Frage von schneekatze:
Hello. 'm new here and would like to ask the following s.euch make: I turn green screen footage on DigiBeta. then I would like to possible loss, the data on a hd copy, so it will be added s.meinem mac and scenes on the final cut to cut. because the test footage on mini-dv not become really good, habeich mcih decided to film with DigiBeta. because I never did, I would like to know which format you choose to s.schluss the best possible results. many thanks!
Antwort von WoWu:

Digi-Beta is in MPEG2 (like) I, B, I, B, I, B .... on.
But do you s.das code format has not ran, but must have Baseband off.
Because you do not cut in the original codec can, so you can now choose a format. Primarily of course, something in 4:2:2. Propose would be first of all, no new codec, but a transparent recording, because you already of a quasi-analog signal kommst. (synonymous SDI if you choose as a transport interface, but remains Baseband Baseband).
Also ProRes422 is a codec and in addition a wavelet based. Which is initially discouraged, because you already have a DCT-based've used. RS422 you reduce your signal is already a second time with a (not related codec). It is therefore verlustbehaft.
Grief you to keying 4:2:2 is a transparent format and encoded only s.Ende work in a transfer format.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Well, to restore the uncompressed via SDI. Recording with a DeckLink or Aja card. In Final Cut Pro 10-bit simply unkompromiert PAL as "Easy Setup" menu.
Antwort von schneekatze:

thank you very much! So I put in compressor: uncompressed 10 bit 4:2:2, which pixel format remains in PAL CCIR 601 (for 4:3 format), halbbilddominanz lowest first (?) and image size is at a 4:3 DigiBeta always synonymous 720x576 format? ...
Antwort von WoWu:

If you CCIR 601 used is the (non-squared) format 720x576 pixels (5:4) Do you use PAL square pixel is the format 768x576 resolution (4:3)
The field dominance is anyway only from your first cut, because there is no per-se dominance there.
Antwort von PowerMac:
thank you very much! So I put in compressor: uncompressed 10 bit 4:2:2, which pixel format remains in PAL CCIR 601 (for 4:3 format), halbbilddominanz lowest first (?) and image size is at a 4:3 DigiBeta always synonymous 720x576 format? ... You ask do nothing! Herumgefrickel s.technischen parameters brings only problems. Maximum WoWu das understands the idea, please let the looser.
Menu: Final Cut Pro: Easy to configure:
You choose: Uncompressed 10 bit 4:2:2.
Antwort von schneekatze:

thank you, you are super! hope it works out. and else do I like in 3 weeks again ...
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Digi-Beta is in MPEG2 (like) I, B, I, B, I, B .... on. Eieiei, Mr. Wunderlich!
Sure, that you is not with Betacam SX and IMX confuse? Digibeta makes the best of my knowledge only DCT - for a compression of 2:1 and i-frame only.
Edit: You Guckst
Antwort von MK:
Digi-Beta is in MPEG2 (like) I, B, I, B, I, B .... on.
That would be new to me that the DCT-based Compression of Digital Betacam Bidirectional Frames are ... You probably confuse with Betacam SX and IMX.
Antwort von MK:

Sure, that you is not with Betacam SX and IMX confuse? Digibeta makes the best of my knowledge only DCT - for a compression of 2:1 and i-frame only.
Upps, I would have earlier times runtergescrollt;)
Antwort von MK:

The field dominance is anyway only from your first cut Aha, then explain it to me please why I am at Digital Betacam PAL natively always a TFF dominance and have an NTSC LFF?
Good, there are the "specialists" are ready to bring the Field Order to move so that the first field is eliminated and the field sequence in the frames of 1 / 2, 3 / 4, 5 / 6 to 2 / 3, 4 / 5, 6 / 7 will change, and this formerly progressive frames are interlaced.
But basically, the Field Order for Digital Betacam set ...
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Quadruplex
The links have little relevance, they say only that the DCT to the individual frames is applied:
intra-field What the second link is to convey, I do not know that, aside from times that it almost 3:1 instead of 2:1 should be hot (2,7:1) but the notice is synonymous only to the type of compression: (Field - based )
Digital Betacam
Digital successor to the venerable Betacam SP format. Introduced by Sonyin 1993, physically similar uses half-inch cassettes. Camcorder with 40-minute capacity are available, making the first Digital Betacam component digital ENG (electronic news gathering) format. Digital Betacam units play back, but do not record analogue Beta SP tapes.
The 2:1 compression is based on DCT (discrete cosine transform), like most modern video compression techniques. Each field is compressed separately. WP says:
Digital Betacam
L Digital Betacam tape
Digital Betacam (commonly referred to s.Digibeta, d-beta, or simply Digi dbc) was launched in 1993. It Supersedes both Betacam and Betacam SP, while costing significantly less than the D1 format. S tapes are available with up to 40 minutes running time, and L tapes with up to 124 minutes.
The Digital Betacam format records a DCT-compressed component video signal p.10-bit YUV 4:2:2 sampling in NTSC (720 × 486) or PAL (720 × 576) resolutions sa bitrate of 90 Mbit / s plus four channels of uncompressed 48 kHz / 20 bit PCM-encoded audio. A fifth analog audio track is available for cueing, and a linear timecode track is also used on the tape. Digital Betacam employs temporal compression, recording pair of pictures IBIBIB ... It is a popular digital video cassette format for broadcast use. Its main competitor is the Panasonic DVCPRO50 cassette format.
Another key element which aided adoption was Sony's implementation of the SDI coaxial digital connection on Digital Betacam decks. Facilities could begin using digital signals on their existing coaxial wiring without having to commit to s.expensive reinstallation.
Typically Digital Betacam videotape is sold in a blue cassette container.
But basically, it is synonymous to me no preference, as the format is.
@ ML
A picture is always dominated by the way the picture has been sampled, so both forms of right or wrong and therefore there is no "per se" dominance.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
The links have little relevance, they say only that the DCT to the individual frames is applied: intra-field Frames are full frames, Fields fields - but only s.Rande ...
Intra-Field does well but not necessarily IIII and IBIB. Your sources contradict each other since.
Each field is compressed separately. (..) Digital Betacam employs temporal compression, recording IBIBIB pair of pictures ... Would not the first solder in Wikipedia ...
But basically, it is synonymous to me no preference, as the format is. If it's sausage is, one need not mention it ...
Antwort von WoWu:

Well yes, with the Field, is already clear, but it says only that the DCT to the fields applied, yet nothing about the composition of the format ... but it's really drum. The topic is pointless and snow of yesterday.
Good greeting
Antwort von MK:

@ ML
A picture is always dominated by the way the picture has been sampled, so both forms of right or wrong and therefore there is no "per se" dominance. The field dominance is determined by the Wiedergabe-/Aufnahmegerät, and is it in PAL Digital Betacam nunmal Upper Field First and therefore do not no preference. Otherwise you would have in other formats and Digibeta s.Player-/Recorder the Field Order can.
To test times so you can easily interlaced material Lowerfield First to PAL Digital Betacam and then play off of the Digibeta analog outputs on the back, then the reasoning is obvious ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Your denies you something different.
WoWu believes that a format s.sich has no Halbbilddominanz.
The rest said, Digibeta had an odd Halbbildfolge. In fact, the true Digibeta PAL synonymous. At least on the tape. You can of course synonymous otherwise record ...
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

Hey snow cat
if you always on a new format change, then Kack but Digibeta and get ne DVCPRO50 Camera which records to P2.
Since you originally wanted to work with DV, you might as the HVX200 and rent lecker 4:2:2 DV50 record.
DVCProHD or even for a few more pixels to play ...
If what should be larger rent ne HPX500 or equal to 3000.
Then, for example directly via FW aufn Mac and copy in Final Cut Pro natively cut (if synonymous embedded in Quicktime ...)
Good luck!
Antwort von schneekatze:

hey, if you live in berlin, then come over and look at the film for mcih with the right camera ...;-) how should I for now after all the chaos of the 'right' recording technique decide ...? So if anyone wants to help me, only!
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

Schick times, please provide your contact information s.trautesheim-äää, maybe I can really help you ...
Gruß aus Friedrichshain, o)
Antwort von WideScreen:

Would be synonymous want to help, but BÄRLIN is there but a bissl far. : (