Frage von **Tobi**:
Hi folks,
I have a problem.
I've shifted into a DVD recorder, but unfortunately the description was very poor!
I've tried numerous connection possibilities.
at the moment it is connected so that I can kucken on my receiver and when I s.fernsehen the DVD Recorderanschlate I need to some other AV I see snow and be sure to wash the upper right is the menu from the dvd recorder and not a very big signal!
that's my problem, I simply get no signal!
kucken dvds I do not need, I can not synonymous signal.
have all three matters connected with SCART cables. And the DVD recorder is still with the receiver via audio cable.
Perhaps because the absence of any cables so I can get a signal?
synonymous with the DVD recorder can move into its menu and start the channel search, unfortunately he does not ...
would be to help iche cht grateful ... I remember nothing more of a ..
** Tobi **
Antwort von lupesco:

have the same problem, no signal, can someone help?
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If you "snow" you see, then you will get no signal from the tuner of the DVD recorder. To enable the TV can who is also s.The antenna. Traditionally, only the antenna signal into the recorder (RF is plugged in) and s.dessen output (RF out) then the Television.
Should you (want to connect a regular antenna signal), but for example: a digital or satellite tuner or s.AV) Scart input (the recorder, then you must select the appropriate input via Programwahlschlter. When you turn most of program # 1 is displayed. From there you must in the corresponding input (zV: Switch AV1 or so).
There is little (or no) Television, which of them to publish the program on an output just shown! It's always the other way around: The television receives the picture to be displayed either by the external connections or built-in tuner!