Frage von JANP:
I just make a DVD menu in DVD Studio Pro.
I have a menu with 12 buttons. When the DVD starts, the buttons are to be seen immediately. How do I make it that the buttons show up later; Single thread so slow.
Gruß Jan P.
Antwort von Axel:

Salut Jan.
Later Button Activation: Simple, loop point.
Buttons Single thread slowly: A little more complicated.
First, would the Single thread for a film to be created. This in turn implies that you do not use the Photoshop Layers menu, but the Standartmenu with the overlay graphics. I'll do short: you start with a background (film or plate), for which you design the buttons in normal mode, you then later on a plane einfad in Final Cut Pro (mpeg2 and then import into DSP). In Photoshop, you create the exact same shape as the button-2-bit graphics importierst (Manual) and those as well.
If you
select the DSP with buttons in their shapes and the colors for
selected and ready, you only need it or in the inspector palette menu (usually set below right) the
loop point, which is the moment s.dem the buttons are active and the overlays are visible, ideally, ie the time when the buttons are fully displayed. As is usually depicted as a standard button 1 button even as selected, jumps s.Loop course, the bright-point
overlay on the button. The attempt to display the button in Final Cut Pro is already a pre-selected button with, requires creative tinkering, they could have as short a glow effect until it is completely faded, and she must then for about one second in a faded button in the normal will. Why? Sigh, try it out.
For all this, there is perhaps synonymous an easier way, but I do not know. Printing. Please add.