Frage von houseofmedia:
hallo erstmal!
I'm new here and want to start by saying briefly that I think this board absolutely brilliant, I read a great deal here and I can remove me lots of great tips.
I have a nasty problem with windoof (XP/SP2, Athlon 2400 +) in the capture of DV-Cam (SonyDRC-PC350) only on a given computer. nem on another system, everything is ok!
no preference with whom prog I premiere capture (, movie maker, scenealyzer), even in the preview image is completely destroyed, and the colors are completely torn up, too bright and the picture roars horribly (almost looks like solarfiler) in Photoshop. And then the vid is synonymous included in this qualitative and played. Unfortunately, I did not strike snapshot (video area remains black).
I've tried the following:
- Graphics drivers reinstalled
- Firewire card reinstalled
- Directx 9.c (or dec) newly installed
- Premiere (6.0) re-installed
- MSDV exchanged
unfortunately no success. I look forward to each tip (except reinstall xp .* g)
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Ifs Other works on a calculator but you make time 1 min Avi
And look for whether it is running without objection
Then I would swap the firewire card or port other times took
sometimes interferes with the hardware because most cards use IRQ 9
/ EM
Antwort von Robert Kleine:

Is it a two monitor system?
Then, the video display / overlay to bring the other monitor, which could help.
Regards, Robert
Antwort von houseofmedia:

thank you for the first tips
- That with the IRQ's, I must see me first, I tried all the ports. still others would firewire card to test.
- Monitor is only one drann
Antwort von houseofmedia:

Today I tried a different firewire card and synonymous nor Avc.sys copied from the operational system. Unfortunately, still no success
But I have a silent made in premiere and this still is optical correctly. that is, how shall I say, that is dv avi ansich apparently correct recording you can record the presentation and the play is over. So this is the MSDV may come into the regulatory and the problem may be of the Graphic card (msi geforce FX5500 256mb, drivers yes, I've already reinstalled the latest).
of the mysterium will probably remain unresolved, possibly in fact, does not someone a what, what I could try.
Antwort von Markus:
Today I tried a different firewire card and synonymous nor Avc.sys copied from the operational system. Unfortunately, still no success If not do the tricks with the drivers as it would be with the complete removal of SP2?
Antwort von houseofmedia:

Hurray! solution found.
I've long after re googling finally found the solution. Here's the exact time manual should befall the same fate someone.
blame s.problem is a known bug in the video drivers for certain nvidia drivers version (the latest maps!). after its installation, it may be that all videos are playable on the computer in poor quality.
The solution: point in the advanced setting for drivers under the "farbkorrektur is" on the left above, a pull-down menu "Apply color changes to" - here the setting of "desktop">> "All Change" and videos will be displayed correctly.
Antwort von Robert Kleine:

Thanks for the solution ronnix!
Regards, Robert.
BTW: Computers are already doll - Time's up s.dem unthinkable ;-)
Degree to drivers: "Do they have installed the latest synonymous XYZ Drivers ...?" * grrr * ^ ^
Antwort von daniel 003:

have the same problem, but I am not a computer expert. Can you tell me how once you are there just gone to change the graphics settings?