Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Direct Low-Light Comparison SonyPWD-EX1 and PD-170 of rudi - 20 Dec 2007 12:13:00 Just does Sony Really, the EX1 in the conversation on hold. But apparently take the camera somehow just the nerve of time. A rather interesting comparison between the extremely bright PD-170 and the EX1 is now on CreativeCow. And guess who wins ...
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Antwort von Peter06:

There are no SonyPWD-EX1 but only a SonyP
M D-EX1.
Antwort von Peter06:

Sry, here is the PMW-EX1 meant.
Antwort von Ricki:

Why the Sonywith his new camera again and again in conversation is?
Maybe because it indirectly with the sponsorship contributions operate ....
If only such a presumption. Because nobody wants to make something ...
There were still other good cameras to function properly. Who is filming because even in low-light area. Is it not so, the light only makes a good picture? Even when a night scene to be rotated?
Gruss Martin
Antwort von Noakyl:

excuse: had the ex1 1 / 2 "or 1 / 3"? the latter, I would be impressed!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... There were still other good cameras, the function ... To which the EX1 as similar do you think?
Who is filming because even in low-light area ... Anyone who reports for example, or live productions not affect the existing - or just mostly non-existent - Lighting can. As such, the Lowlight-ability of a camera in this category an enormously important information. In a feature film for which you wish headlights can draw, the course looks different.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von WoWu:

Nevertheless, this test really annoying amateur ... how can I get a 3x1 / 3 "CCD at half the price with a 3x1 / 2" CMOS compare? ... Quite simply, by saying absolutely nothing meaningless 6 photos or a few undemanding movies online and on the whole and the artifacts in the Picture Murx just quietly hinweggehe. With the thought of Martin, I could become friends.
Antwort von Jan:

I filme ja synonymous with the PD 170, this is really an issue.
It is now a long time, the number 1 in the shoulder cameras had their Lowlightkönnen is undisputed.
Ok, if it somehow, each with a 3 point lighting make no preference whether PD 170 or 500 ¬ Camera. I know that myself, just lend me s.and to stop suitcases from light (money issue), the difference of the illuminated scene and the Available Light variant is immediately visible - synonymous with the 170th PD
But Bernd has quite synonymous, I've already mentioned times. Autumn - 17 clock afternoon scene rotated with FX 7 and PD 170th Gabs no electricity, light suitcases were not there. The FX 7 - is not a bad camera - has made the scene to an evening event, besides the PD 170 - one has thought of it is 14 clock in clear weather - so bad was the difference.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Nevertheless, these really annoying amateur test Can it somehow be that because of you the wrong target audience expect? Not me as a professional, not just the
like no other qualified, competent depict relationships already interested in what extent I was in what price range can be expected. If I buy a new camera wants to see me first on the desired result (I could, for example, are: HDV, yes, lowlight schnurz) and then on the cameras that meet this criteria. Within this group, which then shows me there is really no preference as to whether there is or Irish moss CMOS chips are in it. Thus I'm - if - only s.Rande.
Where there is the problem?
Antwort von Jan:

Wolfgang - stay relaxed - it is Christmas soon!
We appreciate your knowledge already, so we'll give us trouble to come to your level, you make it but we do not always easy. It must stop synonymous amateurs and Semifilmer type.
To learn, WoWu Page:
Antwort von WoWu:

Andreas, you have the right, but tell me what is on the other hand, if the tester, such a test synonymous nor public, perhaps not so experienced reiterate that Vignetierung aside until the picture is wrong on that brightness Picture is the fact that in the critical areas (eg sky and Monochrome) MPEG Aretefakte aside to occur and that CA occurs, just as intolerable blurring because of any zoom Schnickschnack not running properly and the whole thing even more synonymous with a duly Ruck ends or perhaps synonymous that the lens is not really by-zoomable, or, or, or.
What's objection, the observer something to say. Finally, not all the days of Easter, according to the motto: mal sehn whether the layman will find all the quirks ...
Sure, you can give you an impression of your Picture along and make the whole Macken first determine if your claim has grown yourself or any other matter, for what the comical things are in the picture, but you did the coal're obviously already happening .... clear everything.
But I personally think it would be even better if the self tester so synonymous say something and so I have just seen do not know if Martin is not just right. What would be bad enough.
So Andrew, what have you, however, that those who see the quirks, at least synonymous with his finger in the wound and set times to find out what is going on?
You know, the world is not perfect but they are limited only by the ever-pink tinted glasses to see is certainly not the solution synonymous.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Jan
I am quite loose, but mine is pretty no preference whether with or without a knowledge dies ... in order to complete your award.
Antwort von Edwin Beeler:
... that Vignetierung aside until the picture is .... Sonyentschuldigt regarding vignetting is, unless the manufacturing process of adjustment going on - with a vanishingly small percentage of the delivered cameras - which will be corrected. The cameras are adjustable and thus iO .. See link here: [day] = 20 & tx_ttnews [month] = 12 & tx_ttnews [year] = 2007 & tx_ttnews [backpid] = 227 & tx_ttnews [tt_news] = 36998 & cHash = 62ef5a41ec
Greetings, Edwin
Antwort von WoWu:

As called for in order?
What is with the rest? (Blurred, MPEG artifacts, Rucker, CAC-stitching, etc.) It is not only the vignetting.
And do you think for a recall is in order.
Or, you can even adjust optical axis?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

You know, the world is not perfect but they are limited only by the ever-pink tinted glasses to see is certainly not the solution synonymous. All right, all right ... but
relatively synonymous. None says that it has only weichgespülte tests give. But some things such as chromatic aberrations are to a certain price range and in a certain degree simply to accept.
This helps the consumer no uncertainty, but the clear statement "in the Model A is still normal, even worse for B and up to thousands of dollars ... you have the accept as a given." In this context, then the next price category to show "you can see s.zehntausend euro this lens, you're only going Error", which is quite helpful and not as daunting as a list of the many, really only professional view existing Macken.
Somewhere, however, is lacking because in principle the line: no one knows what you really expect a certain amount, but write all over it :-))
What else is what I did not.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Andreas
Andreas, I have good news for you ... the smaller the lens is, the lower figure, most errors. Unfortunately, we still others disadvantages. So what CA is concerned, are quite large Lenses disadvantage.
But these relationships, which I always try to give back, because there are very strong links between these individual elements and the combination of lens and image sensor is much more important than all the Gedo to MPEG2 or MPEG4. That is why I have so synonymous the book written to once these relationships transparent. And believe me, it all makes a lot more fun if these relationships can apply synonymous. It is not just about 30,000 EUR lenses ... it is synonymous, and especially about 5mm and the lenses, which it still is and what is not anymore. If you know these contexts, synonymous You understand why the current camcorder actually no 1920 can resolve ... and in the near future are not synonymous.
You see, Andrew, the video field is a field where everyone has his position and will take place, but all have one thing in common .. physics, as is true for the small and large alike camcorder and the best thing is that if you know the next man with the purchase of a device is not necessarily the surprises experienced.
The same applies for the post synonymous ... you know what you do, the pictures are better ... synonymous and that applies to commercial sites as well as the freeware from the Internet.
Long story short the whole ... as well as everything for the professional league goes synonymous for the league including ... and you will laugh ... there are plenty of examples where images from the non-professional league better. Therefore I would place the s.Deiner consumer camcorders do not depend so deeply ... I do not in any event, because what is currently happening is a revolution and I think the consumer has an equal interest and synonymous law, equally well informed as to how the professionals. And if they are maybe a few things still do not understand, such a forum has the great platform, to be able to demand and the combination of users with the Treasury s.Handlingerfahrung and perhaps synonymous to those established by the professional camp, perhaps a little more theory can contribute , the platform only attractive. Besides, if it is today perhaps do not yet apply, then maybe tomorrow.
The meaning was not annoyed when I follow-... one must do so, I wish it would be more critical after the act.
Antwort von RWM:

Somehow, the test was unnecessary anyway. It is generally known that the HVX200 in LowLight not just the measure of things. Would really sad when the Sonyda no better.
Moreover, after more than 2 years in which the HVX200 is s.Markt, Sony finally in the situation "generally better counterpart" to Panasonic to present. It's sad enough that a world company like Sonyso long need for a truly improved result on the market.
For me, one of the only really
aware of what you see and not the entire data of the slide rule, a single observer and a penny pincher.
Beautiful Christmas
Antwort von DWUA:

Hi Rüdiger,
the "good old PAL aunt"
PD 170 is in its robustness, simple
Handling, (-synonymous times when it should go quickly), at least in its
unsurpassed in the price segment up to ~ 3K euros.
We do not want to miss ...
S.alle Merry Christmas!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Personally, I do not. The handling of the PD170 can I find pretty shit. For me, no comparison to the DVX. Your HD successor, the Z1 is much better and the ergonomics of the handle.
Antwort von DWUA:

Fast approval.
Consider the original question.
(Low-Light Direct Comparison).
Antwort von Tino21:

To learn, WoWu Page:
Auberge TV
Das ist deine Hompage WoWu(
W orld W arcraf o f u ser)? So for me looks more like a clarification from Red Bank. Get times a clever webmaster if you have with your company does not want to go broke ;-)
Here are a few examples of how a good website can look like:
Antwort von WoWu:
You see, the world is not unidimensional and if I have pages for a children's channel need to get back to you.
Otherwise, we focus s.unserer clientele.
Since you do not you head to ungelegte eggs.
Antwort von AnZaMa:
Moreover, after more than 2 years in which the HVX200 is s.Markt, Sony finally in the situation "generally better counterpart" to Panasonic to present. It's sad enough that a world company like Sonyso long need for a truly improved result on the market.
Technical Sonyhätte is obviously already a lot sooner skillfully. I think the Sony but not with the successful throughput s.Markt of a tape-less recording procedures have reckoned with. So bad marketing?
Antwort von AnZaMa:
The clamor of WoWu nerves gradually. He tried with all the energy the EX1 down zumätzeln. He should now be time to view the EX1 is a technically better Cam in Comparison to his HVX 200 is. Of course there s.der HVX200 a couple of things for people who need it, the HVX200 for a talk. But not everyone needs a 4:2:2 Farbsampling and not everyone needs a IntraFrameCodiereung. Because with these properties is synonymous already exhausted the HVX200 which can be better.
In this sense, all a Happy ....
Antwort von AnZaMa:
och, it is all very entertaining;)
Antwort von WoWu:
Apart from that seems to not read the strength of the anonymous solo entertainer to be ... Of HVX200 was never mentioned.
So read, read, read his comment before surrendering, but of course the ability to ....
Guten Rutsch
Antwort von freezer:
I can WoWu's comments only underscore.
After extensive examination of the footage I see the EX1 is not necessarily the wonders camera, as they presented us.
+ Good light sensitivity
+ Rausgerechnete CA (unless it is zoomed)
+ Sharpness impression of the Canon's slightly superior (when clearly superior 1080p)
+ 35 Mbps recording mode (but why not synonymous either 50 Mbps?)
- Lens pumping when zooming (and yes, zooms are synonymous in professional productions before), so you can not synonymous reliable einschärfen at close range and then rauszoomen
- CA-suppression works only with static focal
- Suspicious noise in dark brown, dark gray image areas at 0dB
- Schwarzsäume light areas
- Schwarzsäume s.Kontrastkanten
Antwort von RupertGr8:
wonders what of the other sony
new HDV cams with interchangeable lens and 1 / 3 duty
cmos chips promises ....
or what they can expect?
gruß cj
Antwort von WoWu:
@ Cj
Well, in any case it will be exciting when 2 new cameras with only 1 / 3 "chip the EX1 with its flagship 3x1 / 2" yet to be topped.
What is still not really clear, is in the EX1 scanning. It looks to me here again after a 1440 interlaced scanning from. Why else should the showpiece 24p only 1440er fashion possible?
@ Freezer
What I still really in the camera is missing is the Abtsatung of 50p at 1080p, so I will not even talk ... 25 would be quite an operation.
