Frage von maral:
I work as Usabiliy Engineer and my job is, through user surveys and observations to improve the usability of devices. I currently work for a Manufacturer of Medical Engineering and therefore I would like to observe clinicians.
Maybe I really need a few days once synonymous s.Stück record, and it would be great if no tapes need to be changed, and not synonymous hard drive needs to be emptied from the camcorder. Since I previously had very little experience with camcorders, I'm pretty desperate by now, as I have for days been spent to inform me, synonymous, and the employees in a camera shop was not much help.
Stream I have found a forum post that one with the "Focus FireStore" driekt data from camcorder to hard drive, but can on the one hand the device is quite expensive (more expensive than I intended to pay for the camcorder), on the other hand, I am Not sure whether you can stream it actually synonymous to a PC or on the hard drive in the device itself
Are there camcorders, with which you can simply stream directly to PC? Can it be because even with the "Focus FireStore? Does anybody know any other solution?
If anyone can suggest a practical Camcoder, I have also a requirement that he must have an infrared feature, since I may be synonymous to film in very low light, and I need a micro phone input. (And indeed a real, not such a shoe accessories, which can then be used only by the respective microphones Manufacturer.
I'm happy about any hint!
Thank you in advance,
Antwort von Markus:

any MiniDV camcorder, the interface has a DV (=) Firewire, can record directly to a PC. It requires only a suitable camcorder, a Firewire cable and a capture tool.
Should not the pictures show so much space (DV for every 13 GB per hour), you could be synonymous with Windows Media Encoder to use for capturing. The latter compresses the incoming DV stream directly to WMV format. One can carry out a deinterlacing synonymous and adjust the image size (pixel aspect ratio).
However, the WMV format is not for the DV editing. If the images are processed, stay with the DV format, and would rather invest about ¬ 100 in an additional 300 GB hard drive.
... (more expensive than I intended to pay for the camcorder) ... What price range you because you had imagined?
... I have also a requirement that he must have an infrared feature, as synonymous, I can shoot in very low light conditions must be ... There is no way to the place of recording according to illuminate? The less light spot is available, the more expensive is the camcorder, the with the available light can begin something else.
Nachtsichtmodi Nightshot & Co. are like gimmicks, with which you can
play. A serious work is therefore not possible.
Antwort von nailuj:

Thank you very much erstmal!
Should not the pictures show so much space (DV for every 13 GB per hour), you could be synonymous with Windows Media Encoder to use for capturing. The latter compresses the incoming DV stream directly to WMV format. One can carry out a deinterlacing synonymous and adjust the image size (pixel aspect ratio).). That sounds good, because I want to record possibly several days s.Stück. And there are even 300 GB fast enough.
However, the WMV format is not for the DV editing. If the images are processed, stay with the DV format, and would rather invest about ¬ 100 in an additional 300 GB
hard drive.). What exactly is the problem then when cutting? For in fact I'd probably then want to have to cut the film, but without "artistic rights". Because it really is to find places where you can see how people interact with devices, and see if they have come so clear or well problems. I want to see which button (or button on the touch screen) and they express what happens.
What price range you because you had imagined?). Actually, I hope so remain in the $ 500 development needs. But in the end is more important that I can do with the camera, what is needed.
There is no way to the place of recording according to illuminate? The less light spot is available, the more expensive is the camcorder, the with the available light can begin something else.
Nachtsichtmodi Nightshot & Co. are like gimmicks, with which you can play. A serious work is therefore not possible. No, Lighting is not an option because it's all about Aufnahemn in the hospital (surgical and intensive care unit). There must and we will in no way interfere with the operation, and as with some OPs is not necessary to reduce the room lighting very much to see as endoscope or ultrasound images better on the monitor. Similarly, in intensive care patients should receive at least as good as possible at night alone.
What exactly are the problems of Nachtsichtmodi? As I said, I am referring primarily about being able later to see what someone has done (for example) which button is pressed, possibly to hear, what he said and, ideally, still visible on his face expression.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Markus:
What exactly is the problem then when cutting? The WMV format is using the so-called inter-frame compression, ie there are stored image groups, consisting of a single frame and the subsequent changes. Such a thing is in principle not so well suited for cutting, like a frame-based compression (such as DV).
For in fact I'd probably then want to have to cut the film, but without "artistic rights". If it is only for hard cuts, you could be the Windows Movie Maker help you. I assume that with the WMV format can handle their own home. (Did it myself but have not yet tried).
No, lighting is not an option [...] What exactly are the problems of Nachtsichtmodi? Nachtsichtmodi only provide a green picture, a mono-Picture, noise may substantially prolong or / and clear the exposure time, so that you can see in (too) fast action sequences not much.
In that price range would fall to me not a camcorder, still fairly respectable shots in dim lighting makes (see synonymous
LowLight quality camcorders <750 ¬). Perhaps someone else has this use is a tip for you?
Antwort von Jan:

Should VideoaktivDigital was thought to JVC GR D 650 look at you when the best LowLightBild in the class is looking for about 500-600 ¬ (current edition), though I doubt the Pana GS 280 / SonyHC 94 (your price range) a significantly worse Picture would make, yes Infarotaufnahme (HC has 94 green) and normal shutter speed (1 / 50) with no slow shutter but of which only Sony.