Frage von BigTom:
Hello together,
'm finally the proud owner of a MiniDV Cam accomplished!
Sure I would like to cover my future movies on DVD,
however, did not have on PC (though not s.PC sooo not old
Firewire port) but direct my cam with my DVD recorder
verstöppseln "because the film ought to 1:1 on DVD can be transferred (without something like s.PC high or runtergerechnet or recoded, etc.) must, right?
Would I like everything so ausaprobieren,
But unfortunately, when Cam was not even here ne MiniDV or S-video cable, let alone an i-Link / DV cable,
I must buy everything until tomorrow what it is (synonymous) is not bad.
Does the MiniDV tape material differences in fact,
or is it whether I Wurscht tapes of Sony, Panasonic, NoName or so take it or what can you recommend for me HERE?
Thank you once before for the answers.
Antwort von Gast1:

For tapes, there are at least as many opinions as brands and users (and even more threads in the forums) :-)
Some swear by "always the same type / brand, the other is damn it. Some use a tape only once or a few times, others have only one tape.
I have since the late 90-ties synonymous only a "type" used tape, and although the cheapest respectively. Was always branded. Some have been described up to 10 times other 2 to 3 times. 1 times Bandsalat've been had.
Antwort von Markus:
... but then the film would have 1-1 on DVD can be transferred (without something like s.PC high or runtergerechnet or recoded, etc.) must, right? Hello Thomas,
a DVD-Video includes MPEG2-compressed video, a MiniDV tape, however DV video material. The latter occupies about 13 GB per hour, on a DVD-5 but only fit 4.7 GB (ie
4.3 GB actually on it).
It must therefore be compressed, for two reasons: firstly because it provides the specification for DVD-Video discs, and secondly, because such films are usually longer than 20 minutes. ;-)
Does the MiniDV tape material differences in fact or is it whether I Wurscht tapes of Sony, Panasonic, NoName or so take it or what can you recommend for me HERE? As I join the opinion of my "TO BE in". Look under the heading "camcorder accessories" are (according to the corresponding contributions are usually somewhat longer), or use the search function with keywords like "MiniDV SonyPanasonic" (all terms), while restriction to the above heading.
Antwort von BigTom:

Hello again,
THANK YOU for your info :-)
For I must really send from the PC, unfortunately my DV movies
oh well, God be thanked is a firewire card to get very favorable.
So again, THANK YOU for everything.
Antwort von Markus:
For I must really send from the PC, unfortunately my DV movies, ... Why is that? I thought your DVD recorder would have a suitable connection for your camcorder?
Antwort von BigTom:

... yes, the DVD recorder has this connection,
s.diesen but not the PC, and I must edit my movies in the future, yes, unfortunately, is probably not what I thought of Cam directly to DVD via DVD recorder because of the gigantic size of the s.MBs incurred.
Actually, I wanted to buy a DVD from bequemlichkeit yes Cam,
I have but unfortunately, still too expensive,
So I bought myself First of 'ne cheap Anfängercam,
was straight, and that when a small Elktrohöker, of 235, - to 189 --
Euro 'be low, but only wanted a Panasonic NV GS-27 go there for 289, --
buy, but 100, - are Euro 200 - DM saved --
We get in. so the top times in the DiGi-Cam-world ', one can always improve that, it was just halt "just" a JVC,
is quite a difference between my old 8mm Canon and the new :-))
Antwort von Markus:
... yes, unfortunately, is probably not what I thought of Cam directly to DVD via DVD recorder because of the huge size of the s.MBs incurred. Try out the views! Your DVD recorder compresses the data from the camcorder, so that can fit up to two hours in good quality on a DVD. What kind of (rudimentary) cut opportunities your DVD-Recorder and whether it provides enough for your project, can you even s.besten judge.
I really wanted out of convenience even buy a DVD-Cam, are to me but unfortunately, still too expensive ... People Thomas, but since you have been lucky! No, no joke! Filming of a MiniDV camcorder can be easily transferred to a computer and post-process, but the recording of a DVD camcorder that is pure wish to reprocess masochism! ;-)
Learn More:
Links relating to DVD camcorder
Antwort von BigTom:

would be ... oh man, so interesting - and when one thinks of the latest DVD-Cams cry ...
So, wants to go again tomorrow and me 'n Buy a DV cable,
I fell down so ...
so'n DV Cable (4pin to 4pin Of Cam to DVD Recorder)
original cost for jvc 31, - (!!!) euros, if I here one in my place
buy just under 4 euros - are due - or Does it necessarily the JVC-original cable be?
Antwort von Skye:
Does it necessarily have the JVC-original cable?
Thomas No, a normal range for 4 euros synonymous.
Antwort von StefanS:
would be ... oh man, so interesting - and when one thinks of the latest DVD-Cams cry ...
so'n DV Cable (4pin to 4pin Of Cam to DVD Recorder)
original cost for jvc 31, - (!!!) euros, if I here one in my place
buy just under 4 euros - are due
Thomas Well, that is the advertising world, wrong and evil! Unfortunately, the ending, which are then on it fell for, sooner or later here, and must again go through the pain before healing will occur :-)
And with the same audacity, deceit, malice, you will then pulled the cable over the counter.
Ah yes, JVC is not alone, but you just request time for a SonyI link cable, not as a simple DV = Firewire cable :-)
Antwort von Markus:
Ah yes, JVC is not alone, but you just request time for a SonyI link cable, not as a simple DV = Firewire cable :-) SonyVMC-IL4615 iLink cable 1.5 m. .. 31,50 ¬ ... probably be from the same Manufacturer as the JVC originate cable. ;-)
Antwort von mdb:

