What do you need for a dual monitor system? You mean, where do you put it on the second monitor?
Antwort von Forrest:
Most modern graphics cards have two outputs, usually an analog VGA output and a digital DVI output.
Because you can add your two monitors (DVI-VGA adapter to connect there's).
Bye, Christian
Antwort von rush:
forrest zustimm;)
so it looks to me ... 've got a radeon 9700pro older have a vga and dvi output has ... have 2 analog tubes hanging off, the second stop on 'nen dvi-vga adapter ... funzt wonderful and you can Müllen to the desktop twice as full * lol * But für'n cut really very clever ...
Antwort von silentzero:
And you have to stop somewhere, or does it just depend if the second monitor s.der graphics card?
Antwort von Forrest:
"silentzero" wrote:
And you have to stop somewhere, or does it just depend if the second monitor s.der graphics card?
On my graphics card can be set on the Drivers. That should not be any different for other cards. Normally, first you'd have if nothing is yet set, although synonymous get something displayed on both monitors, but just the same on both;)
The rest you will need to set on the drivers (Control Panel -> display) can. It helps a look at the manual or on the website of the manufacturer of the graphics card.