Infoseite // DerBauer Teaser

Frage von pdiddyp:

Hello dear slashCAM community


Antwort von Blackeagle123:

The teaser is once again totally cool gemacht!
Typical of "The Farmer" ... I would say, because the best designers turn to sit;)

If the disappearance of "believe us" would be the only problem!
But I would say that you can only with a real 3d program, like C4d, etc. manage it.

Want it synonymous integrated into Flash, there is the possibility of exporting as a Flash file to!

Again: Great Page!



Antwort von pdiddyp:

But it should be possible with the smashing and there perhaps bear the debris with a particulate filter, so that the debris particles follow suit with smoke or fire him.

So I get the point not. I can deal with Cinema 4D, etc. do not. That is too high for me: '(

Maybe someone ne other ideas? Does indeed look like net is 100% so!


Antwort von david:

hello am s.eher nooby s.aber in which one can perhaps make with card dance, the fire so you can dranhängen and scale, da gibts sure tuts for the 1000 fire.



Antwort von wim-roegels:

So I think the trailer rather earlier, and Comparison to the zeitgeist of innovation rather moderate.

I would expect the 'Zertruemmern'-take apply the filter and once on the subject and move to a different comp with the same other basic settings the same effect on a white solid - so that we can produce harsh contrasts and corresponding shades of gray.

Just do not know whether Truemmer is synonymous Motionblurreinstellungen if so s.damit, then. Otherwise, perhaps with echoes generate the motion streaks. Perhaps Zerttruemmern funzt synonymous with 3D, then synonymous MB of AE could be used. Then perhaps with a stretch play to the timing to optimize.

Now the order Ursprungscomp and color with Color Wheel or other fiery. The part of the motive behind setting level, possibly even with 'nem Radialblur (rays) unterstuertzen the movement ...

Also experiment with the layer mode and superimpose perhaps some additional authority with an ADD, and slightly offset with + / - a few percent strain ... or so.

Now everything is very dry, did not just AE handy ... But perhaps hilfts ... but you can certainly different synonymous schoener hinbekommen ... I think.


Antwort von pdiddyp:


Thank you for dine tips @ wim Roegele, now have something rumgebastelt.


Antwort von Blackeagle123:


So "Zertümmer" Effect in Adobe until now I know not, have not found him synonymous!

Can you briefly explain where I can find, or how the English version of the name?

Schonmal love greetings and thank you!


Antwort von pdiddyp:

shatter ..


Antwort von prem:

"pdiddyp" wrote:
Now I have only the problem that I am the smash-effect can not apply for "rear". If the strength goes into the settings to be .. it looks Cons are eliminated. Ne composition've already done this and tries to rotate in 3D space by 180 °. Bring nothing!

If this effect can not be synonymous to work with keyframes () in thickness. Which are simply ignored.

The explosion is supposed to apply only to go backwards and forwards itself.

Someone ne idea?

Nobody an idea? Or a tip?



Antwort von prem:

hab ne Lösung gefunden!

- eine Comp with "Zerstören" die Kraft auf Cons setzen
- eine neue Comp with der ersten Comp als Ebene, bei Zeitdehnung auf -100% and darauf Zerstören filter with positiver Kraft.

and der rest wie gehabt!


Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Hello "Guest" and all others who can help me vll,

how you did it, that the parts only fly forward, and experienced almost no attraction? When I fly, no preference which I employ people, somehow always the same at the bottom!

Thank you in advance in advance!

Liebe Grüße


Antwort von pdiddyp:

put under Physics> gravity to 0!


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