Frage von Jumeirah:
I would like avi files with Dr Divx, I've created in Premiere and edit cut. If I import the files shows me premiere but no video. An error message I get does not. How can I bring that will premiere the video it shows.
Ever thank you for your answers.
Antwort von Markus:
I would like avi files that I created with Dr. Divx did after editing in Premiere ... Wrong workflow. The recordings must
only be processed and
then compressed into DivX.
DivX is a format höchstkomprimiertes, for nothing more than is good for viewing on your computer. Every attempt to change back into editable formats, or other leads to other problems.
Antwort von Jumeirah:

This is synonymous to me clear that what I had before compression technology is not optimal.
Unfortunately, I have only the video in DivX format. There must be some possibility that DivX video in Premiere to edit. So if the wmplayer can show the video, then the premiere but certainly can.
Antwort von Christoph29:
wmplayer when the show is the video, then the premiere but certainly can. why?
Antwort von Markus:
wmplayer when the show is the video, then the premiere but certainly can. Premiere is a video editing program, not a software player. Since the requirements are completely different and DivX can not be justified.
What actually cut all the other questioners their DivX movies? The question arises here is on a regular basis, but the answers (if any) are somehow s.mir past ...
Antwort von EyTschej:

I had the problem of synonymous (although with Xvid, but no preference) and now I use the Panasonic DV codec. Somewhere I found the, either via Google or here in the forum as a link - do not know anymore. Just in the Panasonic DV codec and then convert it with the editing again. Files are only holding back quite bulky ...
Antwort von Jumeirah:

What is a good tool to convert after DV?
Antwort von dotterbart:

Premiere do not like DivX. According to DV, you can convert with Procoder.
Antwort von Jumeirah:

Good times I'll try after the material to convert DV. However, I am still not clear why the cheap Windows Media Player Picture from a DivX video premiere show and can not. Of course, a little computational work required if you do not just happen to have I-frame will show. But when I consider what Premiere can do otherwise, then it should not be trivial.