Frage von wontuwontu:
I could make a EIZO monitor with DVI input via adapter s.den mini-HDMI port to get a 7D?
So, first mini-HDMI to HDMI and then HDMI s.DVI.
Ere long term, we need an HDMI-SDI converter, as have the broadcast monitor're all just SDI. Since, however, things are not so cheap, ichs erstmal'd like to try with a cable adapter solution.
Thanks schonmal
Antwort von tilfri:

I am sure that the monitor will display what, but the adapter there are:; digitalkameracamcorderscannerdvd; kernel.65, 1.html? 1295af77ad529e3a255cc14055c2aeab & pid = & portal = 7
Antwort von tommyb:

Forget it right away.
I have already tried with other devices and with HDMI -> DVI adapters, you only get ugly, pink-tinted images.
If the source is a PC, then it works normally. has DVI (with HDMI, HDMI to DVI), but not if it is a setter of HDMI it uses to transmit purely according to standard (the computer seems to be as easy to switch).
Antwort von wontuwontu:

Sowas in the direction I thought. Need a converter yet so forth.
Thank times
Antwort von Bertholt4:

ICh join've used exactly those 2 Adapters at times as a test 7D s.einen Totevision 703 HD monitor via DVI. The picture was not pink and was OK for framing but unfortunately only SD - so HOT not to attract suitable really. I do not know why it has become SD - incidentally, already synonymous with playing of filmed material!.