Frage von Argonox:Hi, Unfortunately, I have a halbwegsvenünftige Tiefenunschärfe only
With strong Ranzoomen with my camcorder to achieve.
Are there any intentions for such stories with which we
better control over depth of field do?
If so, what do you call this?
Schonmal Thanks in advance,
Antwort von Axel:
Hello Sven!
To my knowledge there are no special lenses for the depth of field, if they exist currently, I would immediately customer! But you know for certain that there is other than a second focal variable has direct influence on the depth of field: the Aperture. The larger the aperture, ie the smaller the number, the smaller the sharp area. If it is not about features, but to put it is controllable and recordings, the solution is to reduce the lighting on the set so that you are working with quite an open aperture (but beware: auto exposure off so that no gain noise arises to hire .) use light meters.
Unfortunately, unfortunately, most DV cams to create still no really convincing sharpness layer. The best any good purpose, the Canon XL with a large focal. Here is synonymous s.genauesten manual focusing.
Antwort von jens:
best regards, jens
Antwort von Markus:
Eine mir bekannte Möglichkeit stellen die special lenses Mini35 and Pro35 Schärfentiefe
Eine mir bekannte Möglichkeit stellen die
Since such a special lens is very expensive, such things can p.80 EUR per day synonymous
Antwort von Uwe:
There is a plugin for AFX => Sakurai Final Focus. With which you can probably simulate it quite well ...
Antwort von Argonox:
Thank you for your responses.
So, the software seems to be still s.günstigsten.
But someone has already made this experience with after-effect plug-in?
Antwort von Argonox:
Ähhmm * cough * I just saw the price.
I think for that price I could get these Redrock intent LOL.
Antwort von AMH:
Weiss would cost someone randomly, so that a P + S Technik (35mm Optics, mentioned above)? $ 8000 - comes out perhaps? I Nirg can find a price list ..: /
Antwort von AMH:
achja, these effects you need to take good care! Often the sample pictures are faked, and the effect is not achieved the desired effect. Here, too gillt again: Quality has its price!
Antwort von jens:
On the p + s-Technology Page is a price list (PDF).
The best times you'll google for the good old aunt.
How about your ideas come out well.
The Redrock 35mini is tested by a multiple cheaper (and synonymous with the FX1).
The picture is here but not so reflected back in the viewfinder / display the whole stands on his head.
Antwort von Markus:
if such an adapter screw for a consumer camera, which you can not judge the sharpness in the viewfinder really good, then you will be synonymous with turning a video monitor beside it - of course, on the head so that the picture is the right way round! ;-)
PS: It's called
Antwort von jens:
if such an adapter screw for a consumer camera, which you can not judge the sharpness in the viewfinder really good, then you will be synonymous with turning a video monitor beside it - of course, on the head so that the picture is the right way round! ;-)
Markus Fuchs ... you ...;-)
Antwort von Marius Flucht:
Excuse me, but you do not know the way, if the Panasonic AG DVX100AE that comes along without my knowledge Objektivwechselfähigkeit is with such hardware filmlook games still compatible?
Times as dahingefragt?
(and wins the Jubilee compound word price)
Antwort von Axel:
Excuse me, but you do not know the way, if the Panasonic AG DVX100AE that comes along without my knowledge Objektivwechselfähigkeit is with such hardware filmlook games still compatible? Hello Marius,
at least with the cheaper, that of the 35mm adapter, where Small is indeed a true interchangeable lens projected on a screen, which is in turn filmed by the digicam. The UN-sharpening depth is positively all that is missing this DV-Cam yet, in progressive mode to produce a real film look.
I just read your other post synonymous. If what you are capturing is in Ethiopia, synonymous in the least ambitious, buy such an adapter or construction but it you quickly see yourself thread "35mm adapter Eigenbau. My own adapter works well with one wachsgetauchten 6x6 Diarahmenglas and an old lens case as a "bellows" is unfortunately too fragile and too unwieldy, especially since the wax will probably not react kindly when it is exposed to heat. Must therefore be examined in detail.
The election for your camera congratulations. Now there is only the tip to prevent, with appropriate filters to great contrasts, and especially overexposure in bright sunlight. Neutral density filter, gray grad filter, polarizer. Especially with the latter, you'll get crisp blue sky and earth and sand structures hitzeflimmernde crisp sharp. Just as small halt Johnnie Ethiopia presents ;-)))
Antwort von djoesch:
Hello everyone!
Equivalent to seeking a solution for my Sony VX-1000.
Does anybody know if one can obtain relatively cheap synonymous s.dieser Optics less depth?
Antwort von Axel:
Does anybody know if one can obtain relatively cheap synonymous s.dieser Optics less depth? You'll need:
s.eine close-up lens (20 E)
b) a good 50 mm lens with Small-needed f1.4 (20-30 E), with apertures of f1.6 or smaller, the vignetting is too strong.
c) an external monitor as the SonyXV-M30 (not currently on ebay, usually used between 60 ¬ and 120 ¬).
d) Two of a thin watch "affiliated Small-Diarähmchen. The (possibly more heated and thus purer), paraffin wax is applied with a pie brush evenly on a paper lying on a warm drink. Then the second glass is daraufgelegt gently sweet, and you can cool down the whole thing. Enormous effort: Since you need a completely uniformly thick layer of wax
without bubbles, manages more than one of ten o'clock preparations!
e) threaded rods with washers and nuts, a poly-sowiesoplatte 3mm (this can be processed as balsa wood shatter plastic stuff), coping saw, compass, Screwdriver, round and flat file, wrench, Gaffa tape.
The rest you can imagine you if you do the usual Bastelanleitungen
Valuable tips from bitter experience:
The monitor must stand on his head, the picture is then turned back in the postpro.
The combined distance of KB-right lens, close-up lens and ground glass must be identified and most accurate with a lot of patience on the threaded rods (the later the whole construction will be synonymous).
Another material for lens and ground glass holder and for the (first s.Schluß to be built, see point before!) Than the aforementioned plastic housing (Modellbaubedarf) seems to me no more into the house.
Antwort von djoesch:
Thank you very much for this valuable information. Then I and my colleague and losbasteln google next time!
Antwort von Markus:
Since you will encounter sooner or later on this link: