Frage von Vossi:
Hello. I have a DVDR movie pulled. However, I have problems in the German Language to burn. He has all the sequences they need. Say the VTS files. On the PC it runs beautifully. Here I can select the Language. Only I have no choice of language when I burn a DVD! Burning software is Nero 7th Help me please ...
Antwort von Anfester:

Illegal, delete please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antwort von Anfester:

you buy the original !!!!!
Antwort von Anfester:

I have a stolen car without a key, but who has a key for me?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Antwort von Anfester:
Illegal, delete please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No answer to my question ...
Antwort von Anfester:
I. Thank you, can I download?
Antwort von Alpinist:
Help me please ... There are those GVU Association,
Society for the VTS handling. Reputation as times that are intended to help thee!
(040) 611792-0
Antwort von Anfester:

Geh du mal continue your CD `s for sale ....
Antwort von steveb:

nana ... and her husband are all sure that it never did anything illegal downloading. I would almost bet ... :-)
Antwort von Vossi:
nana ... and her husband are all sure that it never did anything illegal downloading. I would almost bet ... :-) I would like to. But I can not question and get no answer!
Antwort von steveb:

On this question, you'll probably not "be helped" :-)
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Hm, but it is certainly not a copy-protected, of a friend and as a hand-DVD bearbeitenten film about the love life of Australian earthworms ........,
where is what or who is illegally here, the legal rate (to a legal advice is required under German law is still an appropriate approval from the Bar!)?
Or is it now only with the consent of "GVU" possible, something in different languages to authors?
And who would be so stupid because even be here after what illegal to ask?
Under above assumption then I reply ...
Look at times DGindex ( to; demuxer at several soundtracks are created when you Reauthoren your DVD again can use.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Vossi:

Finally someone in the head with what! However, there were no earthworms. I have the original film. And the ass so I can make a backup copy LEGAL download!
I thank you in any case for your help!
Antwort von StefanS:

Only that this "someone in the head with what" and you (with seemingly nothing in your head because you do not, among other things were able to look at the Antowrt to your question on its own initiative to arrange) with such issues do not worry about it, whether they are so against the backdrop of today's witch-persecution by the media giants and their agents regierungsbeamtlichen the existence of this forum which is the enormous bother me.
Here speaks None of them, papal than the Pope to be, but if you read the signs of the time synonymous itself does not recognize you, then at least let the people in peace so that, within the laws of this country must be able to move if they want or not.
What your doing is moving and just plain inconsiderate.
Antwort von Alpinist:
And the ass so I can make a backup copy LEGAL download! No, because this right with the purchase of your copy is not included.
The only legal way to back in Europe to create, in which you yourself are using the original, acquired and do not copy it (not even CSS) immediately. Another (but lossy) method is the analog copy, if you do not macro vision protection, etc. immediately. It is precisely this point that you barely legal possibilities to create a legally allocated (!) Backup, is one of the main points in the Urheberechtsnovellen.
I personally of DRM and TPM does not think everything out and put my systems to keep them free, is another story altogether. That the GVU even the dirt-hole par, so yes, the searches of Staatswanwaltschaft proved so eindutig ;-)
Antwort von VolkerS:
Finally someone in the head with what! However, there were no earthworms. I have the original film. And the ass so I can make a backup copy LEGAL download!
I thank you in any case for your help! After you so unlike the other here in the forum are a very clever (think of your mind you), but it had a light for you to be your backup directly vomOrginal you have to do without the hour for days and a need to download . ;-)
Antwort von steveb:

oh man ... why I feel at this precise moment, forced back on another thread noted ... they die not stop!
Antwort von Vossi:

As you know, I was rolling ...
Antwort von steveb:

CIH would say "just written into the wrong forum."
Antwort von Alpinist:
As you know, I was rolling ... What do you expect because when you get something in a forum post where some or even many productions with her to earn money? Would you the same in any file sharing user help forum posted cry, the reaction would have been different ...
Antwort von Juhuuuu:

So in all forums in which I'm on such issues will help (if you really know how to do it) - until, that is the crux of the matter - no title of the film is called.
God, please provide a few guidelines on (if it does - no, I did not feel wanted) - and the will of the MODS met. Not of self Schlaubergern. The person should then ask a mod to even each other.
What lies behind the case - white None here! None really. Suspect - jaaaaa, since we can ne tonne, but believe it's still net know.
What are the legal entities as if they do read this story? Nothing - because no title is called. As one wonders how the times or that goes - it is now prohibited in just about pick INFO? (As I said - somebody knows what with the question then is - has a zugeguckt?).
And what with the words "so that people who earn their money" is concerned: yes, I can look at the same notch cut and say: If your stuff net sau so expensive - it would be synonymous is much, much less Leut dubious methods to buy search ( of a very small mass s.Leute apart by the "eh always does). Everything both is - garbage.
I think you need mal ne tonne s.Grundsatzdiskussionen. And very very fast.
Antwort von Galvanes:

So I think it's okay if he does not help. The suspicion's enough for me to see him not to condemn, but not synonymous with support. basta!
Antwort von StefanS:
- It is now prohibited in just about pick INFO? The repeat of the information would not, but still giving this information.
This is at least of some resourceful Rechtsverdrehern warnings to exploit, which has a lot of publications were suddenly exposed. Among them were usHeise the PCWelt and others.
This forum is too valuable for this and therefore I repeat synonymous for you, what I Schlaumeiern the other two said, without this mod (which is actually a mod?) Or what ever to be synonymous.
Your / You're just inconsiderate to other users of this platform compared to.
Take the s.oder let it stay, you are to me no preference, the Forum as an information source.
Antwort von steveb:
So in all forums in which I'm on such issues will help (if you really know how to do it) - until, that is the crux of the matter - no title of the film is called.
God, please provide a few guidelines on (if it does - no, I did not feel wanted) - and the will of the MODS met. Not of self Schlaubergern. The person should then ask a mod to even each other.
What lies behind the case - white None here! None really. Suspect - jaaaaa, since we can ne tonne, but believe it's still net know.
What are the legal entities as if they do read this story? Nothing - because no title is called. As one wonders how the times or that goes - it is now prohibited in just about pick INFO? (As I said - somebody knows what with the question then is - has a zugeguckt?).
And what with the words "so that people who earn their money" is concerned: yes, I can look at the same notch cut and say: If your stuff net sau so expensive - it would be synonymous is much, much less Leut dubious methods to buy search ( of a very small mass s.Leute apart by the "eh always does). Everything both is - garbage.
I think you need mal ne tonne s.Grundsatzdiskussionen. And very very fast. What every man for himself in his Kämmerlein in place, it all No matter. Questions about topics illegals are publicly unjustifiable and absolutely synonymous "miscarriage s.Platze". If the asker synonymous only half would be so smart, of that which he has denied other s.Intelligenz, would be the question without the word "at Eselfilme runtergeladen" safely answered.
This requires secure None debate. And plenty (up auff a few exceptions) is relatively mature and capable users who autonomously solve such issues .... Moderator) (Moderator Mods =) are important, but less Slashcam for "disciplinary matters" ...
Good luck with the continuing journey through the Internet.
Antwort von Galvanes:
So in all forums in which I'm on such issues will help (if you really know how to do it) - until, that is the crux of the matter - no title of the film is called.
any reputable forum will help to sowas replied, in what forums the drift you around? Na synonymous no preference.
For illegality needed None other game and even less None policy discussions - the forums can be a serious operator simply not tolerate it, unless he risked warnings and other preventable jokes.
Antwort von Alpinist:
as long as this is the crux of the matter - no title of the film is called. Incidentally, I've since grad someone over and am away but the crux of the matter is, I do not whom betrayal and thus fit already - such a nonsense, I did not already heard ...
And what with the words "so that people who earn their money" is concerned: yes, I can look at the same notch cut and say: If your stuff net sau so expensive - it would be synonymous is much, much less Leut dubious methods to buy search ( of a very small mass s.Leute apart by the "eh always does). Everything both is - garbage. [edit: he's right yes, nice's not what was here]
oh I forgot, you need only a 'backup', the original, you have already - WERS believe ...
For illegality requires ... None even principle Discussions Will you tell us about the fun? ;-)
EDIT: Juhuuuu the third rate has not really written but the content shows eh
Antwort von Juuhhuuuu:
Juhuuuu has written the following:
For illegality requires ... None even principle Discussions A) I have not written. Blos times for info.
B) I think you think I was the original author of this article. I'm technically. Therefore, I have other synonymous NEN Nick elected.
C) I agree (who always synonymous here) to - to note - the word "ass" was a stupid Bissière arg. Had I not done.
D) No personal insults. My opinion as sledgehammer-like approach here is one thing - the need to share net. But equally in order to insult me and Papi Money and blablabla - you know me net. You have no right to suspect that something. If it but do tell me one thing: "they dont argue for reason, they simply argue" (Sarek in "Journey To Babel").
E) I Lad SOWISO nix down - why? Lasts forever. FOREVER long - I have the patience net. What I gits such as eh ish.
Q) What I stress here is how it handles the. Makes a few guidelines - and then - if one fails the other hand - XXX't the critical passage out - and even wenns too hot - (FOR and the mods and no smart aleck to pretend as if), makes the thread with the words " Discussions of this kind are not permitted - see the Forum Guidelines ". Keener is still complaining.
DAS is made in forums where I am. Well, the people there do not say WHAT it is for movies and where they are her. Thus, there is only a suspicion, that's no proof. And hey? TV cards and DVD recorders is now synonymous na ja, net almost everyone - but many. There can be many problems where then again the conjecture to be considered (vll not the problem here, but things like that).
If no buck to help you (because you have the suspicion langt) - good. Brave citizens, law-abiding. But god, that's really ne corner polite.
Conclusion: Only to cite ma ei Weng better watch out. And then an even better tone Weng. Boah - because it really still needs a lot of exercise ...
Antwort von Alpinist:

A) is yes, from the above posts yes synonymous clear.
B) who believes that? I can not.
C) there were a few more hints to your illegal activities.
D) is again rausgenommen, was tough but what I truly think about you.
E) What is it about this thread? Credible you do such statements really are not.
F) See all the previous posts that are not of you.
Conclusion: why are you still here?
Antwort von steveb:
Conclusion: why are you still here? why did you ever been here, your forum if you already travel by 'peers has loaded "....
Antwort von Juuuhhhuuuuu:

Quite enfach - I am the original poster net.
Ey Boah - but wurscht isses me how this problem will be solved by Vossi. So I'll never have NEN stress.
I mixed my ma for a while - if ma halt much reading - here is me dat arrogant Blabla aufn channels. I put ma sign against NEN.
OBT or thinks of her net - I Lad nothing. I just take a lot Krimskrams ausm TV. And as synonymous ma ma wants to know what. Mei normal PC Forum - because I go out again if Winbugs ma spackt or so. They have not only "critical" issues in the offer (and I keep my blos the Progs for something that can be used - but have net. This can be perfectly normal for things synonymous nor take. Allet what definitely! Stuff is illegal so with reference to the source, title, etc. - and dat should be more clear than here in the dat Vossi was - is immediately killed. Clean and simple - and above all - transparent).
The know much, but net as much as on video stuff. As I looked smooth to me a forum where people know more. Les I here a lot. Is quite interesting.
Something with its Lokationdiskussion. Whether you need permission and turning blablabla. Eventually, ne answer was something like "stop go out, make up one Bissière Hinne - nimm en inconspicuous Cam, then dat already - in an emergency verdrück you." Tip irrsinnig legal ne? * gg *
Wenns If that had what I've said because of "too expensive" and so - is there actually in the post-sentence "this is garbage." Haste read but net. I've just in the same ma-notch hewn idiocy like you. Treaties own medicine net ne?
If I were you now explain how someone can kill - no arms, with de einfasch hands - and then still dat sach ich sowas train - is dat synonymous illegal? Because - in theory, perhaps - could happen ne. Or I get NEN panic attack and mach nix. Or I wech renn. But can happen.
Nu isses nit illegally them to tell you how it det. Because if they do - should include all martial arts schools do immediately sealed. Sure, if it take - can I be dat me forever allegations mach dat I tell you dat hab. Is not a moral thing. But punishable net I do if I just ma drüber red. If I know how dat goes.
Antwort von PowerMac:

I'm hungry.
Antwort von Juhhuuuu:

See, never isch. Silence my hunger nämlisch so rischtisch geil * gg *.
Antwort von hc_styler:

wat! dat? "löl"
Antwort von Skydadt:

The idiocy is even read richtisch geil!
Antwort von tfp:

Very Entertaining here, really.
Powermac wrote:
I'm hungry. My tip: eat!
Antwort von Vossi:

If you are still interested. I have the solution to my question even found. Recoding is the key word. Is possible with Nero 7. Times I would be interested if anyone believes that at least in my Nero 7 is legally acquired ...
Antwort von StefanS:

Firstly, in spite of all legitimate criticism, praise.
That gives it that you have the solution of your problem and have even found it synonymous still down here. This is not saying.
The fact that your Nero 7 is legal, we believe at the moment in which you still synonymous with the receipt of this software or the burner, with the bundled Nero Dein was sold post :-)
Antwort von Skydadt:

Rarely had I read it in an effort ...
Antwort von Vossi:

I post the solution (you already knew it all) is for me of course! Yes synonymous wants others to help you!
In any case, there is a lot of fun. For me, very entertaining contributions.
I wish all my positive and negative minded, all good for the future!
The Vossi
Antwort von Juhhhuuu:

Well, believe it now that I am not / the Vossi am?
Antwort von Problemlöser:

Not only men are pigs!
Antwort von Vosssi:

Because how are you now?
Antwort von Vossi:
Because how are you now? To slow this forum is stupid. Why is this posted under false names? And why is the JuuHuuu thought I should be?
I have only ne simple question. And the artet so? Merkwürdig all ...
Antwort von Markus:
And why is the JuuHuuu thought I should be? The unregistered guests can easily happen because the nicknames everyone can use. Once you logged in the state post, as something that happens no more.
PS: There are trolls in every forum, not just here. Synonymous, but you must realize that your question is very borderline and corresponding reactions.