Frage von modellbau:
DVD Studio Pro / Apple menu background
I have a problem at once is not longer a Menuseite to create.
1. I do the following menu (appears synonymous Graphing in black),
2.The Window menu is slightly yellow.
3.ziehe now from the media the background to the menu window.
4.The background image does not appear in the menu only Menufenster Graphing (small blue)
5.wenn I am now going to simulate the background does not appear that I have selected it will appear slightly yellow background.
I 6.wenn but the background from the template and draw your own start simulating it
I Please help me because it is despair.
Antwort von Axel:

If not the thread title would have read when I never thought of that you are talking about DVD Studio Pro. For example, the default, empty Menufenster not yellow, but a neutral gray. Maybe you're the color of your monitor movement in general?
As always synonymous, what's that for a file that your Menuhintergrund be?
Antwort von modellbau:

I have already drawn pictures in the menu and it was perfect
Templates for the draw goes.
Mfg Peter
Antwort von Axel:

So little information. Since one can only guess stupid. With a Picture With Photoshop levels would drag the net into the Menufenster only the background (lowest level) will be displayed. If the empty but ...
Okay, this is not one. I can tell you only so much that there was no malfunction of the program. You've made a mistake somewhere. Put any new Picture times, some simple Jpeg in the window. If the synonymous fails, we can see further.
Antwort von modellbau:

First of all thanks for the help! I have already made synonymous
The window is slightly yellow but Menufenster (as is the picture) where
I template he wants to save the yellow Menuseite
Mfg Peter
Antwort von Axel:

Have times in all sets of DSP compatriots, to see whether you because what could have adjusted. But there are none, the menu background to the template library is limited, would be synonymous doof. After all, you can change the background color with a color picker to choose, perhaps a yellow instead of gray explained.
I am sinking into you, how it works (for window arrangement "Advanced"):
1. You importierst in the media tab below the left a picture or movie file.
2. You delete the non-functioning from the Menu tab "list" at the top left (the only way, an annoyed, flies away).
3. You click on the toolbar at the top of
the menu to add. 4. You activate the preview window in the tab "Menu".
5. You draw your file into this window.
(You can read a file without synonymous Import dialog directly from a folder or the desktop into the window, just works.)
Antwort von modellbau:

I have the bug! it was crazy how the color was very left menu 100%
Thank you Axel for the help.
Yours sincerely,
Antwort von denny89:

I have probably a similar problem but have tried everything what was suggested here.
Suppose I start a new Project s.möchte a video as a background to the menus have. So do I import the video into my field of "media". From there pull ichs Drag & Drop in the menu window and wait for me to drop palette displays. I choose "Set Background" and from then I have the menu with this background.
Up here since I've done everything right, right?
In the simulator, however, I see this gray background. The video shows it as a background to me. When I click on a button and it switches to the video it shows the background video briefly before fading back first and the 1.Spur run.
When I right to select options from the menu at the top "show overlay" option, he shows me how in the simulator synonymous gray.
With apple-J started yes, the animated menu. Again, he shows me the gray background, instead of my video.
Did it with some video formats tries. For images klappt alles.
Is this enough information? Wär super, if someone has an idea. Maybe I'm doing something wrong synonymous, as the yes on every new project commenced does not work ...
Antwort von Axel:

Do you have information in the window - Loop and Outpunkt reviewed and the duration? These are very strange problems which I never manage to reproduce, although I am hard, what the wrong thing. Even if I am a non-DVD compliant codec download (better, equal to mpeg2 and ac3 to import), everything works. I can only say again that the error can only find if you check everything thoroughly, and
that it is an operator error.
When I right to select options from the menu at the top "show overlay" option, he shows me how in the simulator synonymous gray. Sure, because the video is the background. You choose either "light show" or "general view". The overlays are the key highlights, if available.