Frage von eXp:
hi people,
I wish now I finally grow a new average computer, it should be enough power for such programs, adobe after effects cs4 and sony vegas pro 9 (; bring AVCHD editing).
I like the whole online traders do not trust Agando etc. (; it seems to be reading mostly) only bad about it, I have now decided to dell.
here are some data on the pc.
- Intel ® Core !" i7 processor 940 (, 2.93 GHz, 8 MB Cache, 4.8 GT / s)
- Genuine Windows Vista ® Home Premium SP1 (; 64 bit)-German
Not included - display
- ATI ® Radeon ® 4850 graphics card with 512 MB
- 8.192MB (4 x 1,024, 2 x 2,048) 1,067 MHz DDR3 Dual Channel
- SATA hard drive, 1.2 TB (, 2x 640 GB, 7,200 1/min) Dual HDD configuration, RAID 0 (; striping)
the biggest bear I have, however, the power supply, it is with a watt of power indicated 360, is not it more to be found.
what do you say to the pc?
here is the link ... & ~ oid = uk ~ en ~ 80,854 ~ june_desktop_studioxps_435mt_d06sx07 ~ ~ mfg. David
Antwort von Zizi:

Build yourself a part of yourself together!
you get 20-30% cheaper running with the correct configuration faster, more stable, freer, quieter, cooler!
Dell is totall überteuertet scrap behind Apple ..
rip everything .. (and my opinion)
I'd buy me good to reflect for a calculator of the pole!
know enough to regret it ..
In support kannste Kaken well as every store around the corner better.
Antwort von eXp:

jaaaaaaaa ... say most, but accuracy depends on the correct configuration.
Ansonten I had collected with my pc-configurator of the week is a PC, it works at all Sogut or is it better if you can download advice on LIVE?
Of the right zusammenstellung I almost garkeine ahnung.
Antwort von Frank B.:

For me it was the same. I did not have enough idea to me assemble an Calculator. So far this has been a good friend of mine, a specialist in the field, for me. According to specifications of me and (by the Manufacturer of the video components;) compatibility lists.
So far that has worked out great and you get better deals than if you buy a complete system with the store.
If one is not itself able to develop a calculator, and synonymous not know who makes sowas, I would always go to a reputable dealer who specializes in PC video. There are many good, although I would like to do here s.dieser place no advertising. The building (synonymous, the video component, a hardware) and install the software and then type in the complete warranty. Although this is usually synonymous expensive but much safer than buying one at will in the electronic calculator market or on the Internet.
Antwort von Zizi:

Yes go to a good dealer from miser, and perhaps leave you a gathering ..
If the price fits well before anything can go wrong!
Sieben with him or you are building this collection:
+ Good case / fan ~ 100 ¬ and much better / Light / fast gehts kaum!
You could be synonymous to the base 775er or AMD will put you cut off cheaper and hardly worse! Future-proof, however, is the 1366 base although one of them repeatedly hears the systems with i7 are not as stable as the 775er?
Antwort von mon3:
Build yourself a part of yourself together!
you get 20-30% cheaper running with the correct configuration faster, more stable, freer, quieter, cooler!
Dell is totall überteuertet scrap behind Apple ..
rip everything .. (and my opinion)
I'd buy me good to reflect for a calculator of the pole!
know enough to regret it ..
In support kannste Kaken well as every store around the corner better. Idiocy hoch5.
have you ever had ever seen a dell or mac to be able to make such judgments?
Antwort von Zizi:
Idiocy hoch5.
have you ever had ever seen a dell or mac to be able to make such judgments? Yes too many! I still have a MacBook and a Dell that is not used;)
Sooner or later one that crops up on it how much you will be ripped off and how crappy Dell PC ever run against a properly constructed self-made PC!
What will there be schwachsinn !!???
Have you built a schonmal itself?
but probably you yourself Mac / Dell owner and hurt you feel now?
Antwort von mon3:

I have screwed themselves for years and was eventually no longer bock out because my time too valuable for me is dealing with it ever making the components work together s.besten and bought me a dell workstation. pc was the best investment I ever made, this part runs from 3.5 years (in the delivery configuration;!) perfectly, without a single synonymous absturz before. I like to pay 3 dollars more for it, especially as I earn money so that I can not afford it and therefore have to failures. and service have in place before I dell 24.
And no, do not you, I shall not feel hurt.
I feel it only on the chains when someone spread such populist schwachsinn ála model is scrap, etc., each with its own favorites will be happy, but in return allow synonymous each other that he relies on other horses.
Antwort von Zizi:
And no, do not you, I shall not feel hurt.
I feel it only on the chains when someone spread such populist schwachsinn ála model is scrap, etc., each with its own favorites will be happy, but in return allow synonymous each other that he relies on other horses. Yes because you are right ..
I have screwed themselves for years and was eventually no longer bock out because my time too valuable for me is dealing with it ever making the components work together s.besten Nonsense .. Find the perfect components to go faster than a Dell order! Da gibts countless specialized magazines homepages perfect systems testing!
Clearly, a Dell can (riebungslos run, if Windows allows it), but
must not .. I have a friend who has bought a 2.4Ghz Dual Dell 1600 ¬ for 3 years ago, I have a same Selfmade PC for ¬ 1200 ..
He then had the same arguments as you!
now is no joke and is based on facts:
He had become synonymous 100x trailer blue screens,
Temperatures can be with Speedfan ZBS. Do not read any time since the start of the program, the Dell simply peels off (; protection feature?)
He had it with another 1GB RAM to 2 GB, however, increased this at the expense of stability because) they are too expensive, the Dell true (; 4x as expensive!
CPU, graphics card, sometimes not possible to exchange disks or komplitziert + full warranty loss kak motherboard .. much hardware, software does not funktionietrt or causes problems, etc.
And talking about overclocking, no!
Depreciation Extremst .. especially you can not really upgrade!
Some of my same service 3 years ago, now upgraded to 600 ¬
With quad-core 3Ghz @ 4Ghz, Intel SSD, 4GB RAM and ATI 4870 upgraded to operate for 3 years now perfectly Tailor much much faster and Quiet! I can gamble everything smoothly so synonymous Nocht where he still has a verkakte 7800GT's and due to indoor space / NT performance / lack of support for a new High-performance card can not change!
So he buys another new .. Dell conviction but no longer!
Is no exception!
For your Office applications Sims wirds already rich .. But if you're hardcore and want to get claims like this can still favorable on Dell Schic!
How do you komsmt to 3 different ¬?
do you want me to make time a price comparison of 2 similar systems?
Antwort von mon3:

Antwort von Zizi:
let there be good to build yourself, inventors, zocke, Overclock, and glad you're going out - I buy something that is stable and ready-which I can earn money. Done by experts assembled even met exactly the same purpose as a Dell and if you like the faster, Quieter, Felexibler, High quality, stable and Tailor-made for the future and above all, cheap!
And these dealers gibts in every city around every corner ..
Dell does not!
You could just as your money with a Self-Made deserve or give you your money if you only customers with a Dell work?
Dell is almost the same Schrottwie the entire media market Proxwork Fujitsu dustbin much promise and can hold only a little money and traps for unsuspecting users are!
But can it be synonymous with 10 years work without any problems .. The question is just always for what price as sound as fast!
avid media composer ... Avid Boah .. how can it work?
Edge is currently working on an Avid, and even annoying me constantly how uninovativ and dreary compared to the FinalCut, Premiere, Edius, etc. ..
When one considers the way one thinks that's stayed the same since Windows 98!
Antwort von mon3:

yes exactly
Antwort von Daigoro:

Done by experts assembled themselves ....
And these dealers gibts in every city around every corner ... The sweatshops s.der corner I now would not "call an expert.
Their "advice" is often synonymous to their Verkaufsvortel rather than to price-/Leistungsvorteil the customer.
Is synonymous but a few specialized in video editing systems provider. Perhaps people may even eXp mal ne mail sent with the address. Because for once, somebody Money does seem to take in hand to want to (; unlike the whole "I work with CS4, and got only 300 euros for nen Calculator" posts).
Antwort von Zizi:
The sweatshops s.der corner I now would not "call an expert.
Their "advice" is often synonymous to their Verkaufsvortel rather than to price-/Leistungsvorteil the customer. Well yes, it is sufficient even if we fit together online 20 min researched what components / harmony and order are the stuff of Allternate, hardware costs, miser, etc., etc. Complete or in parts?
Finish the cost max. 40 ¬ more and get a warranty on the calculator of generally 1-2 years.
on Ram etc. gibts eh Lifelong ...
Or does he really goes to a video-computer specialists and buys a pure DV editing synonymous with these monsters have only limited power increase and Pro ¬ way too expensive for what he did so before!
The best way to order just a good online merchant or suburb where everything - approve leave in advance in various forums and has completed a top PC! More like 1000 ¬ would Geldverschwenung especially as more and more what does hardly noticeable s.wert too quickly loses!
Antwort von Daigoro:

Well yes, it is sufficient even if we fit together online 20 min researched what components / harmony and order are the stuff of Allternate, hardware costs, miser, etc., etc. Complete or in parts?
Finish the cost max. 40 ¬ more and get a warranty on the calculator of generally 1-2 years. No, that's not enough. In productive use different criteria are important.
Dell and Co. have nothing frickelnden for the end user, who squints at 50 euros - there zaehlt the overall package. Either you need it, or not stop.
If you have 20 minutes to save time, around 100 euros' you earn too little. : P
Or does he really goes to a video-computer specialists and buys a pure DV editing synonymous with these monsters have only limited power increase and Pro ¬ way too expensive for what he did so before! That level would be the alternative. Should have enough experience with the current software can collect what clever too.
Seek advice in forums, of people you can not call on Sunday evening, because its recommended and tested 1x compilation does not do no good.
Antwort von Zizi: 60 ¬ 40 ¬ 270 ¬ 80 ¬ 150 ¬
Vista + drive + enclosure ~ 150 ¬
= 750 ¬!
be proposed costs 1000 ¬ is not only synonymous spührbar slower but louder!
In addition (and, if the wille) no Ocen, shitty Raid0, Dell no name RAM motherboard, drives, etc.
only 1 year of support nor suggests the use of a never before has there, I know this is too complicated!
Well everyone his decision .. pay for a bit of stress in the order of 250 ¬ and more to ensure everyone has a worse PC to get saved? my ding isses not safe!
If you have 20 minutes to save time, around 100 euros' you earn too little. : P You earn 100 ¬ per minute or what?
100 ¬ are a lot of gravel because I'd rather buy an extra Blu-ray drive, or make me a beautiful Wellnestag + massage with her friend to give him instead of Dell "!
Antwort von Daigoro:

only 1 year of support nor suggests the use of a never before has there, I know this is too complicated!
What? How do you know that he is too cumbersome, if it has been used None?
Do not say "forums" - tie because Schnuersenkel is asking too much sometimes.
You earn 100 ¬ per minute or what?
I am an employee and have an annual salary, which is far below my level (for otherwise could my AG) indeed deserve nothing s.mir.
How much is a minute, I do not know, but enough to not have to compensate for 50 or 100 euros against my nerves:)
Even so, I like to tinker-synonymous s.Calculator rum (; to nix car or motorcycle), but as the highest of all emotions to see the days are long gone.
Antwort von eXp:

here has done so correctly.
so the dell would cost 1500 ¬ in my configuration, the last as synonymous my asking price.
Maybe because I'm going to go ATELCO is almost around the corner and no one reads about so much bad as have many other vendor.
build a pc yourself for me has always had its lovely, but I've never really rangetraut.
Antwort von Daigoro:

build a pc yourself for me has always had its lovely, but I've never really rangetraut. Is not difficult, just time consuming exercise when's the first time makes you stop and get's no guarantee of complete, so if something does not work (; and they do not really know) can be quickly what is the gelackmeierte.
That is really annoying.
Antwort von Zizi:
Is not difficult, just time consuming exercise when's the first time makes you stop and get's no guarantee of complete, so if something does not work (; and they do not really know) can be quickly what is the gelackmeierte.
That is really annoying. Yes it is ... Assemble but even a lot of fun!
I always do this way:
raussuchen via internet which then fit together on miser
raussuchen the 3 billigstanbieter in my district / city then go there and get the cheapest parts of each .. Assemble at home then.
Is with me already gone 10x well without problems!
And the Calculator running as the SAU .. and are very clean, quiet and Powerful for all things!
If you want to spend 1500 ¬ then you do one of 3 SSD drives RAID0 + i7 with 3.2GHz which you can then loosely synonymous to 4GHZ bars! Because Vista will boot in 10 seconds with a system so you're not only safer as unterwechs blödsinn with the Dell but loosely synonymous 5x as fast and not heard!
Otherwise let you assemble something like that!
Antwort von mon3:

operate as if you want to have a reliable stable, and this time I'll go out if you want to videoschnitt, then take the dell. However, I would make a precision and take no xps because they're intended more for zocken.
Antwort von eXp:

yes synonymous workstation I guessed, but of HP.
what is actually s.den Xeon processors so special?
Antwort von mon3:

regarding xeon guckst du hier:
HP xw8400 of what would be, is very common in production houses as an average computer, is ussynonymous of avid certified (; dell but synonymous) and is often used as komplettpaket shipped with the Media Composer.
sissi but you will certainly advise against it synonymous and say that it is scrap.
Antwort von Zizi:

No. HP still goes just so .. But as I said everyone's!
Self-made is always better .. This is just like cooking .. But if you think Knorr was better than fresh asparagus soup, then will be so! ^ ^
Antwort von eXp:

But again the power supply would be sufficient as long as nothing is retrofitted? yes watt stands next to nix auser 360th
Antwort von Zizi:

360W are very close to a 3GHz Quad Graphics and High-END ..
This can happen quickly grunde
especially if it is not a brand!
500W for each quad, I'd count as a basic PC!
Besides these one never knows what can come to ...
Too much over 700W would like nonsense as long as you do not synonymous Tri SLI to operate!
Antwort von mon3:
But again the power supply would be sufficient as long as nothing is retrofitted? yes watt stands next to nix auser 360th you can assume that the untested sell anything, do you mean what you are buying is perfectly aligned and synonymous stable.
bezügl. Upgrade: Correct stromfresser like a thick graka yes you can try out almost before: simply configure time test as the strongest possible components together, that will sell you anything that does not actually work together.
Antwort von Marco:

David, the Dell XPS, which you have as envisaged, should organizational units to work with AVCHD in Vegas Pro 9 already. I have a similar configuration on a Dell Precision laptop in operation, it is also AVCHD editing with Vegas Pro and am quite satisfied.
If it would be possible to get a configuration with an even faster CPU, would not that be bad, because AVCHD is just incredibly CPU-demanding.
Have been synonymous self-configured, built, a Mac in the enterprise. My next will be another Dell, but ...
Antwort von Zizi:
you can assume that the untested sell anything, do you mean what you are buying is perfectly aligned and synonymous stable.
bezügl. Upgrade: Correct stromfresser like a thick graka yes you can try out almost before: simply configure time test as the strongest possible components together, that will sell you anything that does not actually work together.
This is not the Dell logo Calculator rausschickt which then has flaws!
If you then decide you synonymous for Dell can go to 99.9 and the configuration works!
That is indeed paid for at least 25% more and get out the old software must .. as ZBS. in hard disks, RAM, disk drives!
I empgehle you if you do not invest this much to save for sheets! Look for the SSD is a system disk reinbaust ..
Gibts das ever been at Dell?
The saumäßg run so fast that you do not want no more ..
Besides these, they are silent, cold and low-energy consumption .. Default risk is zero Sogut as where to use them perfectly in RAID0 if you want to pay as much as you!
As usual, the Super uses a CPU, faster RAM if the 7200 record again forms the bottleneck there is indeed the same mist as with the old calculator!
Antwort von Daigoro:

That is indeed paid for at least 25% more And you suggest nen day in the city run around, and then a weekend rumzuschrauben by 25% (; then they are not 300 euros? Save) to ''?
Additionally once again take the whole risk upon himself, which can last several hours or days for follow damage?
Then obstruct or banana products for which there is no long term experience?
Antwort von Zizi:
And you suggest nen day in the city run around, and then a weekend rumzuschrauben by 25% (; then they are not 300 euros? Save) to ''?
Additionally once again take the whole risk upon himself, which can last several hours or days for follow damage?
Then obstruct or banana products for which there is no long term experience?
Nene. Not exaggerated ... But for a good PC it takes sowas Besides these already buy 250 ¬ for 1 / 2 days of work still to have lots of gravel are synonymous when many millionaires here posting! But with a little expertise to such mistakes never happen! Of course, those who make such arguments have no tau of PCs ..
You could construct exactly the same PC as the Dell hardware hochqualititiver only with better ventilation, etc. ..
But as I said do gibts synonymous distributor to the one and the fact he is still under warranty then it's just only 15% billliger like the Dell but it is far better!
Ifs do not have such an easy and headless one (; wants Sorglospacket apparently) and enough money, he is determined to Dell right! annoying but months Dannacher not stop Why can not fall asleep next to the box or after 3 years because of AVC UltraHD? Use only as office box can because as a 3Ghz 8Kern of is needed. ;-)
Antwort von Daigoro:
250 ¬ for 1 / 2 days of work Half the day was already going on it's for shopping, there's no screw is tightened, placed no nix OS and optimized.
Typical Milchmaedchenrechnung - in effect, the student wages at Burger fry probably higher.
Why can not fall asleep next to the crate * sigh *
Antwort von Zizi:
sigh *
Schonmal Have you heard how loud those things are?
So for me, a PC must be audible!
Antwort von Daigoro:
sigh *
So for me, a PC must be audible! Then come with your 800 Euro overclocked to 4GHz, but not go. Except you put him in the basement.
Antwort von Zizi:
hear no pig with an acoustic!
Antwort von vidoc:

I'm still not long there, but would like (; even) s.dieser put slashcam the forum to express my appreciation. Vast majority are at a high level of valuable exchange of arguments and asked questions. I, as a beginner have been able to take some important suggestions and advice. Thanks hare s.alle "old".
Antwort von Daigoro:
Vast majority are at a high level of valuable exchange of arguments and asked questions. I, as a beginner may have been a number of important mithehmen anregungen and notices. Sometimes it ufert aus. ;)
Mostly when it comes to matters of taste, about which one can argue admirably.
Zizi: besides the 4850 one really hears garnix - since you can ne reinbauen Rolls Royce turbine.
And makes a CPU cooler so much a 'silent PC' like a swallow of the summer. Since synonymous needs the appropriate environment - some Noctua Luefterchen for the airflow, a full aluminum Shells with good thermal design and Laufswerkdaempfung, quiet PSU, passive graphics card. This is of course everything, but with your ¬ 800 will not get far.
And then overclocking the thing and even if that goes well in 99/100 cases, you just need time to study carefully the Ebay offers enough 'Uebertaktungsopfer' found hardware.
Antwort von vidoc:

@ Daigoro
"Sometimes it ufert aus.;)"
Hehe, well, sure, the one or the other forumisto has really a very "lean" weltbild. But I have now learned that in addition to the five-minute bowl synonymous Twenty minutes is the PC. ;)