Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Dolly-Dolly or driving without: Camera-Tai Chi for All
Antwort von masterseb:

how often did this link now? ;-)
Antwort von joey23:

The "Super Trick is now abgenudelt full: D
Antwort von edgar:

... Old but still useful in some situations.
Only with my Manfrotto 546B makes the really stupid ...
Greeting E.
Antwort von Meldur:

So really - I think the last time had posted the month before a slashcam, right? the trick is good, but the one already understands for the first time:)
Antwort von r.p.television:

I have practiced for years so and is working very well. Should not only make for the customer. Looks a little ..... from funny.
Antwort von Replay:

Autumn hole? ;-) Do I have been for a half eternity so ...
Antwort von 02VideoFaBI:

Can the "Manfrotto Video Pro Doppelprofilo" solve the feet of the ground actually spider, so that this effect hinbekommt synonymous with it? Had in fact had the tripod before buying ... Greetings, Fabian
Antwort von r.p.television:

If you think the Manfrotto 936 Pro: It has a center spider. And so it is fine.
Antwort von Tuffy: meint er!
Mit dem geht es echt gut, man muss nur immer etwas aufpassen, was man with den Füßen macht; im Innenraum rutschen die Gummi-Teile gern mal weg, gerade auf Dielenboden. Draußen ist man with den Spikes aber gut dabei.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von edgar:

With it's great watching you just have always something to do with the feet, inside the rubber-like parts slip away time, especially on floors. Outside, one with the spikes is it going.
Greetings On the wooden floor spikes to keep a good thing - you have only purely kloppen neat! * Duckundwech;)
Antwort von Tuffy:

Those things have noticed both world wars and the penultimate turn of the century - but the landlord has surely understand:)