (of MainConcept) or with the Mpeg2 encoder of Nero? Forget the latter! I have the very best experience with Canopus Express and Verbatim blanks made (-R)
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Hi wolfgang
Use the expert settings in Nero: =
Average bitrate rather 6000 (as the illustrated 4000)
If the AVI export file of Premiere is OK you should give the good results.
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

So I can recommend you the following.
Render the avi out of Premiere, as a Microsoft DV with lower field first. Then, an encoder of your choice such as TMPGEnc or Canopus or or or. And use an authoring program such as DVDlab, not Nero. And then burn with ImgToolBurn, is based on the engine of Nero. How do I get the best results. Another thing about the settings in Premiere. Tick compress out when new. And the bitrate in the encoder on avg. 8000 max.9000 min. 4500 with a 60min. Video.