Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Display technology revolution by Laser TV? Of thomas - 11 oct 2006 16:10:00 Half price, twice as good and only one quarter of the electricity of conventional plasma and LCD televisions. "Thus, the company Arasor International and denounce
Novaluxeyewitness account angekündigt. Verbesserungen die auf der neuen Technologie basieren, werden synonymous angekündigt für Projektionstechniken fürs Heimkino and professionelle Movies. Zu erwarten sind synonymous Laser-Projektoren, die so klein sind, dass sie in PDAs, Handys oder Kameras eingebaut werden können and erheblich lichtstärker and billiger sein werden als bisherige, auf LED-Basis aufbauende Geräte.
Novaluxto news reporting
Antwort von PeterM:

Well we will see for now.
I can still remember s.den all the nonsense of which the cutter with its laser TV have brought many years ago.
At that time I belonged to a laser projection and development team has been synonymous said on a time from the tailor booth when I was a professional gspräch with the Engstirneueren of which resulted.
The moral of this history, there is no schneider (more).
previously they had s.Foraschungsgeldern million in a project of many experts burned classified as nonsensical.
is basically correct in principle that a laser projection method provides an incredible color space. But the main problem is the light (laser source) It was then synonymous with Schneider but today no cheap source for the light output.
To represent the light output of a 50-inch LCD, you need to be between 3 and 5 watt light output. Laser sources Deartige muktifarbige always cost a fortune yet. Worse still, look at the situation from projectors. To represent 5000 to 6000 ANSI lumens (this is what we currently are so max rausholen a Einlampensystem) can we talk about Lihtlei in grössenordnug of 20 watts. Deartige example of solid-state lasers are available, but cost Jenlass synonymous to the 100,000 euros. Also, the claim that the development of the with the time compensates (Schneider has behaubtet before 8 years) is utopian.
For laser development is hochkapitalgeschäft book. The monies flowing into the development of Subwattsystemen (up to 500mW) of Communications Blue-ray etc but not in the Watts area.
I bet once again in the next 5 years as nothing gewscheites at rundkommt. stop all the nice Prottypen nothing but inspire Bezagl / salable.
On the technical difficulties (Zeilkonflickt speckle versus Strahlqualitöt (köhärenz), security etc) I will now say no.
But we look forward to halt when it flashes brightly once again, because the laser projector can be forever.
Antwort von Kast&Oroff:
Deartige example of solid-state lasers are available, but cost Jenlass synonymous to the 100,000 euros. Also, the claim that the development of the with the time compensates (Schneider has behaubtet before 8 years) is utopian. But the main development of Novalux seems to develop a new (cheap) solid-state laser to be
Antwort von PeterM:

Nice topic
Who looks at our web site of Novalux will quickly recognize that it is a typical fishing for risccap page.
Here, with prototypes and with no indication of output or advertised specs.
Schneider has driven the first ion laser projectors with lasers "
15,000 watts power consumption for a brightness to the equivalent of a cheap today's presentation projector.
Since the power consumption is only with the so-called frequency-doubled DPSS lasers hinbekam expensive remedial and was not in sight of the sagenumwognene fiber laser has been proclaimed as the solution. Also, the system came out at least as an RGB laser source never out of the laboratory. All the developers is clear that can be cost-effective laser systems with only ralisieren directly electrically pumped laser diodes. The detour via Frquenzverdopplung is expensive and not effective.
Only the operation of a DPSS.
It converts infrared performance of a diode laser in an even longer wave (in the case of green lasers) at 1064nm. These are then frequency doubled and then deliver 532nm frog green. Do you do something similar today with blün lasers in the watt range. In the red closes the gap slowly, so that both methods are used.
Unfortunately, the physics plays a trick on us. It is relatively easy to build infrared laser diodes in the Watts area. Also in the red zone is still in the green halbwegs.Schon (but certainly in the blue area to get s.grundsätliche physical difficulties. (After prototypes of blue laser diodes are still needed to be cooled with liquid nitrogen), it took 6 years to blue laser diodes finished in the mW range to include how they are used for Blue Ray Player and Burner. By the time they arrive there in the commercial area are a number of years go by watts. I'd bet times 10 years.
Abgeshen of mini projectors, there are not synonymous as commercial application. Large projectors are all the statements, despite not with lasers to be less than 20 Watts area and LCD monitors can be much cheaper to produce with conventional LED as backlight.
There are just simply hundreds of Led used in the respective colors. First commercial targets monitors are already on the market and enjoy a big thanks to RGB space gerdae in the graphic guild increasingly popular. If the entsprechnede mass market, says after that is synonymous ide extended the time Farbraumlimitierenden LCD and polarization techniques. at least you do not here encounters fundamental physical limitations.
In the TV / monitor area is already standing technologie mapped to the appropriate disposal space. Incl Furch rapid increase in contrast Ansteurung the backlight.
In the field Multitausend Ansilumen will come in the next 10 years, nothing
In 2K 4K cinema sector, the size of the projector hardly plays a role as the next xenon light is eingestzt.
Only in the miniature projector lumen area at 1000 Ansi may all be interesting and useful to hire. But the market is small. And I doubt that this will then be priced. But since it is synonymous kraze will last at least another 5 years until s.der 1000 Ansilmenmarke
It might take a look at the nr PROJEKTORLAMP. A 200 watt UHP lamp in the class will cost in the production of between 50 and 80 U.S. $.
The rest is Profitn and Aftersellsgeschäft the projector manufacturer.
Antwort von prem:

Hm, a television but would not be bad.
If you would to get cheap: With nem laser in the watt range can already do plenty of nasty things.
Antwort von prem:

Thanks s.Dich, Peter M.
Very detailed.
One should, however, despite the expertise does not underestimate the reality.
There is still enough to place in the world of inventions, the above
Problems with a moment Cancel.
Speaking here not to comment, critique, rather propagating the faith
s.The wide world of the still feasible.
Wonderful it would be! mfg chmee
Antwort von SgtPepper:

Thanks for the comprehensive assessment, Peter!
But how you explain the large Manufacturer then already announced products for 2007? If it did not seriously harm the reputation of having embarked on a venture-air number?
Antwort von PeterM:

I am happy to answer the two questions.
Of course, one should always be open to Spotanentwicklungen synonymous.
Here one must, however, made a few comments are the Spontanentwicklungen rarely and then usually not not go to areas s.denen physics massive difficulties.
A fine example is the superconductivity. Despite extensive research and vast geldern has failed to develop as commercial materials to operate at room temperature ... and even though they are so desperately needed.
Why advertise with vendor products.
Also you have to look at the story as only then we will see that walked out several prototypes do not have feasibility study.
Interesting that just as the group's LED 3LCD video projector introduced as INNOVATING, and even though gerdae in this area DMD
Technology tangible benefits (they will not bnötigt polarized light, or 60% lost)
As I said earlier, there will certainly be one or the other American market. Just as mini-projectors, but those are niche halt.
For everything else there are just as I was just showing alternatives in the area displays lead to success faster.
There is, incidentally synonymous already widely (in the remote sense) a commercial activity laser projector.
The so-called virtual laser keyboard. can operate based on a patent isaraelischen, a keyboard on the table for example, which is then projected. thought is someting is sold for PDA's and so what if I'm mistaken of HAMA. But here it is only synonymous in one color and in red
Antwort von Gast1:
Thanks for the comprehensive assessment, Peter!
But how you explain the large Manufacturer then already announced products for 2007? If it did not seriously harm the reputation of having embarked on a venture-air number? The announcement of new technologies / products as a promotional measure, in order to "price maintenance" or simply out of self-esteem is not the exception but rather the rule.
Sharp has been the mid-80-ger, the first LCD prototype at trade shows and announced for the end of the 80-ger, the first flat-screen TVs.
Around the beginning of 90-ger, I have the first laser projectors (of Ampex?) Times, then still monocolor (green) and primarily for military applications. A color laser projector for home use should be implemented mid-ger, 90.
Laser TV is synonymous determined yet, but perhaps not exactly next year.
This is good as long as it does not exist can be funny one weiterspekulieren :-)
Antwort von PeterM:

I wanted to clarify what eigendlich only briefly.
My negative attitude does not apply in principle to laser projectors.
What disturbed me was the artificial Haype of the message of Navalux and the other was stoked.
This game has been going on since the end of the 80 case. There we had to test the first monchromen (green because with 20 watt argon-ion laser supplies) to.
This first device ählilich worked for a laser printer with one Polygon for the horizontal deflection and tilting mirror with a 50 Hz (of general scanning) for the Bildwiederholfrquenz.
As I have said it will start next year and are synonymous definitely not a commercial activity in the following system for general use.
What is ajhren auh I can in 10 of the scene rather well known not to predict.
I would hope when the time finally comes projector range UHP replacement for scrap, so we can see the other side of xenon light in large projectors times at last a brilliant red. In the TV sector, the fluorescent backlight is sure of LEDs are quickly suppressed. At least in the higher price, and the availability of prior lasersourcen sure synonymous with sufficient power.
Antwort von

The company Arasor International [1], together with the U.S. company Novalux [2] presented a laser-Television. When the prototype is a 50-inch DLP rear-projection TV of Mitsubishi, the Japanese company had presented in April to select customers. The native of Mountain View (California) Arasor International with offices in China, Japan and Australia shortly manufactures optical components for telecommunications networks, and just TVs. The next door, based in Sunnyvale Novalux Inc. controls the laser diode at.
Manufactured on Novalux InGaAs diodes emit infrared light, whose frequency is already being multiplied on the semiconductor chip to generate visible light with a defined wavelength, respectively, to color. On each chip there several diodes, which Novalux can check in advance before the wafer is sawn. This reduces manufacturing costs, because the failure rate is minimized according to the chip housing thereby. Novaled diodes in NECSL technology (Novalux Extended Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) differently than conventional LEDs do not emit to the page, but upwards. In this way they are can be operated with higher power: According to Novalux a single emitter can generate visible light with up to 100 mW without the diode is destroyed.
The prototype is presented television s.sich nothing really revolutionary. Here was chosen for the Lighting of the DLP projector chips only s.Stelle a conventional projection lamp is an array of laser diodes. That can be achieved with laser beams brighter colors than with conventional lighting is known. To that extent not synonymous surprised the statement that made the laser TV a larger color space than other flat-screen TVs. Are interesting because even the announcements, which advertises with Arasor, the new device class: halbso hard and deep halbso such as plasma displays, only one quarter of the consumption of conventional TVs in plasma and LCD technology, and thereby halbso expensive as this.
The demonstrated prototype is not the first television with laser technology. Thus, Bernhard Schneider päsentierte early as August 1993 the prototype of a laser TV, and the former LDT GmbH, a joint venture between Schneider and broadcast works of the Daimler-Benz AG, was awarded for their Laser 1997 German Future Prize. Since 2002, manufactures and markets the Jenoptik LDT GmbH [3] with Jena-based laser projection systems for large area applications such as on events. The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Mechanics [4] in Jena and for Photonic Microsystems [5] in Dresden, however s.Miniprojektoren filing jointly on laser-based [6].
(uk [7] / c't) (uk / c't)
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Dear Mark!
Maybe delete the previous article, for he is entirely of stolen heise online ...
Antwort von RobertW:
Unfortunately I am not so technically fit .. but the above two reports suggest that there are certainly new ways to generate the appropriate laser power and conveniently without much cooling.
Antwort von MadEyedMoose:

Uh, why so much criticism?
Let's just wait times are s.was the Versprechenwert. The market will regulate the rest already.
If it is as described, wonderful.
If not, it would not be the first time that an announcement of the reality lags.
Antwort von Besser als PeterM:

In contrast to PeterM I look facts in the face.
Envious of the success of the developer?
Why zereden facts? The Earth is a disc? - Depends on the Blickwunkel, right?
The prototype works fine. The development is next ...
Stupid, I can rumschreiben synonymous - yet, the Laser TV in December, coming on the market.
Antwort von erik1974:

