Frage von swisswoman:
I have with video and so not much s.hut but would like to change in the moment ..... my problem is that if I ne dvd burn the disc on the dvd player read me ... What am I doing wrong or another way in which format should I burn it ... I work with nero 6 (at least I think = o) am happy to provide any helpful reply
Antwort von Markus:

Help !!!!!!
Eine total sinnfreie Titelzeile! ;-)
No Bange, der richtige wird irgendwann kommen and Dir die Frage beantworten. Oder Du schaust Dich mal in der Rubrik
DVD Authoring / Encoding
Antwort von Chezus:

I'll give you an advice Ask about such basic things better times by Google. Simply everything you want in the search input. Here you will on such issues tend bissl angequatscht weak.
If you read the film as. Mpeg or. Vob format and searched with Nero as a DVD output, you can specify not much wrong. And .... you can be very much wrong. So if now is not working concretize your question.
This is too general. Many have Nero, almost all have a DVD player and pretty much synonymous times everyone has problems with the burn.
Antwort von swisswoman:
I'll give you an advice Ask about such basic things better times by Google. Simply everything you want in the search input. Here you will on such issues tend bissl angequatscht weak.
If you read the film as. Mpeg or. Vob format and searched with Nero as a DVD output, you can specify not much wrong. And .... you can be very much wrong. So if now is not working concretize your question.
This is too general. Many have Nero, almost all have a DVD player and pretty much synonymous times everyone has problems with the burn. on google I found nothing'm ne frau = O) BUT HOW GEB ICH ON THE FORMAT? When I go to burn dvd and then insert s video I want to see the video nich .. So when I set ikann what type in the program must search my hard drive?
specific enough?
Antwort von Markus:

Even the woman! ;-)
Look here, what steps are needed:
Video File> MPEG2> VOB> burn> DVD Nero may take you to some of these steps, if you, as a target of a "DVD Video" specify. Many burning programs have templates for something like that.
Antwort von Chezus:

There are dozens of formats, or file extensions.
eg if you save a Word document to turn back as Referat.doc in Excel Tabelle.xls
For example videos. Avi,. Mpeg,. Vob,. Divx etc.
Most are videos you have on your computer in Windows AVI format. You need to convert this format into an mpeg (2) format so your DVD player that can read. If you are typing, but Nero DVD than it would have to spend all of their transformation. That, however, can take hours.
So much for the simplest basics. But since you have to look more (here in the forum) so you understand everything. The issue is not simple. Clean reading. A miracle solution, there is never. Could s.allem lie
wrong format
Blank not properly burned
old DVD player does not accept blank burned
etc etc
Antwort von Chezus:

Mark has basically exactly the same written only in short -
Antwort von Markus:
Mark has basically exactly the same written only in short - Have so synonymous have a little exercise. - But with all the new information should be the first steps in the right direction now do not be too hard. Finally had to time each of the DVD issue bite ... ;-)
Antwort von garrycofee:

ok do it now with the movie maker as my nero to with fierce but is complicated because I Klí~ still a small problem at exactly the movie I want to burn ne error message when importing and although these
..... can not be imported because the file format to play the required codec is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried the codec download and install, then close Windows Movie Maker and restart the program, and then again to try to import the file.
what can I do? * * liebfrag?
ps: another go at the video clip is in avi format
Antwort von swisswoman:

vieleich because it is the film that I've downloaded?
Antwort von Markus:
ps: another go at the video clip is in avi format AVI is a container format called and says only that the content of video - and audio data may exist. Check / See the relevant files times with a diagnostic program (eg GSpot).
Antwort von swisswoman:

and how do I ask? remember I am a woman and have unknowing keeeeeeeeeeeeeine
Antwort von Markus:
remember I am a woman and have unknowing keeeeeeeeeeeeeine I ask you, but this is now no more excuses! Ironing board for my shirts I finally synonymous yourself! ;-)
Loading times you download GSpot (there are free on the Internet), install the tool, run it and upload a video file. Then you will receive further details, including the codec.
Antwort von swisswoman:

hehe ok but I've no idea trozdem = o) maybe I try screaming klappts else am again = o) thank you
Antwort von swisswoman:

na toll even on the synonymous na toll enlisch me something I Kämpf by grml
Antwort von Markus:

Antwort von swisswoman:

na toll versteh even nix. With what should I do now the program is installed wenns the film and I did it? heul
Antwort von Markus:

Compare the displayed data of a video file in the Movie Maker can import and one who refuses. What are the differences? The codec is of particular importance.
Antwort von swisswoman:

problem with my child stand arne codecs not installed but how do I install?
Antwort von Markus:

Find the required codec on the internet, do you download it and install it. But only this one, not a full codec pack. You can use that is synonymous cripple the computer!
Antwort von swisswoman:

exactly as is: codec: xvid Name: dan xvid1.1.0 final and not with the installed
Antwort von swisswoman:

and what should I enter when looking for so I just find the?
Antwort von Markus:

XviD? - A pity, then your project is not well starred.
You walk a very highly compressed format to XviD in an MPEG2 compression (to create a DVD-Video) to then often synchronization error of Picture and Sound on.
Without a link handy to have, was not so long ago something about this here at Slashcam written. So a (theoretical) way to convert without error this work. (Perhaps the member logs in "Guest 0815" yet ...)
The codec can be found on the Internet, meanwhile, is likely the smaller challenge. Enter the name specified in GSpot just to Google.
Antwort von swisswoman:

ok I think then I prefer to wait on me and try to download the film again thank you very much for your efforts
Antwort von Markus:
ok I think then I prefer to wait on me and try to download the movie again What's the point? Or you can choose between different formats?
Antwort von swisswoman:

I can not the film of another user to download and try for so long until I catch einemn with codec = o)
Antwort von Markus:

Since it is hardly anything else than DivX or XViD. MPEG2 eventually need more space and would thus invite viiiiiiieeeeel longer.
Antwort von swisswoman:

grade now have all my movies (24) by GSpot gerattert and only 2 are unusable and are all downloadable ... and yes I have time to wait smile