Frage von Anne Nerven:
Hi Folks,
I want to buy and must have a Mojo. Actually I need it / him / her at the moment only as BreakOut-Box Media Composer of the CRT monitor. However, I wonder whether it might make more sense to take the SDI-variant? But what can or has it more, except for the SDI interface? The recent information on the net not really help next, because they are too theoretical and not art, anyway, I'm the Pope. And conducted the searches in the forum either at the sales presentation or to problems with the box.
My work is almost exclusively to create DVDs. So I will not shoot sparrows with cannons.
While I know that I (through the SD interface, a higher image quality, get Farbabtatstung) when capturing, but I doubt that these synonymous around 2500Euro (; including exchange of Cam-A1auf XH-G1) is better than firewire material.
What brings me Mojo SDI hardware accelerators as compared to analog? Can I edit HDV at the same tracks? Will significantly speed up the computation time, although I now barely need computing: Hardcut, Aperture, slow motion, color correction / effect - which is to be expected because large? FX and Compositing I erledige by Targa and exports in afterfx. The finished sequence of Targa again I import into MC and ultimately create a QT reference file for TMPG and let (; exploit external) the timeline to Digibeta. Ok, the Targa seduce import and export times to pick one's nose, but that is synonymous everything.
Benefit may be other Programs such as afterfx of the extra processing power? And if so, only of the SDI version of the analogue or synonymous?
Is it an investment in the future if I want to upgrade to a higher-quality video format with card-Cam? I Can not Mojo SDI hardware support for HD editing with MC forgotten or could replace a faster CPU in the Mojo Power Calculator?
'm Happy about any helpful info,
Antwort von WoWu:

it looks like you will have no implementation of the SDI benefits, because it differs only in the interface that is only a hardware layer, as a follow-up ability of other SDI devices. (; For sound you will need to AES / EBU).
So long as you have no use for the transfer of VIDEO / AUDIO / TC and a few other metadata in a coaxial cable, you'll be able to draw any benefits from it. A better picture quality you have not synonymous, unless you are capturing with a camera right of SDI output. This would then (in most cases, the reduction algorithm) bypassed.
I doubt that these .... Firewire is better than the material. As long as it is already recorded material, can you expect.
One difference is still that you can visualize an HD timeline synonymous with SD on the monitor ... But that's a pretty special application.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

Hello Wolfgang,
Thank you for the precise answer. However, short time nachgehakt:
If I understand it right that is transferred to tape recorded material in 4:1:1 anyway? Then SDI plays no role in my work anyway. Live capturing the blue screen studio with me is the exception.
What interested me even s.Deiner answer:
I need a Mojo SDI box to view HD tracks on my SD tube? Without the SDI version so I could see anyway just downconverted SD tracks on the tube and consequently cut synonymous only SD or farbkorrigieren? I hope I understand this wrong :-) Because if this is so, then yes Avid sells a measly breakout box for 1000, - Euro and one HDaufSD breakout box for 2000, -? That would be a reason to change the system ...
Antwort von WoWu:

Yes, Dirk, do you understand this wrong, fortunately ...
The box only provides an additional possibility of "on fly" down-conversion (; whoever needs it).
If you already editing DV material, only (; no preference whether or 4:1:1 or 4:2:0), then you will you the additional cost of the SDI version may well save.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

Your answer after I have but still well understood. No Mojo SDI, no HD signal to SD tube.
I must go with me ....
Thank you very much
Antwort von MK:

Oh yes, if you s.The times a professional VTR will join MOJO SDI goes without an additional USB to RS-422 adapter, which needs to purchase an extra one, no machine control, Edelschrott.
Antwort von Hogar:

Hello Dirk,
if you only with the SD material and output goes to a monitor to work, the Canopus ACEDVio synonymous enough for about 250 ¬. The card is synonymous with S-Video output on which one the Picture on a control monitor synonymous can judge very well. In addition, it has the ability capture of analog sources directly to Avid.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

Hello Hogar,
all not so simple. Of course, the moment I'm working mostly with SD material, as I mainly produce concerts, events and documentaries show movies. But I would be stupid to shut my eyes before HD. Therefore, it is important to me, synonymous future HD farbkorrigieren tracks can - and for that I must see them nunmal. So I'll either have to expand Avid Mojo SDI with MC or switch to a completely different editing system.
Thanks anyway,
Antwort von actvideo:

You should not forget that represents HD nunmal the future and you'll eventually end up there anyway.
AVID is down on the Mojo HD box convert in real time - that there machste with 2 mouse clicks and render there had not synonymous.
The Mojo Box but can not record HD via SDI - that you would need an Adrenaline hardware with HD board.
But you can invite HD via FireWire, cut into SD (; with preview on the screen play) and then via SDI.
In addition, the Mojo box still brings a lot s.Rechenleistung in relation to the representation of effects in real time.
Antwort von Hogar:

Yes, sure, the HD is the future. A Downkonvertieren of real-time HD to SD is me with the ACEDVio failed synonymous. Since Avid refused obviously the real coding. I'm pretty sure it would actually go;)
In addition, the Mojo box still brings a lot s.Rechenleistung in relation to the representation of effects in real time. I think rather less. The Adrenalinebox makes not synonymous, at least not with SD material. The only Adrenalinebox expects s.HD.
GERÜCHT Avid has probably banned waves + Nöthen "" call this breakout box, even though they in SD makes operation virtually nothing else.
The Mojobox in the SD or HD, I do not think anything counts. Then it would probably be even more expensive ... and bigger. Here at least there is nothing on: In the Mojo DX is already there rather it was: "... Improved real-time effect performance"
Antwort von ruessel:

My (but old) could indeed represent Mojo HD to SD (; real-time), but the quality was present in all pig, it is represented only one field and the gaps filled wrong. Therefore I have sold all the scrap and Avid have switched to a different editing system more affordable.
Antwort von actvideo:

The Mojobox in the SD or HD, I do not think anything counts. Then it would probably be even more expensive ... and bigger.
Hogar Information about the Avid DNA family:
Avid Mojo: The portable Avid Mojo Digital Nonlinear Accelerator is the first mobile real-time solution for notebooks that features RT-effects and simultaneous DV - and analog outputs for Avid Xpress (r) Pro and Avid NewsCutter XP systems. Compact enough to go for mobile use, Avid Mojo connects each qualified PC or Mac via FireWire cable, and Calculator allows editing to uncompressed SD video. Sihe since:
My (but old) could indeed represent Mojo HD to SD (; real-time), but the quality was present in all pig, it is represented only one field and the gaps filled wrong. Therefore I have sold all the scrap and Avid have switched to a different editing system more affordable.
If you really want to edit with Avid HD in the professional sense, we should not synonymous Mojo grow but min. Adrenaline hardware with one-board HD plus HD-enabled monitor;)
Antwort von ruessel:
If you really want to edit with Avid HD in the professional sense, we should not synonymous Mojo grow but min. Adrenaline hardware with one-board HD plus HD-enabled monitor;) Yes, unfortunately I have to confirm this. In the AVID and advertising in magazines read the test, but otherwise, I fell for it and then have sunk so about 1500 euros .... never AVID.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

First of thanks for the many responses.
Kasus Knacktus: The MC is in DVCPro HD only on video - display-ie no SD.
As far as I can see from the replies here, I need to Mojo SDI, which enables me to see an SD picture without downkonvertieren durable the material to have.
If I'm switching to real HD wants to bring me Mojo SDI, however, nothing, because I sure anyway Adrenaline / Nitris need. Ok.
How can I bridge the gap until Nitris without SDI Mojo? For me, the next is in fact nothing but a grossly overpriced breakout box. Effects or not. Is there an alternative, with MC HD to SD to see?
... with MC HD to SD ... I write like an old man :-)
Antwort von actvideo:

You could theortisch:
Turn on HD - ie HDCAM, DVC-Pro HD or HDV ... etc. ..
Invite ... lles Cut by SD-SDI into a Mojo SDI Media Composer and ...
... with the finished project in a prof. Postproduction nachbatchen and go there all in HD via HD-SDI on an Adrenaline or Nitris ...
... Track building, Farbkorrigieren ...
Playing off ...
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

@ Jones
Why do I need more adrenaline, if I can cut HD so synonymous in the MC? Only for preparing the data for output in HD? Put differently, I can not burn my HD Adrenaline Project on Blu-Ray? For DAS will be my main HD product. TV commercials, I'm too rare, and the four that I previously made, would not even refinance the Adrenaline hardware. So I can not do on thick trousers, but my mini-production studio upgrade accordingly.
If you now ask yourself, why am I even use Avid:
I wanted as a cutter in a prof. Postprod. and had to familiarize myself to work on an Avid. When I halfway with the program clearly did, I realized just how boring the job. Had work off the cut list of the editor is not what I imagined in "cutting". The creative and exhilarating part of the activity is eliminated completely. There goes (it's, obviously) for efficient, so fast, works. How boring ...
But it was not all for naught. Because I am using Avid with many prof. Postprod. compatible and let me play there if needed to cut my deck or capture HD material and downkonvertieren. Although I am going to 100km to Cologne, it is much easier and I am working with the virgin material without having to render (; up on FX). The easy-load the consolidated Project and s.geht 's. Therefore I would like to remain synonymous with Avid - but not at
any price.
Antwort von actvideo:

@ Dirk
Sure you can do that way - because nothing speaks against it.
But there was the beginning of the whole discussion about synonymous HD material to get into the Avid. And you can of course only if you have any interface with HD-SDI. From Firewire, HDV or P2 HD has indeed spoken as yet no one. Already clear that you are with ner Mojo HD box can cut material in standard definition.
Whether you come from Avid directly on BluRay, I know not synonymous. Perhaps that goes by QT Reference export using Sorenson Squeeze or other transcoder. With BluRay, I do not know nothing about.
Antwort von Anne Nerven:

@ Jones
The same was synonymous to me through my head:
Export as QT Reference - convert - burn - that's it. Rather than just DVD Blu-Ray. I only feared that one of this Avid still need something extra. Let's see whether it works.
Thank you for your answers,