Frage von Matte:Help me please fast times on the jumps:
I am just beginning to familiarize myself with Cinema 4d 6.0, and now I've got a ball on which I did with the help of the matrix array and the magnet tool, totally distorted with many prongs off and so. And now I want to animate with keyframes that zigzaggy come out of the ball, so basically I would just s.Anfang set a keyframe, where nothing is distorted and then s.end after I have another distortion. But I can not find the function for which I need to activate the keyframes.
Hope this was somewhat understandable udn danke schon mal im voraus!
Antwort von soahC:
I know the 6 Series jetz nich grade, but normal is because somewhere down the right as a red dot s (like s record button). sets the keyframes
of course, must object (the ball) must be selected
Antwort von Matte:
I know the 6 Series jetz nich grade, but normal is because somewhere down the right as a red dot s (like s record button). sets the keyframes Synonymous Yes I know, just so you have to specify in the Zeileiste the function for which you want to set a keyframe if the position, angle, etc. And because it's not a real effect with parameters, I am a little confused at the moment!
Antwort von soahC:
one book now, I thought I already know something synonymous:)
wait, book now knows ichs.
First you need to activate this pla button (the button is near the keyframe. there are so orange dots on it)
Then you have left in the Edit bar points to go (synonymous orange dots on it)
then set keyframes to tweak the points again and keyframe
Antwort von XXXLVeryBigLarge:
Yep that's it thank you!