Frage von Britta Leuchner:
So the thread seems to me not to demolish partu. Now, DVD Studio Pro 4 crashes constantly even synonymous starting at boot, with consecutive errors:
DSPX_EncoderServer quit unexpectedly
DSPX_AEncoderServer quit unexpectedly
Media server quit unexpectedly
etc etc ...
Apple Mac G5 Dual 2.7 PPC with Final Cut Studio 2
Updates and reinstall everything already tried.
Does anyone know the problem? Synonymous already had seen in the DSP package> content> frameworks that everything that eats and it looks much synonymous not suspicious. Google says little content, except these are a few frameworks or plugins may be disabled in packege>. But this is not so. Others say DSP has become unstable are the last system update. I'm baffled ...
Does anyone know where else can still be wrong? In codecs maybe?
Lieben Dank and nice greeting
Antwort von Britta Leuchner:

Who's interested: it was s.den codecs. I had an additional codec pack which was probably not quite knotless quicktime folder. So caution with codecs.
PS: if anyone knows a reputable address, where they stood on the additional codecs get her latest, I would appreciate a link here. :-)
liebe grüße
Antwort von kalle70:

As almost always third-s.Mac is the trigger for problems ...
Nevertheless, good to know
Antwort von Britta Leuchner:
As almost always third-s.Mac is the trigger for problems ...
Nevertheless, good to know ... naja ... I do not do Mac to a religion, and I use MAC are now over 16 years. Errors are everywhere.