Frage von UlmsSkyliner:Hello,
find a camcorder under 700 ¬ of the "depth" has `?
On my Mini DV camcorder is only a depth there, if I am with the camera much of the film to remove the object and then fully hinzoome.
Is it synonymous with a camera under 700 ¬, but where you do not need extra hinzoomen but the "depth function" set to?
MfG Chris
Antwort von Markus:
... find a camcorder under 700 ¬ of the "depth" has `? Hello Chris,
regardless of price, I have this function with a camcorder has never seen. The depth is not a digital effect, but a feature of the optical system and the image size.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
However, in the professional shooting mostly seen that the background is blurred.
As you have reached a "depth"
Even with zoom?
Antwort von Markus:
Professional cameras have larger image converter and thus less depth of field. Or vice versa: The smaller the image device, the greater is the sharp mapped area.
Consumer camcorders often have small image converter, with the tendency is still smaller image converter. : - /
Antwort von Rene K:
However, in the professional shooting mostly seen that the background is blurred.
As you have reached a "depth"
Even with zoom? s.fokusring you rotate the camera and publishing the first focus.
prerequisite is a good manual setting options of the device. you will be in vain looking for consumer cameras
Antwort von C.I.W:
Or you besorgs you a 35mm adapter. The picture gives your nice depth blur. But it cost quite a lot, because you will less than 600 ¬ nix get. The better start s.2000 ¬.
Antwort von Markus:
The better start s.2000 ¬. Zzgl. Camcorders mind. But it is still cheaper than the purchase of a large video camera.
Chris, did you fit in crafts? Then came possibly synonymous in this issue:
Antwort von C.I.W:
The adapter there are far too expensive in material costs and have ne Miess image. Because I would leave of their fingers. You prefer to purchase one for 600 ¬, which suck even more.
Antwort von Rene K:
ah, so ne Bastel round would certainly be an interesting fact. could forward to participate for such a thrill after comparable software solution miserably failed in this forum is ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) The "depth" (...) Yes. Did all. All of sharp front to rear. Even down to the Saar.
What you think is called depth blur, because you have a minimum focus range and a large area will blur.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
ups sorry
then it is called "deep uncertainty"
but they knew what I meant was ...
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
As you have reached a "depth"
Even with zoom?
I think you mean how to make a "small depth reached. Long focal length (zoom) can help to blur in the open aperture be made clearer. That you have been properly identified.
You prefer to purchase one for 600 ¬, which suck even more. Purchase s.besten you like and do not think you simply saying that your camcorder also has some limitations (it is quite positive that you perceive these boundaries). Attempts simply to find other means to draw the attention of the audience to steer (this is the low depth of thought). There's a whole bunch of possibilities.
Antwort von Axel:
There's a whole bunch of possibilities. We are counting on a few:
- The background weaker than illuminate the subject.
- The background brighter than illuminate the subject.
- A set highlight (bright light oblique contour of the back)
- In the Postpro a slightly blurred vignette to determine the motive.
- Vordergr. and wallpaper. with different color temperature (Rossini)
- General talk by contrasting colors
- In the composition the motif prominently identified
- The subject with the camera monitor. The background is determined by motion blur geblurrt.
- Open Aperture, teleconferencing and distance of subject and background
- With a fog machine the space tidy einnebeln
- An actor who intensively across, makes the establishment of secular room alone for the minor matter (Al Pacino may be synonymous between Yuccapalme
Billy shelf and points, with a Einchipper filmed while uncle Jörg tiefenunscharfen on the Set of
The Godfather will tell us nothing ... )
Antwort von sammy:
Basically everything was actually said, however, I find the "Behelfsmittel" that one instead of a lack of low optical depth (why is always
a depth of focus is spoken - the word there's not to my knowledge) is rarely feasible, given the usually synonymous means that you generally should use (synonymous with existing professional equipment).
I think the solution with the 35mm adapter in fact the most effective - although I doubt that there will be 600 Euro range. The adapter is the one thing (the usual suspects actually cost at least around the 1000 euro), high-quality optics are different and if we approve s.einer A chip Cam dranhängt an adapter, the light apertures 1-2 swallows, then man with a cheap s.Adapters Optics hardly even a usable picture get (or you need a fortune in the lighting equipment to invest).
Be noted: with the simplest means is a high-quality look hardly feasible. The look itself is still not a good story, but that's just not so: Depth of field is an optical "phenomenon"
what you faken can be difficult (if it is desired - there are quite synonymous projects where a high depth of focus is desired).
Antwort von Stabain:
You can conveniently synonymous with software depth blur right. Look at the tool at times:
Antwort von Markus73:
You can conveniently synonymous with software depth blur right. Look at times in the tool: [link deleted] If you do not, if these compounds ***** ungs action once the round has made great? I think that is enough!
Antwort von sammy:
Only when the last questioner uses the search - only then - will bring you the REAL FEEL CINEMA TOOL no longer in your dreams and nightmares follow!
Antwort von C.I.W:
Then you could actually NEN good movie drüber turn.
"The little Jörg in search of the real feel Cinema Tool
Antwort von sammy:
Give me the Jörg - I make the film.
Antwort von C.I.W:
Jörg would be happy if you come visit him times that yes, he said in an interview that there are at Youtube. My favorite would have him a Osteuropäerin which a visa is 90 days and it must be received within 90 days of getting married ... ;-)))))))))))))))))
Antwort von Axel:
Be noted: with the simplest means is a high-quality look hardly feasible. The look itself is still not a good story, but that's just not so: Depth of field is an optical "phenomenon" which is very difficult faken can (if it is desired - there are quite synonymous projects where a high depth is desired). Until around the end of the 60s was even blur the picture as a bad crafts. In large productions, it is hard to find. The optics were faint, it had to with lots of light will be lit. As with a typical aperture of F3.5 anyway no significant Schärfenuntiefe / depth blur could be achieved, the cameraman put everything out by adding the light Aperture still next to close. How disastrous a little blur on 35mm at high projection can now get the HDV filmmakers an idea. Greater resolution = hard to focus.
Only with fast lenses, as we know them today in our bright Videocams installed have started synonymous in Hollywood shooting the tentative deal with fuzziness intended as a tool, not as a stylistic device.
The first film, which is almost exclusively (and obviously very aware of) so that work is not so old. It was at that time only viewers with photographically trained eye to all the other accepted it as perfectly natural, found no more than that the movie had a cool look.
The motive was mostly in oil, bloody square skull, the s.and to
Yippie Ya Yeah, you pig jaw growled. The film school did.
Who does not believe, look at the bond from the previous year,
The Living Daylights, on, or any older. And then
License To Kill (1989).
Another need, away from the background is obviously bad, or no set-design. We want the viewer to another world meet in their own laws. And so Rauhfasertapeten
practically synonymous may be, their recognizable structure irritates one (aha, Jörg uncle in the hallway). Therefore, starting with nothing (empty, non-structural background) and gradually fill in with details, which so perfectly fit to what we actually
want to show that there are no distractions there.
Jörg uncle sits on a chair. What a chair? What to see and why?
Antwort von Stabain:
I like the old movies synonymous with almost no shade and without blur.
Or stop the extreme blur in the moonlight tariff zb
What hardly a mag is the typical video picture with a lot to the sharp edges. Straight Betacam recordings for films, I feel right "ugh!" on a webcam rather than shooting with a Betacam!