Frage von Gundalf:
Hi, am new and inexperienced in dealing with video editing programs! (Dominik way, I hot)
I have recently acquired a video camera. When editing program I have chosen for Magix Video Deluxe. Now I have the little problem that this program no cuts of imported AVI files recognizes. Who do you example with the Windows Movie Maker some hineinläd any AVI video, it makes my program immediately divided into the different scenes. In MVD, I just get a large contiguous file without cuts loaded into the timeline. Is that so or am I probably overlooked something?
Oh, there is a way to make Time Lapse with MVD? Can someone help? Would be very grateful! All have a great day!
Antwort von StefanS:

My dear Dominik Gundalf,
What you have done is bought at about the same as if you had a smart and now you ask in a smart forum, if you can take your 20köpfigen synonymous with the smart bowling club.
I want nothing to you, but I wonder now becoming more common, loslaufen why people buy anything without asking first, whether this something synonymous meets the requirements or wishes. Then they do not read the accompanying manual and wwundern later that they are in the relevant forums angebölkt with RTFM.
I do not know MVD, so do not know if MVD can separate the scenes already when imported. But the seller would have it you can say, perhaps, or the homepage of MVD or the owner's manual.
Even without MVD know, I can tell you with s.Sicherheit beyond any reasonable doubt but that you can customize with MVD Time Lapse by Du frames projektkonform lay on the timeline and create a movie from it. The details of this, you certainly betrays again the manual.
Antwort von Gundalf:

Hello StefanS!
Thank you for your kind greeting!
The answer has not helped me, unfortunately, was apparently synonymous not your intent ... (the more likely it was to make me realize how stupid I am, right?)
With MVD way, I thought, "Magix Video Deluxe," which one would basically be able to come-there is already an answer from above in the same subforum!
Is not there anyone who knows about me, and with such programs still can help with a
correct answer?
Antwort von A380:

Hi together from Bremen,
with "no cut marks," You mean the separation into individual scenes?
If it is, you can carry out later, the scene detection.
Right click on the AVI, and then select scene detection.
Time Lapse: Sure can Magix das No problem
Right click on the part you want to snatch.
Video effects or Shift-Y, so that you start the video controller.
Here you will see a slider for the play speed. The play even has a sign, that is backwards.
You just have to, and that's important, only separated from each other Sound and Picture.
Now you can play with the speed.
Hope to have helped you
mfg A380
Antwort von StefanS:
Hello StefanS!
Thank you for your kind greeting!
The answer has not helped me, unfortunately, was apparently synonymous not your intent ... (the more likely it was to make me realize how stupid I am, right?)
With MVD way, I thought, "Magix Video Deluxe," which one would basically be able to come-there is already an answer from above in the same subforum!
Is not there anyone who knows about me, and with such programs still can help with a correct answer? Dear Dominik,
My answer was, in fact, deliberately provocative, you should not stand as a stupid (see: I will tell you nothing, I do not really), but you a little food for thought, for example, find out beforehand in a forum like this before you spend money.
Once you read through some threads here and you will notice how many people are willing to pay good money just before they realize that they needed something else, but on the packaging, were prominent, finally, the words: It's easy with a mouse click "
As long as people have in this country to even money, so long as it is in Germany not bad enough.
That you with MVD "Magix Video Deluxe" meant, not ignored read, since you have to spend both the abbreviation as synonymous the full name of your software used in your post, as synonymous Your post, if I remember correctly, under the rubric "Magix is found," etc. to. I'm just out of laziness, your next used abbreviation.
I have given you two answers.
On the subject of separation scene I do not know what can MVD. But I repeat that this is something in the manual or help system. Where is the problem, because even look into it? You have now answered that MVD can at least make a scene separation when the file is located on the Calculator. But perhaps it is already synonymous during the transmission, if so, that certainly suggests the manual. Why do you want to forego the opportunity to once you're there, scroll to?
Time Lapse on the topic I have given you a brief instructions to one of the options. Again, I have again, frankly, that I do not know your software, because I do not even use, but is probably from my experience with Premiere and Media Studio Pro, MSP wait, it works with MVD are very similar.
I do not apologize if you should be acidified. Who but the fact it should be, I recommend a TRANQUILISER and a little humor and self-criticism.
My advice is to make payment in the future before the sly, but still does nothing.
And if you should have vexed you, and therefore before spending money in the future s.dieses A. ... loch think in this forum, I have perhaps you can help.
Antwort von Gundalf:

Thanks to both for the answers, it would like to try!
@ Stefan: I'm not acidify! On the contrary, have now together with your posting two replies have helped me. Geht doch!
I was informed, moreover, previously at length about this program, I use this simple problem, but only when using stumbled. In addition, it lives as a forum of such issues. Would in future issues of this kind have often determined and then I look forward to, of you or others here have a nice and bona-fide answer!
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Hello StefanS!
Thank you for your kind greeting!
The answer has not helped me, unfortunately, was apparently synonymous not your intent ... (the more likely it was to make me realize how stupid I am, right?)
With MVD way, I thought, "Magix Video Deluxe," which one would basically be able to come-there is already an answer from above in the same subforum!
Is not there anyone who knows about me, and with such programs still can help with a correct answer? I always find it remarkable, how to react aggressively people are denied their own comfort holds a little under the nose, so that they develop something proactive to help themselves.
I wonder what the program developer help features built into its Programs, or attach to their software manuals, if that is not being used anyway?
People! Grow up and own! But makes use of first opportunity to get her to magically before your eyes with a simple click on the Screen! What do you do when nobody is there to help you?
You can still synonymous go alone to the toilet, right? This process is much more demanding than twice seen a motor with the left mouse button to click and call the built-in help function.
Antwort von Gundalf:

Hello again!
Have implemented the tips of A380 works! Furthermore, I am somewhat surprised by the tone of this forum. As I have previously served never a synonymous editing program and I had never before engaged with this issue, we must forgive me, please, have asked this question in this forum (which actually should live of questions and answers) :-)
Antwort von AndyZZ:

The problem is that lately more and more people strike here and ask questions that were answered either already own or through a simple search in the software's Help menu in Google or the forum search function to answer. Then just look for boundless laziness: "Why should I make myself the trouble to find the answer to my question yourself, but if the others can do for me!" And the annoying!
Otherwise, we're mighty helpful, if it's going to canned.
Antwort von Gundalf:

OK, I understand! Only are such questions, as I had asked it for me already, the corporate culture. Erlich I have absolutely no idea of DV editing, and therefore it was just a matter of
me-after I already own gaaaaaaanz many questions already answered! :-)
So, now synonymous well, take care of me now return to my movie!