Frage von artisthh:
Dear Colleagues,
I plan a few years since a film turn off.
've been almost 12 years as a cameraman working on solemn occasions and have a pretty good Equiptment. Have numerous weddings, concerts (live cut) filmed, as well as reports .....
Now I would like to expand in filmmaking or learn new times and just see if it works ......
SEARCH an "experienced" team that, from lighting, sound technicians, your director, Kammeramänner there .....
People who have experience and it does not make for the first time. Hobby and interest should pass on his knowledge in the foreground. Gladly synonymous media students who want a film. Let us form a team and some excellent state.
own two-prof. DV Camcorders 1 / 2 inch (JVC GY-DV 5000)
-all lights (daylight and artificial) (30 watts, 300 watts, 800 watts and 1000
Sound-a pretty good Condenser Micro
-Sound mixing (analog) 4 channel and 8 channel
of prof. Picture and sound mixer to multiple prof. Monitors
- DV Recorder (SonyDHR 1000)
- (missing what could be a decent editing software and editing experience s.PC)
people-just under 7 of the cameras quite well understood (but not for films but rather in other areas)
-pretty good relationship in Hamburg to arrange locations ...... etc etc ...
Naja details could be planned later. A script I have not synonymous. So the content could still be synonymous to worry .....
So wär has an interest here in the forum report and you get to know.
Scheduled rotation could start s.October 2007.
Prior to this time could be the organizational and substantive to be made clear .....
Antwort von artisthh:

an addition would be that everything in Hamburg expires. Hence, it would be s.besten if the team members from Hamburg synonymous or environment are ......
So Hamburg :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Since when is interested because of the technical equipment, if you want a film? You need an idea and content. Thus begins a movie but not listed with your Krimskrams technology.
Antwort von artisthh:

Thank you for Superfluous message. If you what the answer would be useful, would have asked me the next. (sorry that I react so scathing, but such people like you annoy me in the World Forum )......
There are many many interested in the creative and have an enormous amount of ideas and content. These people fail based on the technology and the budget.
I want a new experience in which I have something implemented.
From an idea something finish. You know? you understand?
So for this experience and I would like to put together a team where everyone has certain qualities and achievements in this project can be introduced ......
And if you now come to mind to argue that everything begins with an idea and there are subsidies, resulting in an idea can be achieved. Is there only one answer.
"Professionals can make films. I do not. That is why the team "......
So now I ask you simply no longer surprising to respond. Because simply mail me your angekotzt sorry .... and has a lot of fun even in the forum ....
Antwort von deto:

@ There are many many interested in the creative and have an enormous amount of ideas and content. These people fail based on the technology and the budget.
Is it not in the title - no budget
/ E
Antwort von deto:

SEARCH an "experienced" team that, from lighting, sound technicians, your director, Kammeramänner there .....
People who have experience and it does not make for the first time. Hobby and interest should pass on his knowledge in the foreground. Gladly synonymous media students who want a film. Let us form a team and some excellent state.
sorry your art to the forum is to turn but not synonymous
just convincing ...
"looks great since I have, but I need professionals
or aspiring professionals with the knowhow and the ...
and together we are fantastic at what the legs are ... "
then I had no lust more ...
it would be better to make a video and it Stammtisch
develop ideas in small and manageable to implement
.... everything is great with the right set ect. takes too long for no money.
gruß cj
Antwort von Pianist:
So now I ask you simply no longer surprising to respond. Say - spinnst you? You burst here with a list of your (rather s.unteren edge-based) technology inside, like a very great movie make, and then someone tells you that this does not work and you ask him not to answer? If the film projects synonymous with your leadership style, then it will hardly give anyone who wants to cooperate with you.
Antwort von HeikoS:
Krimskrams technology. Was not that provocative?
Antwort von Pianist:
Was not that provocative? The text of the original writer is usually nothing more than trigger provocations. What else should he synonymous trigger? Surely no collaborative readiness. And not solely because of the technology, but because of the sub-tones. Because it is better to sort the people early on (and clear enough) to say, so they have a chance to improve. Otherwise run repeatedly against the walls.
Antwort von deto:
You burst here with a list of your (rather s.unteren edge-based) technology to enter 2 JVC GY-DV 5000 the bottom? Well, I do not know.
Antwort von Pianist:
2 JVC GY-DV 5000 the bottom? Well, I do not know. DV is always s.unteren edge, no preference as the camera looks like. Since you have already read Sönke Wortmann and the German football team during the World Cup guide to arrive with something to be.
Antwort von HeikoS:

