Frage von werner s:
I've been about 4-5 years, a DVD player Panasonic DVD-S31, and was still very pleased with the device. Until now flat.
When I got a (purchased) music lodging a DVD, the device has not read the DVD. The attempt to read has started again, but then appeared briefly in the display "CLOSE" on the TV screen was briefly seeing the snow and then the backup was restarted with the same result. This happened with DVD's, Music CD's and Stillimage and synonymous with my cleaning CD.
What can I do? Can I do anything at all (except to throw away and buy a new :-))?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Had the same problem with a Sony
DVD-loaded at home, and bought C13 (errors)
1 days later we went on again --
Was probably the cold and only had to adjust the room temperature
The old devices are there apparently slightly more sensitive
So do not throw away the same - it was all the DVDs you no longer walk.
Antwort von Mane:

Hi Werner!
Had exactly the same problem.
Have you got a solution?
Antwort von Axel:

When cleaning CD and turn on "heating benefit" anything, then please consider: A laser diode does have a lifetime of approximately 5000 hours, during which it is but steadily weaker. For a high-end device, it would be worthwhile to get replaced after the above-mentioned four years the laser.
At S31, the new cost 120 ¬, the successor model to 100 ¬, and while it has remained. Every four years, ¬ 100 for a proven product. Well, maybe I have a verachtbare consumerism, but I think that's reasonable.