Frage von
have structurally advantages or disadvantages?
The Flycam is already a lot cheaper ...
Thanks and regards
Antwort von susy:

I would be interested synonymous
Antwort von domain:

Quote of Its Magic, aka Marcus
".. The short version:
The Indian unit is a non-licensed replica of the Glidecam, that's all.
I know that because of licensing violations Glidecam has sued the Indians, what has become of it, I do not know.
All in all, I personally would let the Indians of the fingers, we are synonymous systems have easy to do with if. The lever laws are synonymous here. " Did not we just become a disastrous report on the impossibility of a decent buoyancy of the Flycam?
Antwort von

Perfect thank you, that has supported me in my decision
Antwort von Bavaria:

Did not we just become a disastrous report on the impossibility of a decent buoyancy of the Flycam?
The Indians parts (not just the suspension systems) for their price very well and with minimal technical skills can be trimmed to competitive level.
Of course, if any basic knowledge about the function and the physical laws that are missing in a levitation system, then good is not synonymous one Merlin.
Antwort von Bilderspiele:

If the bearings are not aligned, good is not synonymous technical skills and no knowledge of basic physical laws.
Am with my Glidecam 4000 Pro quite satisfied.