So I can because nothing provocative look inside.
I think it's always a shame when some people think their own views on others.
He has not asked whether it is a good idea.
He has not asked why because None reported participate.
He has denounced NOBODY.
So, why give answers that do not ask to be? And why then so pampig?
Should I really believe that it is pure welfare of you is?
Antwort von HeikoS:
2 JVC GY-DV 5000 the bottom? Well, I do not know.
DV is always s.unteren edge, no preference as the camera looks like. Since you have already read Sönke Wortmann and the German football team during the World Cup guide to arrive with something to be.
Matthias Huh?
Ne schonmal DVX100 compared with its DV5000?
The limiterende factor is not the system, but the camera head.
But whom I say das ...
Antwort von deto:

I think matthias has since raised the right dot
as artishh here has responded like one would not in his
team player.
gruß cj
Antwort von Pianist:
Should I really believe that it is pure welfare of you is? He has in essence written: "I can do not only write error-free sentence, but a bunch of technical stuff and always wanted to take a real film making. Now I am looking for people who do this for me, but everything stops at my command."
So how should we react differently?
Antwort von HeikoS:

Maybe not?
You have a knee-jerk react to everything is always what you come before your eyes?
Antwort von thos-berlin:

So, having now been clarified is that the questioner perhaps a bit unfortunate and has expressed that his hardware differently, we can to his original question to come back.
I have understood the question as follows:
There is someone who has the equipment and some friends who can operate the equipment. The are now looking for some other people (other technicians, performers and writers - and what else as starch), with whom they have a no-budget film can make. Everything about "practice purposes" but at the highest possible level.
First of all you need for a film technique and probably next synonymous Cast a script or at least a subject from the one of development. Then you need for the realization of the actors and technicians - that's clear.
For the search for partners, I would (apart from a posting here) times actually go to the university, the video club or FOLDING s.Schulen or parishes go. Letztete theater groups often have the evtl.synonymous for a film project with enthusiasm and are often synonymous ideas, filming what you can - in some cases is synonymous technology and "personal", but not enough.
Alternatively, one could ( "befeundete") music groups, whether the desire to produce a video clip have. The effort is s.Set with which to compare a movie, but it has less turning and cutting days. Perhaps synonymous an interesting idea, especially since its so "incidentally" synonymous nor any other (paid) projects s.Laufen did.
If you are with the schools or parishes makes it even did "a good deed" done.
There is also as a kind of successor to the still open channel Hamburg:
Hamburg citizens and education channel in accordance with Section 32 HmbMedienG
TIDE GmbH, shore Straße 2, 22081 Hamburg
Phone 040/41 34 65 - 80, Fax 040/41 34 65 - 99
Internet:, E-mail:
Perhaps the interest s.einer cooperation.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Perhaps Jörg has a branch in Hamburg
/ E
Antwort von artisthh:

Friends and colleagues, it is a shame what happened to the whole thing here. Really like chatting with 14 year-old children.
It will only respond to those who feel and lust have. NOT THE REST
Matthias -> you're a small spinner. Apparently belong to the people here in the network have a large flap, but otherwise ..... nirgendswo me listening to anything in the shoes to push you asi.
I did not ask whether my technique is sufficient - that is why the technique of argumentation under Stenten edge.
Why is anything in the forum and responded to provoke something? but this is not the issue ....
If you are still with me next what you suspend, we may like to call it home and entertain times clarified.
Please, there should be only people to report what the answer to the question.
Antwort von artisthh:

Thank You ThosBerlin.
I think that everything you have, mutatis mutandis intepretiert.
Thanks for the info .....
Antwort von deto:

I wonder when reading the input Fred totgelacht.
Not only on the suggestion of the opening.
But because it is the classic rock template for Laberhanseln ala Powermac and pianist has become.
And since you needed synonymous not wait until the Powermac contribution is promptly discovered and verbeißt.
Where a fleddert, the brothers are not far in spirit:
Around 9:12 clock finally ran synonymous to our piano player.
Then it came again, just around the consistent desire of the profile neuroses and psychoses life.
Even great, what a know-Dummschwätzer and one from a thread can do.
Weiter so!
We want this!
Cabaret is dead! Long live the Slashcamforum!
I have the times here myself.
So do not you wonder if this thread s.anderer body appears on the Web.
Where it does not warrant goes to video. :))
Antwort von deto:

What is actually happening with Slashcam?
Once I would have said:
There seems to be mostly just more of Volltrotteln postings, which are then of highly intelligent sadistic cynic systematically dismantled and will be dismantled.
But today I am old and as external and not me in this way.
It is entertaining but in any event!
Antwort von deto:

hey gast,
sorry but your knee-jerk attitude has absolutely nothing now
with the theme or to do?
gruß cj
Antwort von deto:
What is actually happening with Slashcam? Nothing.
Two or three kicks ass in the right direction,
a week-long rigorous tracking of correspondence by a moderator with finger contact with the cancel button and it works normally again.
A shame that the makers of this excellent Page is so little to worry about this forum.
A shame synonymous to the few people with the expertise and will use the case here in vain to a higher level to try.
Antwort von r.p. television:
Naja details could be planned later. A script I have not synonymous. So the content could still be synonymous to worry .....
Even at the risk that my unsolicited Kritk as Schlau Meierei interpreted:
That should be quite a task to be chaotic. If only a "team" together to jointly provide s.dem script to work. Since then left with almost nothing left, either as a lead indicator idea proposals argumentlos off or an endless democratic discussion running to give to no reasonable result, because everyone wants to see idea.
Not for nothing are Drehbücher maximum of three persons drafted.
Or how does the saying: too many cooks spoil the broth ....
I would first select friends with thoughts about the meaning and content of the project, before I each have a say Dahergelaufenem grant. That can not work.
A producer is not so synonymous with so-peddling an idea: I want a film. Give me People and Money. First of all, interested in the content.
So rather just an idea and write a script, a core team together and then to any of the outside powers are looking for. That would be the right order. Even for a low budget project.
I write about here because I do not want Klugscheißer, but because you yourself have admitted, in this area (scenic film work) to have no experience. I have and they know (unfortunately synonymous from my own experience) it just as you described did not work.
Antwort von deto:

stairway to heaven s.euch all.
Antwort von deto:

Yes but the idea of a good documentary is almost of itself: mitfilmen as a chaos, ultimately in a cinematic disaster and the end with a healthy portion of self-irony and humor made.
Antwort von rtzbild:

because it is a few weeks time not there and what we see?
"MIA" is here! I know of "MIA" from another forum, there is the abbreviation for "Will Always Answers".
If one for a documentary "makers of genital piercings" searches, so please only the "carrier of genital piercings" sign, not arm amputees, tattooed or Ferrari driver.
So far my personal opinion.
I am a reporter, a small regional reporter with modest equipment in miniDV format (with photo function), but my pictures are taken, will be shown on TV and in print.
It is therefore scheiss first no matter what the colleague for a recording medium has merits first
FILM MAKING If the first 20 were good and an x-hundred thousand euros in the fund have played, times you can have a rotation in 35mm speak, before I invest the (nonexistent) 1000 euros in the first idea of travel and catering s.Set, printing . nor for the costume rental, the tailor or hairdresser.
MiniDV now that a serious movie format has become is beyond question.
What originally began as a "Digital Video for the poor" was laughed at and called, is today in many news agencies, production companies and filmmakers are not just for cost reasons established.
The devices are cheap, small, easy to use and unobtrusive to use.
A "complete" in miniDV video equipment costs less than a Fujinon Lens for a beta-Cam.
Klar, who is on the upper tens of thousands of film industry is one, revolves with a DigiBeta, is expensive and Cast Dieter Wedel would lead Directing.
artisthh but is not among the top ten thousand, it is perhaps not even one of the top-100 camera men in Germany, he is simply a video enthusiast who is now a movie on its own legs, wants to make.
And to even
Antwort von deto:

Olli, your post was just too long, I only have the last paragraph as the summary read. But this statement was ok, I find
Antwort von deto:
because it is a few weeks time not there and what we see?
"MIA" is here!
I know of "MIA" from another forum, there is the abbreviation for "Will Always Answers".
If one for a documentary "makers of genital piercings" searches, so please only the "carrier of genital piercings" sign, not arm amputees, tattooed or Ferrari driver.
So far my personal opinion.
I am a reporter, a small regional reporter with modest equipment in miniDV format (with photo function), but my pictures are taken, will be shown on TV and in print.
It is therefore scheiss first no matter what the colleague for a recording medium has merits first FILM MAKING
If the first 20 were good and an x-hundred thousand euros in the fund have played, times you can have a rotation in 35mm speak, before I invest the (nonexistent) 1000 euros in the first idea of travel and catering s.Set, printing . nor for the costume rental, the tailor or hairdresser.
MiniDV now that a serious movie format has become is beyond question.
What originally began as a "Digital Video for the poor" was laughed at and called, is today in many news agencies, production companies and filmmakers are not just for cost reasons established.
The devices are cheap, small, easy to use and unobtrusive to use.
A "complete" in miniDV video equipment costs less than a Fujinon Lens for a beta-Cam.
Klar, who is on the upper tens of thousands of film industry is one, revolves with a DigiBeta, is expensive and Cast Dieter Wedel would lead Directing.
artisthh but is not among the top ten thousand, it is perhaps not even one of the top-100 camera men in Germany, he is simply a video enthusiast who is now a movie on its own legs, wants to make.
And to even
Antwort von Pianist:
IMHO it is presumptuous, in a forum-Amateur admittedly limited resources of the Amateus attack, because no one comes in as ARRI forum on the idea after a self-matte or Baustrahlern to ask.
I can do everything fully emphasize what you've written, and perhaps that is so synonymous you noticed that I am not primarily s.seiner technique had pulled up, but that I will shape the content and style of its inquiry and its further Replies have criticized. He does not have answers that do not like him. If he is on the team with the other wants a film, with which technology is always synonymous, but then it would be all day long with situations that are somehow not like him, with whom he must work around. I see the biggest problem. If he forbids all the mouth, talk about it sometime only with himself and the film is never finished.
Antwort von rtzbild:
Achso, srptelevision:
Basically you're right, but ideas are synonymous times when pubs stay gemytlichen born, even to the loo were already out of ideas, each has its.
But: Two (and more) minds think maybe more than one, because it must be synonymous realistic.
artisthh has an idea and then discuss it with his colleagues, who can do what, whether, for example, the gaunt "port policeman" can swim at all? (He is a rescue scene intended), or Lisa Mueller whether it can ever allow that role to Barnutte dress, because she really works at Catholic hospitals ...
I think you can be a Iee in a group to implement in the group to discuss, then who makes what Rlle and who knows who else, who maybe do this and could ... the director (artisthh?) dan behind must also be careful that everyone in his role.
See kleinme but fine film company wtp-int. by Roland Reber, each from the 7-member team does everything.
I personally would like to s.der what technique or as a potential assistant, synonymous like an extras role, more dimensions, I do not at present.
LG Olli
Antwort von deto:
even on the loo has come out with ideas
Synonymous with me, but they were shit ....
Antwort von rtzbild:
My goodness pianist,
I'm simply not synonymous ... I have ADHD and acting sometimes unintelligible, ambiguous ...
Sometimes I drive people unreasonably sharp, if not because of me pillepalle respond, sometimes I talk too much, sometimes I say things that I never meant a thing, but the other has been understood ...
I have learned that in quiet times missverständlichzen Postings may be consulted, eg in the sense of "Hey, nice equipment, but how far is your idea progressed?"
DAS would have the questioner as competently reported, had shown that he is prepared to adopt its views, if he has enough information and not the original poster because of his technique as a list of quasi-abstempelt simpletons and mentally.
I have learned to treat people how I treat synonymous "must", that was for me the recipe for success and has so far not forum in which I am actively care for stress, on the contrary.
Many users appreciate this kind of differentiated approach.
BTW: ADHD (ADD with hyperactivity) is a blessing and a curse at the same time, largely associated with activity night and addictive behavior (the Internet), it is pronounced with simultaneous self-creativity-in-way stehen'heit typical.
Now clear?
Links to:
(First entry in "impulsivity" =
or here:
LG Olli
Antwort von deto:
Oh God, where are we here? It is perfectly legitimate for someone on forums looking for a team. And the whole discussion here is quite poignant and childish and unnecessary. And it is totally uninteresting, as now someone mißratene his reply synonymous nor justifies, or what someone on the technique of input Posters holds.
Again, what it itches you, if someone is looking after a team? If only it and what to potentially interested.
If you are still interested - but this is the issue:
Dear Colleagues,
I plan a few years since a film turn off.
've been almost 12 years as a cameraman working on solemn occasions and have a pretty good Equiptment. Have numerous weddings, concerts (live cut) filmed, as well as reports .....
Now I would like to expand in filmmaking or learn new times and just see if it works ......
SEARCH an "experienced" team that, from lighting, sound technicians, your director, Kammeramänner there .....
People who have experience and it does not make for the first time. Hobby and interest should pass on his knowledge in the foreground. Gladly synonymous media students who want a film. Let us form a team and some excellent state.
own two-prof. DV Camcorders 1 / 2 inch (JVC GY-DV 5000)
-all lights (daylight and artificial) (30 watts, 300 watts, 800 watts and 1000
Sound-a pretty good Condenser Micro
-Sound mixing (analog) 4 channel and 8 channel
of prof. Picture and sound mixer to multiple prof. Monitors
- DV Recorder (SonyDHR 1000)
- (missing what could be a decent editing software and editing experience s.PC)
people-just under 7 of the cameras quite well understood (but not for films but rather in other areas)
-pretty good relationship in Hamburg to arrange locations ...... etc etc ...
Naja details could be planned later. A script I have not synonymous. So the content could still be synonymous to worry .....
So wär has an interest here in the forum report and you get to know.
Scheduled rotation could start s.October 2007.
Prior to this time could be the organizational and substantive to be made clear .....
Antwort von PowerMac:
Again, it works not so. Your not interested in technology sow. Anyone interested in the technique of realization of such kind of movie always synonymous. It is the idea. Beautiful, you have a decent amateur budget. What do you imagine the front now? Will you bring your equipment and the whole day only light grip and drag? Then everything is okay. But you do here on thick trousers ... You've really only equipment. In the case, lucky you crate any director as tugs and lighting. Will you prefer even clear what you want. What makes you look like? My current impression is that only your equipment and an unpleasant form of treatment. You are arrogant, because you try using your technique is an important position in the team to legitimize, but you have not earned. Write a good script, such filming locations, find a producer and you have my luck. But forget your equipment. That is so irrelevant. A good movie takes place synonymous its funding, which in turn invested in better technology could be.
Antwort von derpianoman:
Yes but the idea of a good documentary is almost of itself: mitfilmen as a chaos, ultimately in a cinematic disaster and the end with a healthy portion of self-irony and humor made.
as quasi-VIDEO - LET IT BE? !
Antwort von derpianoman:
... Btw.:
I have the times here myself.
So do not you wonder if this thread s.anderer body appears on the Web.
Where it does not warrant goes to video. :))
That interested me. Can you find out where?
Antwort von rtzbild:
I for one am through Threaderöffner moderated forum.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Do you know etiquette?
I shall summarize:
Thank you for your message ... Superfluous
... People like you annoy me ......
.. Because simply mail me your angekotzt has ....
... Really like chatting with 14 year-old children. ...
It will only respond to those who feel and lust have. NOT THE REST ...
Matthias -> you're a small spinner. Apparently belong to the people here in the network have a large flap, but otherwise ..... nirgendswo me listening to anything in the shoes to push you asi ....
Yep, it makes you friends. To obtain answers to questions.
The typical case of a thread starter, who immediately abusive, if not immediately all his questions to answer if it does not go according to his will.
Antwort von WINner:
I for one am through Threaderöffner moderated forum.
Well, this is a look a good proposal.
Antwort von deto:
Yes but the idea of a good documentary is almost of itself: mitfilmen as a chaos, ultimately in a cinematic disaster and the end with a healthy portion of self-irony and humor made.
as quasi-VIDEO - LET IT BE? !
Yes exactly what I would be synonymous das mal was for Jörg, over their own shadows to jump and even self-critically and to create a title:
"We wanted to really make a good movie"
"The failure of a funny creative group
I mean it seriously, because that would be really interesting how the concept of wanting to have her on ironic way of distancing himself and the can in the planning involved, with the participants so garnicht s.of beginning of the real intention shall be required.
Antwort von deto:
Yes exactly
in the sphere of being, of coexistence, the whole world, the universe and ever .....
Antwort von deto:
And it is precisely in this sphere of infinite lightness of being, in which you currently seem to be there, the brutal reality of your reverie really schonunglos but sympathetically documented in our Soapoperas
Antwort von deto:
The word just let me patent
Antwort von l21f:
... with a shake of the head I hereby adopted of a self-sustaining into the grave slashcamforum ... it is probably the only thing you can do here ...
With condolences to rob gruss
Antwort von artisthh:
Again, it works not so. Your not interested in technology sow. Anyone interested in the technique of realization.
But you do here on thick trousers ... You've really only equipment.
In the case, lucky you crate any director as tugs and lighting.
try using your technique is an important position in the team to legitimize, but you have not earned.
Write a good script, such filming locations, find a producer and you have my luck.
But forget your equipment. That is so irrelevant.
A good movie takes place synonymous its funding, which in turn invested in better technology could be.
All the points you repeatedly ansprichst we have plenty already discussed.
That really is ridiculous of you to say that technology in a film is irrelevant :-)) really dead laugh. There are thousands of talents because of it, the best ideas but unfortunately due to wear without technology can not realize.
Have no budget no funding.
If you actually clear what kind of rubbish you write because ?????
I'm not creative. That said, I know. I'm not talented to write screenplays. That's not my job. - This is why I still do not understand why I am a "good screenwriting is" ...
But I'm talented wenns to go filming.
In 15 years I have just under 1,200 projects behind me. Commercials, documentaries and special occasions.
Make the first after my friend.
I'm interested to shoot a feature film. IMPLEMENTATION is the keyword. This should be done privately, not with the intention to become a star yet rich. For me and the team.
Antwort von Chezus:
The sad fact is that here everyone has the Slashcam forum only to the few (partly) funny thread limited. There are enough threads to many (synonymous for me) very interesting.
Not everyone needs the answer to everything and are excited about. It need not be synonymous every read everything.
I've got a lot from this forum and learned synonymous werd come back.
I personally think the way the thread starter with criticism bypasses not just exhilarating and would for the sole reason not to enter his bid.
Antwort von deto:
But it is astonishing how such threads always the same people together.
And then just go in one direction
Five people consistently rauskegeln and here is calm ...
Antwort von rtzbild:
it seems to be intrinsically ADHS'lern, sometimes around the corner to think ... so I can understand you and understand 100% ...
You're a baker, but not a confectioner.
You're not a designer craftsman.
You drive good car but no F1 race.
Alright, I feel it too. the equipment is there, the deadline synonymous, you (and me) our cue rotation, whether wedding, accident or gunfight with police, everything clear, but write a script?
Yes, even I write magazine and newspaper articles, for example, I still could not sit long s.einem script, because my attention time then clearly exhausted and I would chuck the stuff.
An idea so, if 2 A4 pages rich.
LG Olli
Antwort von deto:
This is not a solution, Hitler has about 5 million "rausgekegelt".
I think the speeches of PowerMac and Piano, etc. actually quite interesting.
They are representative of the German society and it is fairly direct and if you can handle it and decode it correctly, you get really solidified very quickly with little information blahblah, synonymous if this may very uncharmant and synonymous have a little one-sided and of little emotional Intelligence persuade (and maybe this is already more important than the ratio in the business world)
Basically this forum is a classic case for socio-empirical theses, so very interesting for further observation and for statistical analysis as a mirror of German society
Antwort von deto:
... Basically this forum is a classic case for socio-empirical theses, so very interesting for further observation and for statistical analysis as a mirror of German society
But what we can with it? "Dr. nerv." ?
Antwort von tfp:
Guest wrote:
Yes exactly what I would be synonymous das mal was for Jörg, over their own shadows to jump and even self-critically and to create a title:
"We wanted to really make a good movie"
"The failure of a funny creative group
I would be for "Live, the movie looks and Everything"
But seriously what is now the whole fuss? In irgentwelche things Rumlabern and are superior in Slashcamforum but for good sound and (if you're honest) is exactly why we love it here yet.
Take it out or let it remain, but the forum not only provides information but also video from synonymous class entertainment.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Again, it works not so. Your not interested in technology sow. Anyone interested in the technique of realization.
But you do here on thick trousers ... You've really only equipment.
In the case, lucky you crate any director as tugs and lighting.
try using your technique is an important position in the team to legitimize, but you have not earned.
Write a good script, such filming locations, find a producer and you have my luck.
But forget your equipment. That is so irrelevant.
A good movie takes place synonymous its funding, which in turn invested in better technology could be.
All the points you repeatedly ansprichst we have plenty already discussed.
That really is ridiculous of you to say that technology in a film is irrelevant :-)) really dead laugh. There are thousands of talents because of it, the best ideas but unfortunately due to wear without technology can not realize.
Have no budget no funding.
If you actually clear what kind of rubbish you write because ?????
I'm not creative. That said, I know. I'm not talented to write screenplays. That's not my job. - This is why I still do not understand why I am a "good screenwriting is" ...
But I'm talented wenns to go filming.
In 15 years I have just under 1,200 projects behind me. Commercials, documentaries and special occasions.
Make the first after my friend.
I'm interested to shoot a feature film. IMPLEMENTATION is the keyword. This should be done privately, not with the intention to become a star yet rich. For me and the team.
You read but synonymous, right? Obviously you have no budget and no funding. You have not yet synonymous film. How naive do you think then? Build a team with a very good book and you will get a funding. And still: no one turns with you. Rather, with your equipment. You have the question still not answered, then what position you would have gladly inne. If there are thousands talents "out there", then you have certainly synonymous talent is already written. In addition, anyone interested, whether you 1200 "films" have done. I will not discredit your work, but in the movie you start the field below. If we are, what Docus was that? For upscale television? And what kind of advertising? High advertising?
Antwort von deto:
This is not a solution, Hitler has about 5 million "rausgekegelt".
I think the speeches of PowerMac and Piano, etc. actually quite interesting.
But only if one psychoanalyst with a focus on "psychotic disorder" is.
For healthy individuals, such pronouncements simply outrageous and socially unacceptable.
They are representative of the German society and it is fairly direct and if you can handle it and decode it correctly, you get really solidified very quickly with little information blahblah ....
The information content of these messages (but not only these) two gentlemen is limited but on the representation of one's own person and less to the topic never.
This leads not only to the questioner, but synonymous with the unexperienced audience quite frustrated, because for most readers inclined to issue, in this case the video, in the foreground and not the pronouncements of some educators hobby.
What remains is the "blahblah."
Basically this forum is a classic case for socio-empirical theses, so very interesting for further observation and for statistical analysis as a mirror of German society
Only partly wrong.
Your assertion requires a degree of representativeness of these threads ahead.
For a socio-empirical survey of how you want to make it, the result is as representative as a small, s.Krämpfen laboratory monkeys suffering for the entire African fauna.
Strong statement, so far at all with the surveys, it would in that case only one pertaining to other convulsive laboratory monkeys.
Although ... who once in the Gulf Forum was.
Antwort von deto:
But what we can with it? "Dr. nerv." ?
Dr. Klaus Nervenarzt.
you have probably a much more delicate Nervenkostum
very friendly
Bussi, Bussi
Antwort von PowerMac:
Why is here again herumgepienzt? Only the first author has in depth with his charming nature gepöbelt. Everything else was factual and helpful.
Antwort von deto:
Why is here again herumgepienzt? Only the first author has in depth with his charming nature gepöbelt. Everything else was factual and helpful.
Yes .... the man is noble, helpful and well ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
That was totally funny.
Antwort von deto:
"For a socio-empirical survey of how you want to make it, the result is as representative as a small, s.Krämpfen laboratory monkeys suffering for the entire African fauna."
I had secretly hoped that such a declaration would come sometime.
Now I can go to sleep and calms in the belief that all synonymous the most intelligent people eventually will understand that they are apart from their undoubted intellectual synonymous nor emationale intelligence should have.
But it is difficult to acquire and Power MacDonald is a prototype for this, he ann no evidence, apparently with the tank through the nursery guarantee, have compassion with him, honestly
Antwort von PowerMac:
Girls, we can be happy times in the Burger King in its cozy small fries for Pseudo-Uni-Gelaber meet. You may interview me synonymous.
Antwort von rtzbild:
My God,
are you adult men or little girls?
I think more likely, some are here:
Antwort von Fridu:
He must always be another one draufdoppeln, Lackaffe this, but I like good, maybe he is a creative klitzewenig
Antwort von dnk:
Something else:
I may not be uninterested.
Would of course still to be clarified.
Could we discuss further by email?