Frage von aaVe:
have to ask, is at the title. Also, I would like to know whether the lighting is important.
mfg aave
Antwort von Markus:

That has to be a trick question! - What is probably the most obvious difference between a
blue and a
green box? ;-)
Also, I would like to know whether the lighting is important. Yes, a Lighting is important, because without Lisht the camera sees nothin '. ;-)
Antwort von aaVe:

sorry, that was unfortunately misunderstood. So I mean, does it make whether we could see a blue or green screen for keying takes ...
Then with the lighting: whether sufficient daylight;).
mfg aave
Antwort von nico:

Apparently here you are confusing a few terms.
Blue or Green boxes are used in order to shoot anything in front of a blue or green background to it then rauszufiltern per alpha channel again. It requires latürnich "Lighting", that is so much that your motive may be included.
Blue or green screen filter methods are used by keying a procuring suitable for NLE on the existing film. Here the lighting does not matter. This can make even in the dark, because the screen is so illuminated.
Antwort von PowerMac:

I understand you, even in exceptional cases:
Yes there is a difference between green screen and blue screen.
Early they took blue screen, green screen now increasingly. Why do green screen is better, tells you to Wikipedia. Sometimes it takes synonymous Bluescreen. for example, if the people all the green stuff and so hurt
No, overhead lighting as the wall is not enough. Unless you are standing on an open field, and have diffused, bright light () for example: with clouds in the morning / evening.
Antwort von aaVe:

that you understood you correctly, and well explained to me synonymous! dankeschön:)
but what about with hardware from? you have certain cards or so, because I have adobe premiere pro and I can not choose what we can with this tutorial:
mfg aave
Antwort von Wiro:

Hello AAve,
The tutorial will be built with Appro Matrox Matrox card and software.
Since you probably do not have, logically, it runs a little differently.
The keying effects you will find at Appro (without Matrox) under Effects> Video Effects> Keying> Blue Screen Key (Green Screen Key).
Mach Dirs unnecessarily hard by showing you just lay a number of interlocking keys of each other. With a simple catch to Key, and if Dus did get it, then you Raise ;-)))
Gruss Wiro
Dear God, why do you always can return to that bloody DV editing Beginners calculated pro NLEs and want to use the same build as the first exercise keying compositing? ;-)))
Antwort von Markus:
sorry, that was unfortunately misunderstood. Well,
wie man eben fragt. ;-)
Klick Dich mal durch die Links:
chroma or Lumakey? More info and "background":
The brightness signal green has s.meisten weighting
Antwort von Maxim:

The Lighting is very important, because without a uniform illumination of the screen a reasonable keying is hardly possible!