Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Diva for Linux Version 0.0.1 is ready of rudi - 8 Apr 2006 17:42:00 Diva dominated many more features than you would expect of a version 0.0.1. How can already DV, WAV and JPEG / PNG files are imported, and arranged on a genuine multi-track timeline. Most remarkable, however, seems to be the surface itself, which is already Optical Up-To-Date is a fairly easy handling, and anticipate the program. In the near future, the promised real-time OpenGL accidentally Should Effects, this program could be a real blockbuster editing for beginners or are used for simple projects. Anyone who reads backwards Diva s.größeres might think, however, the program initially seems to be more of an iMovie-rival.
Antwort von semifor:

It would still be nice if would stand in the first sentence, WHAT for a program it is. So, for example, "The video editing program diva ...".