Frage von nieder:
I have a Digital Receiver of Thomson to get digital cable.
I would like to look on the PC, but it does not looks.
I have gelesendas scho with an analog funzt ogen probs, but I have a TVkarte in my computer for DVBT.
is the überhauptkompatibeil? if so how? get no signal inside ...
Antwort von Markus, gerade abgemeldet:

The same question was discussed directly at:
Antwort von nieder:

Mhmm, but this is a laptop (which has no preference), but he has no TVkarte, I have a computer in DvBTkarte.
So my question * G * with the thread was answered net, or I've just overlooked it .... if so please post times directly
Antwort von Markus:

Well, it was more about the essence ( "why not take Television?"). ;-)
Antwort von nieder:

because I have 2 computers and the side by side. my tv is in my back ... and had no bock I always turn to