[quote = "Anonymous"] [no, a normal synonymous for 4 euro last. [/ quote]
Some, however, reported that they had problems (Detection Camera s.PC) with Billigkabeln who were with SONY Teuerkabel away
Antwort von Markus:
Some, however, reported that they had problems (Detection Camera s.PC) with Billigkabeln who were with SONY Teuerkabel away I have three categories Firewire cable: An original SonyiLink, several high quality and some very very cheap, which were in some cheap IEEE1394 cards here.
With the Sony cable I had never had a problem, just not with the high-quality Firewire cables, which accompanied my Canopus A / D converters.
With the cheap cables, it is me but not yet managed to establish contact between the camcorder and PC. The fit of the 4-pin connector was so bad that I have sorted out the cable the same, not to jeopardize the interfaces of my camcorder.
[my test] Original SonyiLink cable
Antwort von BigTom:

Moin Moin, I again ...
So did me yesterday, stingy as I am, a cheap DV cable brought 4auf4 of 3,95 Euro for the whole between the camcorder and DVD recorder plugged, and lucky, fits well and works mainly with the direct images of the the Cam to DVD, but I have dubbed First of approximately 5 min film to try, so goes well,
And that with my cheap accidentally "shot" Mustek DVD recorder (a Panasonic 52, but soon comes into the house),
dub ie 1:1 probably can, but let's see if I would deal with longer-shooting DV on PC but they (must).
Next week I will install for a firewire card in my PC, this can be found here, as you wrote here, really need an expensive cable, my grocer First of me are 2 cables (4auf6) with. a brand and a cheap cable, can it bring back one.
So, it seems cheap enough for DV cable and DVD recorders for the PC has an expensive ago.
Well, because it is known even know.
I thank you again for the great tips, really SUPER :-))
Antwort von Markus:
So, it seems cheap enough for DV cable and DVD recorders for the PC has an expensive ago. I suppose the really cheap cables do not cost ¬ 4.95. With a total price of about ¬ 12 for an IEEE 1394 card incl cable may fall to the cable synonymous not as high (!) Amount. ;-)
I just researched views that might lie in what my high-priced Firewire cable. On the Internet, although I can only compare the picture, but since I have met on just those 5 ¬.
The cheapest way Firewire cable was 1.99 ¬ and it looked like those with whom I was able to make contact with my camcorder.
Antwort von BigTom:

So, thanks to your help everything is now done.
S.DVD DV Cam recorder via cable to the camera and MiniDV transferred to DVD, all I wanted to start with so not synonymous.
Now I'm terribly curious
So burned DVD from the DVD recorder taken and lined it with PC and VirtualDub with DivX / AVI to DivX6 format
converted, and even went quite well and really saves many MB's,
But the end of it although a lot of space saved, but for one
miserable easily klötzchenbildene Play - where are all so for DivX ...
oK, you can not have everything
because tomorrow will finally connect my Firewire card because the MiniDV s.PC and got on PC (only Movie Maker that is worth the 'what?)
Editing can be running and possibly.
But for me this is all still far future.
And again, thank you all.
Antwort von Markus:
Now I'm terribly curious, so burned DVD from the DVD recorder made, lined with PC and convert it with VirtualDub and DivX / AVI to DivX6 format ... I do not understand. If you are just about the technical feasibility or has the whole round and Herkomprimieren synonymous any sense?
Antwort von BigTom:

No, was just an experiment, because many mmir Vorschwärmen with DivX Hello, you hardly Verlsue, all wonderful, etc.
No, I leave it as it is, I'm glad that I had good film qualities, if I were the DV movies are now on 1, 2 or 3 DVD's 1:1 is still burning today at the DVD Leerscheibenpriese not an issue
And even that is not necessarily so, one can be synonymous to material on MiniDV, even MiniDV cassettes are indeed to have been favorable.
Antwort von pgroe:

Have a Firewire cable 4 / 4 for 1,99 purchased on ebay and it works perfectly btw laptop and camcorder. No loose connection and instant plug and play. Expensive cables are not necessary in mM.
Antwort von Markus:
Have a Firewire cable 4 / 4 for 1,99 purchased on ebay and it works perfectly ... Lucky! Quite a few users have the use of unacceptable quality cables already paid for with expensive repairs (DV port s.Camcorders damaged, etc.).
Antwort von bimbus:

always very helpful at first sounds like your tips but then revised its always your advice again so I never know exactly what it könte book now are that: now exchanged my second camcorder (synonymous of a different brand) and not once of not recognized my pc? ??
I think that the book now just firewire connection in the A. ... And is that even though I have never used it!
that can not really be right??
ask for advice or help Vilen .... thanks in advance.
Antwort von Markus:

@ Bimbus:
Find out times, which cause in your case for the non-function is responsible. An inadequate Firewire cable is only one of the possible weak points ...