Antwort von PowerMac:
- Lens pumping when zooming (and yes, zooms are synonymous in professional productions before), so you can not synonymous reliable einschärfen at close range and then rauszoomen (...)
You mean here a jerky zoom, but call the "pump". That is wrong. You talk synonymous of an allegedly missing Durchzoombarkeit. Who said that? Sources? And what does your "pumping" with the allegedly missing Durchzoombarkeit to do?
Or you talking about but actually quite s.Ende of "breathe"? So the change in focal length when focusing?
Antwort von RupertGr8:
Sonyist but still diverse auszumärzen BUGS. Waiting just s.was error-adjusted models offer!
Antwort von WoWu:
@ PM
The attentive observer will be Sunday afternoon outing s.den See (Video) did not escape, that the mind of the young man at the rear of the zoom blithely changed his focus ... and in both directions, as it can not only s.dem non-functioning tool for zooming transition are located.
By the way, today I have not yet understood why the image does not distort the picture with the real video images to cover to have. Either vote so not the video recordings, or the distortion in the recording is not "absolute Wide" has been made.
Antwort von tsartist:
- Lens pumping when zooming (and yes, zooms are synonymous in professional productions before), so you can not synonymous reliable einschärfen at close range and then rauszoomen (...)
You mean here a jerky zoom, but call the "pump". That is wrong. You talk synonymous of an allegedly missing Durchzoombarkeit. Who said that? Sources? And what does your "pumping" with the allegedly missing Durchzoombarkeit to do?
Or you talking about but actually quite s.Ende of "breathe"? So the change in focal length when focusing?
WoWu's has already explained what I mean.
I speak from the pumps of the lens = breathing, as you call it. So, a change in focal length while zooming.
Looking simply at the footage here. This must not be applied to all ausglieferten EX1 models are true, but in this one, it would be used in any case of Sonymechanisch compliances.
The somewhat jerky zoom itself will hopefully via FW update yet improved.
@ Host
I find it somewhat worrying if Sony More and more is on the professional cameras with the customer to be mature. That is still cheap products at acceptable, but not with the EX1.
@ WoWu
The camera can but scan 1080p at 25fps. 50p to 720p is unfortunately limited. At least according to information of Sony.
Antwort von WoWu:
@ Freezer
Does 1080p25 is a start, just remains to be clarified whether in 1920 or from the sensor again extrapolated are somewhat inexplicable because I find that 24p then only from the 1440 mode is possible. Unfortunately there is no information on the chip resolution, so only terms such as "Effective picture elements" synonymous, it is not clear whether it is interlaced scanned because of 1080p, I would naturally expect a progressive scanning.
Well, there is still plenty of air for surprises, even if they all have shortcomings nachgearbeitet.
I am amazed that even None have been reported, which it already has, but has finally delivered?!
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) I speak from the pumps of the lens = breathing, as you call it. So, a change in focal length while zooming. (...)
Shift focus, focal length does not change!
Antwort von HeikoS:
Sorry, but under "pumping Lens" or "breathe" I understand change a focal length when focusing.
Antwort von tsartist:
This comes to you only as before.
The design is driven by the Optics. Once you have an extreme sharpness shift directing, will the picture s.Rand noticeable change. This is usually when the picture simply "blurred" is and you do not have content that distracts you.
Antwort von PowerMac:
I shifted the focus (the focus) and it is changing the image (the focal) = breathe.
I zoom in and zoom out. The focus is no longer true = not durchzoombar.
The zoom is when starting up and slowing down and not jerky jerky evenly = Zoomservo.
Antwort von ocean5:
I am amazed that even None have been reported, which it already has, but has finally delivered?!
Sadly No! Sonyliefert not yet!
Antwort von freezer:
(...) I speak from the pumps of the lens = breathing, as you call it. So, a change in focal length while zooming. (...)
Shift focus, focal length does not change!
True, thanks for the correction! Zooming is the focal length change :-)