Frage von Wechiii:
Heey people!
I once got a few questions about the digital editing Fair:
As the entire expire I do realize that I have not yet fully understand is:
1st Can I see before 10:00 synonymous already exhibiting the products? Just wants to go a little dream - would be a little earlier so there!
2nd Can we go out in the middle just as synonymous? (Of the presentation here)
3rd How did you like the whole - you have some experience so easy for me?
Go with a slashCAM synonymous with: "Pebowski" - I'm looking forward, Peter - if you read this ;-)
Best wishes,
Antwort von nicecam:

Come to Cologne, Germany. The Cologne Cathedral is anyway higher than the Stephansdom ;-)
Although, with Cologne, I have nothing s.Hut next. For me only the next venue.
Or let's go right to Berlin: "Berlin white ..." versus "Vienna Black" :-))
As you know, has so angeleiert thanks B. DeKid slashCAM in Berlin was. Now, we'll see how that develops.
But now times to your questions. I was 3 years ago on the digital cutting fair in Düsseldorf. Since it takes time indeed take place.
I do not quite, as was the exact procedure. Maybe you can look at before that was.
But there are between the individual events so synonymous breaks, where you can get information from the exhibitors. You have so synonymous not visit every post.
You can also, of course (with due respect) synonymous for individual events go out in between.
As you can see the slashCAM Admins? You all s.manchen places synonymous here.
So, I like the event has already then. Even though I've won nothing at the draw. The main prize (I think it was Adobe CS3), an elderly lady had won, it just seemed the less fortunate! Nuja ...
Anyway, I wish you much fun.