Frage von Brockhoff:
In the simulator on the DVD Studio Pro, everything is normal. On the
DVD Player does not. The home page is just to see the film then runs off. Moreover, it happens that after pressing the Menuknopfes on the remote control only the text of the control buttons seem to work synonymous.
What can I do?
Thank you!
Antwort von efact:

Button designation? Button sequence? Background? Data rates of motion menus? Any script commands. Can everything and do nothing ....
Antwort von PowerMac:

Everything can not be. Of the things you mentioned are available in DVD Studio sometimes does not. The data size menus, it is not synonymous. I suppose that "automatic activation" in the menu on any one button is. Probably this, what your track starts. Otherwise, very funny ...
It might help if you publish your project here, without a natural media. Thus, one could find the error faster.
Antwort von Axel:
In the simulator on the DVD Studio Pro, everything is normal. On the DVD player. Therefore, I advise that you, with DSP to burn. Only just "Finish" and with the Apple DVD Player to check, then burn with toast. Because one may happen: The fact that the simulator does not simulate an error.
It may be synonymous happen that the software player is playing something, but the physical DVD zickt. Then we know that either the player is defective, the blank (usually), or the burner.
Antwort von efact:

At a standard players just need the addresses synonymous vote
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes Axel, burn image belongs indeed to the standard of the authoring. Especially because with greater circulation must reproduce. And copying works well with images better ...;)
Antwort von O`Shannon:
Of the things you mentioned are available in DVD Studio sometimes does not. Do not know what you mean. Each button can be named, their order, you can specify backgrounds can fit, clips for motion menus to import and convert and scripts can be synonymous nor draustöpseln. What is there which you think not?
Antwort von Axel:
Yes Axel, burn image belongs indeed to the standard of the authoring. Especially because with greater circulation must reproduce. And copying works well with images better ...;) The odds are synonymous garnicht. Before the series, you will want to check single DVD. Before burning to consider comes from the time when blanks are not squandered for 30 cents, but the order simulator software player, burning helps afterwards, because mistakes can be found, where it happened. An image can always be secure in DSP. One need not necessarily be so toast. Toast I already accustomed iMac G3 times when I still had an external burner. Liked the DSP (# 1) did not. And synonymous toast creates an image.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes, Toast is great!
Antwort von O`Shannon:

When testing with PC software players can only see whether the features are okay, but not the means that the DVD is then synonymous runs on a standalone
Antwort von O`Shannon:
Everything can not be. Of the things you mentioned are available in DVD Studio sometimes does not. The data size menus, it is not synonymous. I suppose that "automatic activation" in the menu on any one button is. Probably this, what your track starts. Otherwise, very funny ...
It might help if you publish your project here, without a natural media. Thus, one could find the error faster. This I would gladly do so. Which file should I publish, how and where?
Antwort von Axel:
When testing with PC software players can only see whether the features are okay, but not the means that the DVD is then synonymous runs on a standalone We are talking here not of WMP, is not synonymous of WinDVD or VLC, but on the Apple DVD Player. The silly even responding to is not perfect geauthorte DVDs than most stand-alone player and therefore would lend themselves perfectly as a second test level (except drive or laser abrasion, but I do not count as
my problem).
@ hb: To an attachment to it, you have to first register and login. Then you just add the DSP project file. If we download and open, we do not see your movies and menus, they are offline, but we can then see how your menus, tracks and scripts are linked, and that is usually
Antwort von O`Shannon:

@ Axel
It does not matter whether Apple ode Win, PC drives are there and all the DVDs would be synonymous if you play the IFO finally burning it.
Good it works for most programs only if you can create an ISO.
Mann remembers s.Programs like NERO or currently Encore, doe many updates they needed to work
(Or s.Prassi> RecordNow> Sonic's engine is just Astrein)
Since it is omnivorous, there you notice it only from and to, as well as the information provided here piece by piece from the network verschweinden.
Antwort von Axel:
@ Axel
It does not matter whether Apple ode Win, PC drives are there and all the DVDs would be synonymous if you play the IFO finally burning it. I wrote, I check in three stages: simulation, software and burned to a CD player
worst case (if you can make it there, you make it a-ny - where, CyberHome, goes into its seventh year), not that I say, Apple's DVD player plays, so I have to burn time 10 copies of it. What is just? Do you approach this absurd?
I say the reverse: If it's not on the software is running, go back into the program, for debugging!
Antwort von O`Shannon:

@ Axel
Would like to not Tread tearing and makes sure what you do synonymous sense un your environment.
Just wanted to say that with the Allesfressern (cyber homes) which have begun construction on PC drives synonymous for programmers door and gate open.
Because Apple is synonymous beware unlicensed program code to take over, thus stays in the process of working with trick and it works not always
Antwort von TMaekler:

The Blu Ray has calculated CyberLink nose in front, while Sonic but has several problems.
Antwort von TMaekler:

To return to the original question back, do I connect my Powermac response from that in the event that the program can set the dwell time (1-255)