Frage von BeaBea:
The question at Pinnacle have already made s.Rande:
it is possible with Premiere 2.0 to create a DVD with chapter markers, which then runs behind synonymous in the DVD player so?
(; Two firing tests, both were just completely through)
Alternatively: with the menu - can make it yourself, ie change the templates layout to the utmost!
Thanks for tips
AVI file (; cut in Premiere Pro 2), 20 min. 11 chapters / tracks.
Antwort von MM194:

if I remember correctly was version 2.0 of the premiere, the last was delivered without Encore and it had the opportunity to make a DVD with menu (main menu + chapter menus), but with little options for change. So you either you are looking for the old Encore 2.0 or to make an update to Premiere CS4 / CS5 and get with Encore. With Encore you can then create your DVD with menu, just as desired.
To your problem: a DVD running through ever, no preference as many chapters. It never stops s.einer chapter point. With the remote control you can mark of chapter for chapter mark.
Antwort von robl21f:

short note on mm194: a dvd is absolutely NOT ALWAYS by ... comes to the set end action of the Chapter, to .... one can eg einstllen that s.end a Chapter, is to be made back to menu .... the settings are not in the premiere2.0-dvd-creation is possible (there are only presets to what extent these are abänder-/einstellbar disposal .... I can not check now mom of here), with encore example is the setting of a end action but no problem
gruss rob
Antwort von MM194:

Hi rob
you've got absolutely right. However, as you yourself write only with Encore - but as on Chapter Playlists.
With the menus in Premiere Pro 2.0, it is as similar as it is now solved in Premiere Elements. You you are looking for a template and the program is making a main menu and one to many chapters menus. Articles can customize it, but I do not even think the wallpaper can be changed.
Antwort von BeaBea:

Thanks for the answers!
That means I can take only the production of menus? They are not only unsightly optical, then there are also only 2 chapters per page, ie in 11 chapters, the menu is six pages long.
Going through the DVD, I find ok, but unfortunately you can not jump with the remote control to the next mark (although in the Premiere DVD preview work out right). Why is that?
Antwort von MM194:

thus the menus: yes unfortunately that is. Adobe had at that time Encore for DVD creation offered as a separate program. The function in Premiere was intended only as a last resort.
jump to the chapter: try it once a different DVD player with friends for example. It does not always lie s.Premiere Pro.
Antwort von BeaBea:

the problem is that I must send the DVD s.verschiedene people - in fact, yesterday!, and they should be usable everywhere.
I'm on my DVD player and with the DVD player tried from the PC, in both cases did not go diving.
(And with Pinnacle Studio it works no longer synonymous -
Now I know not what else can I do.
The video is cut so ready and everything. Is there possibly an open source freeware, with which I can turn it into a DVD (with chapters!)?
Antwort von MM194:

yes there are: as an example. However, this program will not pay the chapter marks, as it would make Encore. There are still other synonymous. meißt In the "burning suites" is synonymous here for a program, such as Nero Vision.
Antwort von BeaBea:

've installed the DVD-Styler, and. ... does not work!
That is, if I pull the film (about 20 min, 4.2 MB, AVI format) in the formula bar crashes the program. With smaller clips they do, synonymous in AVI format. This surely can not be.
: (
Encore I do not even as an upgrade to two per
'm about to download the trial version of CS5 to finally make the DVD, but can guess that it is not synonymous.
Antwort von BeaBea:

again to dvd-styler: it is but s.AVI format - or s.den sequence markers? ie I would have rated the film in Adobe pro 2 convert to mpeg?
puha, these are times min grad 20th Film!
Antwort von MM194:

he probably has no converter for AVI-> MPEG2. So exporting from Premiere Pro 2. More specifically, I can unfortunately not synonymous say, I use Premiere with Encore CS5 CS5.
The trial version of Premiere CS5 you do not download to you, due to licensing issues there is no MPEG2 and MPEG4 and Encore included.
Furthermore, I an update from Premiere Pro 2.0 Premiere Pro CS5 said after (or CS4 if you're not a 64 bit system), there would then be included Encore.
Antwort von BeaBea:

now I'm in DVD Styler all 11 scenes taken individually (as AVIs), it works out. Let's see if I get something like five synonymous black images between the clips, the menu looks nice in any case ever cautious.
times to see if it works.
Antwort von robl21f:

hi ...
for a "normal" dvd is the pure data export: export -> adobe media encoder -> mpeg2-dvd (eg under 'format' to find) -> 4:3 pal dv high quality 7 mb cbr 1 .... results in a m2v and wav file
these can then be with a prog for dvd authoring-be-/verarbeitet next
or can the whole if it hastens synonymous same as / export to dvd (not just export menu): - print> on DVD .... there you can choose whether you want to have it directly burned to a DVD or save files in a folder first and later with a brennprogs to burn a dvd like .... avi to dvd definitely does not work for a dvd-player
what mm194 says that is not supported in test versions mpeg synonymous true for the 2.0 version-
gruss rob
Antwort von BeaBea:

I do not think I expressed myself well, I said:
the film is cut an AVI file. I was already spending it on Pro to a DVD, and watch the film could be synonymous, just not with switching between chapters.
The same film (the AVI file) I then downloaded in DVD-Styler, then gave it to the crash. Now I have all the individual clips (the synonymous AVIs) are loaded in the styler, and have already begun synonymous with the menu. Just try me once a preview, this is probably the rendering, here is transcoding. It still runs (slowly, my old Qube ...).
If that works now, it would have been great times.
But here in the long run must ne another solution.
Currently I have the combination:
Material of Mini-DV import on Premiere Pro
Importing DVD footage of Pinnacle Studio
Editor: Pro
Expenditure as a movie (avi): Pro
Converting to mpeg: Pro or Studio
Output to DVD?? (Without menu: Premiere. Menu worked with Studio, not only since recently)
Antwort von BeaBea:

Standings works: not still!
Just trying to get a DVD preview, it must go through nearly the entire burning program, but it still depends.
Abstract in the log:
Create the Menus
Transcoding remultiplexer /:
Create the slideshow (???)
Create DVD
Start the Towns
the details are 1000e lines long, the current:
Start the Towns
Execution of the command: "C: \ Programs \ Winamp \ winamp.exe" "dvd: / C: \ Temp \ dvd-out"
but since nothing happened.
Winamp I had started, and the title was assigned to play .... dvd-out called. But he can not play. Standstill.
Then I closed the player and it is the next step DVD burning.
Let's see what comes out ....
In the details during the calculations (all in black) had two lines in red:
Stream mapping:
Stream # 0.0 -> # 0.0
Stream # 0.1 -> # 1.0 Has irgendjmd. a tip, what this means (and whether it is bad)?
Burn did not work!
0.86% done, estimate finish Fri Jun 4 21:38:45 2010
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Total translation table size: 0
Total rock ridge attributes bytes: 0
Total directory bytes: 4248
Path table size (bytes): 42
Max brk space used 0
582 237 extents written (1137 Mb)
edit: totally crazy, did have the DVD in a DVD player and they can be played, I can jump of chapters, we see the menu ....