Frage von Annaxc:
DVD Studio Pro Script works in the simulator but not when I compile the finished dvd. I have the first menu, a script on the buttons, which have different values into the register GPRM0 write (1 mov GPRM 0, 1) and then to a specific sub-menu to jump (Jump MENU_xy MAIN:: BUTTONef), etc.
In the simulator does the entire 1a, after compiling jump only 2 of 6 buttons on the right menu ...
Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen?
Merci a lot!
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Sets you to register for all buttons in one go, or each in a separate command?
Antwort von Annxc:

The project seems to have been corrupt.
I once synonymous Avid Support knew nothing, everything again in a new project has created and of all the works ...
But I have for each button is an own script had created ...
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Axo. Na dann is ja alles prima. I just thought that one of the sub-scripts perhaps was skipped. We cut it in almost everything imemr knotted scripts, as falling "real" error rather. ;-)