Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Dispute over the digitization of the cinema
Antwort von Axel:
The fact that the cinema chain UCI digitized all their German screens, is a done deal, see
here. The interest of the cinema operators s.der digitization is the only downstream from the lender: The lender can cut costs for copies and distribution, but want to stop at the same time hard disk drives (yet), then more expensive analog-drag copies. The major lenders already obvious, therefore, promote the rollout, with the ulterior motive of course, have more control over the films to be used. It will be so that this arrangement outside the FFA, and any contracts tend to prefer American films. But German films have right now a large market share, are often marketed as synonymous of big distributors such as Warner with. Given past experience, we can say that cinema has no savings or extra revenue through digitization (if the current, synonymous moderate, 3-D boom apart). So it is only a matter of s.Tag X if the only lender to offer more hard disks, to be ready.
When pure art-house films would not be acceptable to the major chains would be unlikely s.der described "shakeout interested." It is, as so often synonymous ensuring that funding synonymous here is a typical for Germany competition could be distorted. The correlations are certainly more complex than suggested by the article.