Many new technologies are interesting in the coming years. Sonywill 2007 still with come on the market. A good info site about future technology is
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Now since this zombie of discussion was successfully revived ... :-)
Many new technologies are interesting in the coming years. Synonymous or not. In the laboratory, which solder together is one thing, develop an affordable and compatible product for mass production is another. LCD is available in its simplest form (passive display in the calculator), if I remember correctly, since the late 1970s. Only now, well 30 years later, things are slowly interesting. (As a TV I would buy is still no, because the things the bank can no clever black - could improve with LED backlight ...)
Sonywill 2007 still with come on the market. Sonywollte much - the way other companies synonymous. Twelve years ago Sonyauf the IFA has huge uproar with a technique called plasmatron presented - was' ne cross between LCD and plasma. Never again was seen or heard of ... And I bet, at best, SED appears in professional displays made and is otherwise buried.
As far as OLED: Very promising - but need synonymous since childhood diseases (different aging of the phosphors) out yet ...
Antwort von PeterM:

Hab ja dennThread no longer persecuted, so I better synonymous to the stupid comment of @ PeterM as "unable to respond.
Let's see whether you are better. Show me in December, a mass across the device prototypes and Disignstudienstatus, and I bow before you.
s.Leuten what I like "@ PeterM better than" do not understand is why, like so aggressive. I bring facts. Or are you one of the people who have poor tailor seated himself at the Cebit 8 years ago now with me when I tell them that what they show a schmarn
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Nevertheless, the laser TV in December, will come on the market. Muhaha! And Christmas is synonymous
Antwort von PeterM:

Because the thread was indeed hochgeholt here from the depths again only a summary of why the LaserTV not the end of the Jahes comes.
Simply because it is not in the mass market brauht.
The disadvantage gosse common vision devices and projectors is not found in the technology in the way of producing light. On the one Page FL lamp on the other Quecksilberhöchstdrucklampen. Even today, one could reach in the TV area, almost the color space with LED technology, if consumers would pay for.
Only in the so-called Mirkroprojektorenbereich I could imagine the medium term, a tiny laser projector.
But Christmas is as safe not worry, not synonymous with the 2008 Olympics. And should synonymous Mitshubishi will wait until she was probably still a red diamond in the sky commercial laser beams.
Antwort von gueni:

Would with certainty there would be really great if the laser TV set with the gennanten facts about Christmas in the shelves.
Unfortunately, some market-speak synonymous dageben things, namely that the wave of plasma and LCD devices by
Manufacturer has not been ridden enough.
Only when enough money has been made here and the technology for laser TV `s mature, the parts are coming and still take the safe
a few years.
Also, I believe has PeterM with its technical and physical and legal arguments if one sees the two together, it becomes more credible that the device can buy for Christmas somewhere.
Who would continue the currently standing in the markets of TV `s to buy for such horrendous Prices when there is the same, better equipment for the half!
Greeting Guenie
Antwort von Kritiker:

So clearly deliver by one time! One can not but today's technology
which technique to compare the time. How fast is the advanced technology!? Let's look at the computer industry. Let's think back s.2000 how far the technology was there, and today! One can not imagine how fast this came within the years, a CPU's performance on ver fivefold or more. I think that even with a laser TV, because then, as she says it was a better Informed! I think that the companies have researched, and the next have been here now 14 years of 1993 to today! I think that one has developed somewhat in the period. (see Computer) 1993, there was Windows 95 or so and now we have Vista and 800 MHz and 5 GHz, but the day speaks for itself. I think that many here are skeptical happy synonymous synonymous and that's a good thing ... but unfortunately we no longer live but around 93 around 2007 .. The development went next! Let's wait and it just roll off.
To say one more thing too .... I do not believe that we all see what is happening in the world, so I tend to believe that we have developed so has a lot of which we dream.
Antwort von PeterM:

unkapputbares topic
Only briefly to remind you. But there are few truly massive needs.
At the latest when LCDs are really affordable in 60 + inch WITH led instead CFL backlight (because of the color space) as it is now 42 plasma or LCD's are already.
The time point of critics that I want to pick up times.
It is hard to believe a widespread misconception that technology is evolving rapidly in all areas such as in the field of computer technology
Moore's Law applies just as structures only for IC.
Just as an example. Automobile engines have only a very modest progress made on efficiency in the last 40 years.
Or we take the area mobiele hydrogen storage. Again, not so much happens. or let's take the area superconductivity.
Even if successful research in the laboratory for 50 years synonymous here, there is at any time of the material at room temperature practicable who, unfortunately, not synonymous, and it is expected within the next year something.
Of nuclear fusion or the beam, I would not even start
And as I said at LaserTV there is no supercharge pressure of the market would develop.
Therefore, it is precisely in this year and it is indeed bzog give the origin thread massenlaserTV not synonymous, and not next year, and probably not synonymous in 2010.
And yes because not everyone reads through the entire Thrad. As a niche product for ultra compact projectors in Lowlightbereich may look different, I have never denied synonymous. But as a source for rear projection TV or `no-performance HDTV Projectors
Antwort von DerBeobachter:

