Frage von HitMan:Hello,
Viell can someone help me here.
I had with the program Camtasia v3.02 a video file
created. So far, hats always worked but especially at this
File should probably what went wrong with the codec komrimierung
od be with the Abschlissen of the movie. The file is 2.1 GB but can be played of any program. According to WMP probably a faulty codec format.
Is there a program that crashed video files in any
Od can be re-read form can be coded to save at least part if not the entire recording to?
Greeting HitMan ...
Antwort von Stefan:
Uiui that sounds sharply after 2 GB of problems.
In the worst case, the file pointer with 2 GB you have defected and is shot to pieces by the 0.1 GB file from the beginning.
A not-so much the worse would be if only the index broke tist behind the 2 GB limit.
Is it an AVI file? If so try to read the video with VirtualDub. VD has to cope routines that problem with some AVI files, if others have already failed. Specifically, the reconstruction of the index may VD quite well.
If the file is the top shot, there is always a possibility in this area with a range from a working file (the same parameters provided patch) to. But this is Black Voodoo and described simply as "remote" to. Can you use hex editors? Do you have one that with> 2 GB files, can handle?
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von HitMan:
I thank you for the solution.
Everything went well. I got the file back in its entirety.
Although Hammer is now uncompressed 52GB but that's a damn big.
From here i can do next.
The video was so important, because it was included on my marriage.
The marriage proposal was a complete success of the process, everything has just as planned hingehauen as i thought it got to me.
I'd like me to show gratitude with you. If you like, just send me your address s.HitMan74 ui @ let you play what.
U a Happy New Year I wish thee.
Rene Gruss ... 8)
Antwort von Stefan:
I am glad that you have progressed and so give great feedback. More is not important.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von HitMan:
The download file is now under "" in the "History".
If you like looking at what you've helped me save.
Greeting HitMan ... : 3
Tschüüüss ....