Hello have taken time by 20 minutes and read through the whole thread ... PeterM interesting is the right to testify with his lies! although it is envy for me s.anfang as mießmache and listened for a successful team of other researchers that showed the time that he was right. whether the top comments Leave a guided sparks envy, or fear losing their jobs were in front, I'm still not sure ... (not as a personal attack) evaluate the dilemma which the manufacturer of this new technology have is that they have produced (as already mentioned above) a lot of lcd and plasma garbage ... which must be sold only with a difference can not go there ... The heist itself if it had until last Christmas (2006) a mass production can take place it would NOT MAKE manufacturer.
PS it is the 14/10/2007 and the phenomenon has been postponed to mid-08 .... Time will show again ....
until then
Antwort von immerdieseswarten:

Hab mich mal so hindurchgelesen by the reports and noted that with the purchase of a laser TV this year, probably synonymous next year, nothing will!
Anyway, I can only find reports from last year, have long been no more recent times!
Hab mal demand at Mitsubishi Electronics (USA), synonymous'm already looking forward to an answer, how will all the more delay!
Well ... Otherwise I have no other choice than waiting .....
Antwort von immerdieseswarten:
Have no answer
I'll get now nen 42 inch LCD. I have no desire to leave to delay me!
One can even later, when the systems are mature still get a LASER-TV. In my opinion, it is not worthwhile to verzicchten on an LCD or PLASMA TV, only to the appearance of the laser TV's waiting!
Antwort von immerdieseswarten:
Have no answer
I'll get now nen 42 inch LCD. I have no desire to leave to delay me!
One can even later, when the systems are more mature, still get a LASER-TV. In my opinion, it is not worthwhile to give up a LCD or PLASMA TV, only to the appearance of the laser TV's waiting!
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Let the LCD in the store and you'll get 'nen Plasma!
Antwort von hamburgerjung:

Back in 1993 the first prototype of a LaserTV of Schneider was presented (I have even more to the prospectus of the time).
The whole thing is therefore neither new nor invented Of the companies mentioned in the article. The only innovation is that it gets so slow to market.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Back in 1993 the first prototype of a LaserTV of Schneider was presented (I have even more to the prospectus of the time). Sonyhat long before s.der gebastelt appropriate technology - the only one who has done what the time Schneider was to stage a huge media hype.
The whole thing is therefore neither new nor invented Of the companies mentioned in the article. Exact - see above.
In the article to which you refer, is usfolgendes: "The prototype is presented television s.sich nothing really revolutionary. Here was chosen for the Lighting of the DLP projector chips only s.Stelle a conventional projection lamp is an array of laser diodes."
Schneider (the precursor of synonymous and Sony) wanted to use the laser directly to image generation - the models who took part last year in the conversation (as old is the information that is synonymous again) to use the laser as a light source only. It could, however, soon give mobile phones to use the glittering terrible one () laser as the screen magnification. But certainly nothing to look seriously video.
I wonder synonymous heavily on belief in progress, which put some people here s.den day. For a new technique seems to be the savior in general. Anyone who knows a little bit, but should know that virtually every new technology in addition to theoretical advantages synonymous with bringing new problems for themselves. Then it takes always a time to be eradicated until the - who buys the first generation of a new technology is, with all due respect, an idiot.
In addition: The first OLEDs to appear in Japan in December - for laser display technology is currently nothing known. But this year, still nearly two months ...
Antwort von PeterM:

Since the issue is not getting here so maybe a short break to
Summary of how the LaserTV with the side of the projection eigendlich goes. About eigendlich laser I've already written up next
In the 80 laser beam using a polygon mirror for the horizontal and Ablenkeung using an electromechanical tilting mirror with the 50 or 60 HZ "wobbles" distracted
In the 90s, was tried by means of electro-optical crystal realsieren to distraction. In a diffraction grating in a crystal is created using Piezzo which deflects the beam.
Were turn of the millennium DLP equests made. Where the laser was eigendlih used only as a clean source.
From 2004 attempts were made by so-called controllable Holographic optical elements HOE's do the distraction.
In principle, one bestowed upon this method have the whole picture in a single element by means of distraction Intefrenzmuster
Unfortunately, this process has not come out of the laboratory status. The efficiency is Besc ... And real lklare Images
slow in coming. Nevertheless, an interesting approach. In principle, allowed themselves thereby "unglazed" Mini or even to build micro projectors.
As I said there will still take several years.
Properly finished thinking that leads to right even 3D TV, and since I do not mean but a real 3D stereo 3D, so ultimately moving holograms or even holographic projections. But there will still be decades into the country. The older of us will then probably already have the wood grain as Stillimage before the eyes.
With all the blah blah to LaserTV in this Decade, the whole has little to do.
But the whole hype around the LaserTV synonymous has its positive sides. a lot of jobs have been created by subsidies. at Schneider had already gone out the light.
And all the groups to Zeiss jena and from Jenoptik.
Jenoptik miltlerweile a leading Manufacturer of Festörperlasern in the visible range. The laserTV but there was only one randerscheinung.
Antwort von peterM:

Perhaps even more ne small einschätzung technology for the next few years, unfortunately without LaserTV
Improvement of luminescent materials for FL backlight for LCD
Slow leakage (except for special applications) because the plasma production is not competitive in the long run.
Increasingly, LCD TV `s with LED backlighting.
Mini LED projector with a few hundred ANSI lumens.
towards the end of this Decade, failing Quecksilberhöchstdrucklampen (UHP SHP etc) with LED's in HDTV and home theater systems.
AB 2009 increase in the use of OLEDs as the display. Only when small screens in mobile phones, then as a rollable display, and ultimately up to poster size after 2010.
From 2020 holographic 3D TV systems, then perhaps synonymous with laser
Antwort von Galvano:

What a shit that I just now read the report. I've read through everything.
I will now come to the insight that this year, I probably do not get Laser TV ....
naja then it is probably a lovely synonymous erstmal
Need to do full HD plasma.
Thank s.peterM and the rest ....
ps: Which brand, Samsung?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Need to do full HD plasma.
ps: Which brand, Samsung? Panasonic, if you're willing to pay for the last bit more quality significantly more to Pioneer. And please at least a 50-inch model - otherwise you are FullHD only if you are standing directly in front of the telly.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Nevertheless, the laser TV in December, will come on the market. There's not enough ...
Antwort von jacksonx7:

hello together someone new scho what degree are about laser tv? I mean facts ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
go in there once the kucken that could be in TV sets (ie small, who knows why not)
Antwort von PeterM:

There are not new, except again a prototype.
What is the link to Musion here brings to me but not shoots,
Eyeline or Musion is a basierrender on DLP video mirror trick.
Wen's interested in the underlying principle is very old and is called peppers ghost. Simply googling aml.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I mean facts ... No.. And so far there are no signs that this may change in the near future. It remains the jackalope consumer electronics ...
Antwort von jacksonx7:

And scho was new about laser-tv found ...
Or we have to wait until the house woll or not fair ...
is yes, if I remember correctly may be around!
Have mitgekriegt which the dinger s.juli, August in America have to be ...
Antwort von skywalker:

According is revolutionizing the television market due to the possibility of presentation and quality. As I'm sure synonymous!
Even if, contrary to other techniques which are LaserTV as a competitor.
For example, OLED & SED TV TV.
I think that is the possible synonymous 3d display an added bonus.
I recently put a new synonymous
Antwort von Quadruplex:

Antwort von Quadruplex:
Have mitgekriegt which the dinger s.juli, August in America have to be ... They are now on the market. Rather deep (27 cm)
Rückprojektorenequal FullHD plasma gets. This is all the rage ...
And Germany (as back projection is not for sale) is not expected not only because ...